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Everything posted by bulldog242242

  1. bulldog242242

    Looking for a group/clan

    Im looking for a group as im a new player but i already have some loot thats good enough to survive but its not fun being by myself being afraid that if i see anyone i will ether have to shoot or they might shoot me. I don't like killing other players but if it my life i would rather have them dead. I have a mic,teamspeak, im 14 years old. skype:bulldog242242
  2. bulldog242242

    Looking for a group/clan

    Still looking for a group to play with
  3. bulldog242242

    Looking for a group/clan

    really no-one recruiting?
  4. Application Name:Bulldog242242 ( like to be called bull or bulldog) Age:14 Time Zone:Eastern time (indiana) Country:United States Of America Are you willing to commit to the NCR?:Yes i am. Preferred Job:NCR MP (Military Police) Why do you think you deserve to be in the NCR: I have played fallout new Vegas well this is really not a reason. I am a team player and do better with a team or when told what to do. as i know im not the best at Dayz so if someone has a plan i will go through that plan with all i have. I like to make sure no one steals or no one gets into things they shouldn't. I m a new player and i would like to start in a place where i feel welcomed and have good players by my side This is for Standalone right?.
  5. bulldog242242

    Northern Army Recruiting [NA]

    IGN: Bulldog242242 Age:14 Location:United states / Indiana