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Everything posted by cptZiggy

  1. cptZiggy

    Berezino: The new Cherno...

    Never been in Berezino without meeting anyone. Usually I'm the one who gets killed. Today it was the other way around. Went in there because of the medical supplies. Can't really by bothered to go all the way down to either Elektro or Cherno. Waiting for my friend to show up I hear shootings by the store. I get cover and hide, and hope for the best. More shots are coming, both m1911 and some sort of AK. I tried to move around but it sounds like they missed me with only an inch or two. I dont actually know if this is the case or not, either way Im terrified. I find myself a nice little spot behind the store and start waiting. Suddenly this guy turns the corner, he opens one of the back doors, gets in and closes it. I can see his head through the small windows, and start fireing. Murders: 1. 2 seconds later anoter head is appearing trough the opening. I fire again. Murders: 2. My hands are shaking and Im on heading for the nearest exit of Berezino when a guy holding a lee enfield is standing in front of me. I close my eyes and pulls the trigger. Murders: 3 Where I was theres an X on the map, marked "target." Dont know if its one of the first two, the third one or anyone else who has done that. Dont really care either, just heads for the forest.
  2. cptZiggy / 94945 Trouble Connecting

    Tried updating manually, tried rollback, tried sixupdater. Only get wait for host. Either get wait for host or battle eye initialization failed
  3. cptZiggy

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    There's a couple of stories I feel generally bad about. Like one time in Elektro or Chern a couple of days ago. After I died I've been trying to get good loot in one of the big cities before I start my journey into the forest and beyond. I either die of zeds or other bandits. Just got a decent gear so I decide to head for the exit. One guy comes running towards me with 15 zeds on his tail. I decide to do the right ting. Shoot him in the legs. I made a run for the top of the hospital and watched him getting eaten. When thing had calmed down I tried to head for the exit again. This time a guy comes crawling across the road. I ask him if his friendly, and he says help me. He got a sniper rifle I sorta wants. I give him some painkillers so he wont shoot me but I dont want to spend my morphine on him so I say Im all out. I assist him to the hospital, at least almost. Across the road I start firing at a Z and bails. He has no chance and I get my sniper rifle.
  4. cptZiggy

    Any stories you feel bad about?

    Guy came running towards me in Chern with no weapons but a couple of zeds on his tail. Thought I'd be nice and kill them to help him out. He seemed surprised cause he didnt really know where to go so he just stood there and gave me a salute. How can I not put a bullet in his head when he's going for the salute? Its a way too good pose..
  5. cptZiggy


    I guess there's no way to get your gear back from incidents like this?
  6. cptZiggy


    Yeah, I got killed in this aswell. Screen went black, got an URL, which i dont remember, suddenly I were 50 feet up in the air. Died when I hit the ground. Soo many days of hard work gone i 5 seconds.
  7. cptZiggy

    Fun stuff to do... (griefing)

    Haha, I love that somone is actually doing this. It's really hard to resist the temptation to be a completely utter twat sometimes.
  8. cptZiggy

    Your stupidest death

    Went into an outhouse and tried to close the door (dont know why), ended up on the ground bleeding and without any medical stuff on me. So yeah, I got killed by an outhouse door.
  9. cptZiggy

    Voice & Text Communication

    Haha, sorry about that. In game, so didnt get all the details. Thanks anyway.
  10. cptZiggy

    Voice & Text Communication

    I cant use the side chat channel. The only ones I can choose from in all servers are direct, vehicle and group. Any reason? Is there some button I may have pushed or anything like that?
  11. cptZiggy

    Looking for ppl to play with

    Let me know if anyone wanna join forces! My first attemp laster 5 days, before another survivor ended it. Now im in 3 day, and starting to get tired of running alone in the woods looking for loot. North European player. Steamname and nickame are the same.