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RoyalForce (DayZ)

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About RoyalForce (DayZ)

  • Rank
    On the Coast

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    From Zero To Hero
  1. RoyalForce (DayZ)

    When are the cars coming?

    DayZ is almost like Arma 3, It is possible.
  2. RoyalForce (DayZ)

    When are the cars coming?

    I hope they add some rare vechicles aswell.
  3. RoyalForce (DayZ)

    [SUGGESTION] - How about if each player can have 2 characters~?

    That's good to hear. I hope they do it before beta though, at least pretty soon.
  4. This would be such a great feature in the game. Sometimes I play with friends and when we log out in same spot I wanna stay with them as this character could be just for playing with friends, and the other account could be so you can play lone wolf at your own times. What do you think?
  5. RoyalForce (DayZ)

    Noob Question But Serious..

    Go to your steam friend-list. Top left of the messenger there is a little icon that says friends click that. Then click settings. Change your profile name. Voila!
  6. RoyalForce (DayZ)

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    I've only changed the GPU_MaxFramesAhead=1 GPU_DetectedFramesAhead=1 and -nosplash -skipIntro -world=empty on steam launch options. Game loads super fast now and I have a drastic fps increase :D Thanks man!
  7. RoyalForce (DayZ)

    does your blood group change everytime you die?

    I wouldn't do that at this stage of the alpha, the screen saturation (grey) doesn't go back into color. I'd rather enjoy full colors than the paleness.
  8. RoyalForce (DayZ)

    Direct chat, working or not?

    Works but often I can't understand what other players are saying, I know it's realistic to make the voices quieter the further they are but it's too quiet at the moment even at close distances.
  9. I got a lot smoother gameplay than DayZ Mod, the lag is minimal for my sh*tty pc.