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Everything posted by Fragsponge

  1. We need bears in the woods, imagine Bear V Shovel battles- EPIC Seriously though bears would add an interesting, if not frightening challenge & provide crafting/trade materials
  2. As the topic suggests: - A Train in a random poor condition, with say one carriage, spawns at a random point along the existing Chernarus rail system, possibly with a higher % chance at a rail station. - Survivors need to find parts to repair & refuel the train in order for it to be operational - these would spawn in obvious areas such as train yards & industrial areas and due to the weight of the parts & amount of fuel required this would be a significant task. - The train & carriage for those fortunate enough to make it operational would then potentially form a useful mobile base, however this train would not be fully lockable (like EPOCH) & thus would be quite the prized target. Potentially players could be able to upgrade parts of the train, say with panels for protection, gun ports etc via the crafting system. This vehicle could potentially become quite an important part of any settlement setup or attack on one. Also, If there is a plan for randomized events to be part of Dayz SA (bit like Arma 2 Wasteland or Dayz Epoch etc), a working version protected by AI might make an interesting mission worth the risk
  3. Fragsponge

    Suggestion - Usable Train - Dayz SA

    All aboard the DAYZ train!!! I can see a satchel charge ambush brewing
  4. Fragsponge

    Suggestion - Usable Train - Dayz SA

    Of course, no need for a massive locomotive, I think it might add an interesting alternative to the likely setup.