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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. Hm. found several military barets. Green new zealand, green chernarus, red and blue. Sadly, as soon i saw them, i got killed, dammit. @twingunz: How's the sawed off shotty? Could you maybe post some pix/video from first person etc.? Can you put the sawed off in the leather holster? :>
  2. irishroy

    Think Everyone Kills on Sight? Not Me! (video)

    this dude "I'm rape'n him" 2s later he's dead xD
  3. Thk u ;) While i love both, shotguns (ONLY pump-action-ones, or ones with style, such as Winchester or the Boomstick,) for cool one hitting and pump actions for their badass-"reload", and revolvers, i prefer revolvers always a little bit more. They are powerful, look damn good, and still are quite handy and fire fast enough ;) Jaja, der Dude. Wusstest du, dass es den Dudeismus gibt? Und den Dudley Lama?
  4. irishroy

    Sawn-off Shotgun, not what you'd think.

    HeyHey! Can you put the sawned off shotty in teh chest holster? but yeah. It should OHK in close ranges, like <10-15m, i think. or at least reliably 2 hit kill.
  5. sorry man. but saying, a shotgun is more badass than a revolver... C'mon... man.. C'mon.....
  6. Drinking early makes you a pirate!
  7. I know, i know. even though there are plenty of possibilities to drink/get water in the game, i still wanted to suggest this method, because i also do it in RL from time to time, too ;) You'd need a knive, a bottle and some rope, so the bottle can be tied to the tree. You could get infections/get ill by drinking the birch-water, even though it is actually really clean. I don't know how this could be implemented in the game, tho. He does it a bit "rude", because when using smth. like a drill, etc., the tree isn't able to fully recover as quick as if i would've used a knive. Just wanted to share with you, that it's possible to get water from Birchs :> Have fun finding your own birch and trying to get something out of it xD
  8. irishroy

    Need smth. to drink? Tap Birch trees!

    ah, yeah, really. Didn't notice, sorry ;) but i have videos ;)
  9. irishroy

    Nagant M1895 - Poll

    anyway, it's a revolver :) take the beanz, sir
  10. irishroy

    Safety in Numbers

    First of all, as much as i'd like to have a HUD, i still say no. Dayz is a big part about realism, and no HUD, IMO. (even if i'd like to have one, tho ;) ) And the group thing is good, but there are to options: #1: they stay together, and work together #2 they try to kill the others, or work for some time, and then kill to get geared up fastest. IMO, newbies just should spawn closer to one another, but not in a group. and make some villages newbie-only, so no geared players can go on newbkilling-rampage.
  11. Sergio and Ennio, what a dreamteam ;) Mad Max leg-holster & Sawed off Izh-43 + Poncho/"Raincoat" & cool Hat Clinty and i'm happy :>
  12. Hm,m sry for stupidity over 9000, but: Is it already out..?
  13. Wat r FYI-holsters? Even google can't help me with this one, so it must be a pretty dangerous secret /(°o°)\ Maybe it could take a belt-slot, if belt's will be implemented, i thought. But: when the legholster accupies the belt-slot, i can't have a belt-western-holster.... Problems over Problems...
  14. irishroy

    When you know you play too much Dayz :p

    I know i play too much DayZ, when i try to wrap my vitamin-pills around my arm.
  15. irishroy

    New backpack, weapons

    I really love the Hunting Rifle, tho. Seems to be semi-auto? OFC i'd prefer a or the sawed off As i'm not into this whole gun-thing and their ammos, i'd just load one with "slugs", the other with buckshot. Gimme a westernholster for the Magnum, a legholster for the sawed off and the Yellowboy on the shoulder. Dayum If i could give myself some beans, i'd to this for having such an awesome thought :D
  16. irishroy

    New backpack, weapons

    i didn't, but i'm happy, that i've seen it nao^^
  17. irishroy

    Pretending to be A German

    I'm german, and i don't even see a tiny bit of german accent, aside from the "th = s" ;) #1 Arnie =/= German He speaks an english-austrian-accent, i think #2 Not every socalled german speaks the "th" like a "s" Goddammit xD
  18. Geilomat. I love it loud Goodgood. Releasing something (that might be preddy buggy) on late friday isn't the most intelligent thing to do ;) Good move!
  19. Thanks! Yeah, leather's always gr8. Tough stuff. Is almost "waterproof", too ;) the "typical" Cowboy hats are for posing, and posing only.
  20. irishroy

    Why you can't trust anyone.

    and that's why i shoot first, when i'm alone. Nobody get's my revolver! *grmbl*
  21. "Hat doesn't make any/much sense" The Hat makes sense as far as farmer-hats look a bit like western hats, aka "Farmer Joe"^^ Makes it sense, that in a military base stones of 5-10kg lie around..? Does it make sense, that eating Rice doesn't make you become thirsty..? The thing is: Is it logical, that in a firefighter.base i can find revolver, holsters for hunting, military tactical-vests..? there are many un-logical things in DayZ ;) And yup, hats fit in russia, i think^^
  22. Any other opinions on that? I don't want to see my thread drowning ;)
  23. irishroy

    Left handed weapons

    ou man, the sawn off 2ble barreled shotty :3
  24. irishroy


    bump :)