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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Handguns as first firearm

    :p Additionally you should be able to cut leather into smaller stripes. with these stripes you could tie someone up or "handcuff" him. or combine 2-5 leather stripes and craft a rope out of them.
  2. irishroy

    Let Us Holster A Banana

    like here ? ;)
  3. irishroy

    Handguns as first firearm

    If they will implement weapon-straps like you said, they need to increase the spawn-rate of rope (and maybe also belts) drastically. Right now rope is rare and some garages spawn it. However, nearly every 2nd house should have 1.5-4m of rope.
  4. irishroy


    No the smersh-backpack is only an attachment for the smerh-vest. the new SPOSN-backpack just looks similar to the smerhshbackpack, thouhg
  5. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    but what Odin sais is true. also: Do NOT deny the existence of a lever-action-rifle in any way, my friend.....
  6. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    Ah, OK, so I got to enjoy my useless gear one more week ;) But I thought 0.49 would come to stable this wednesday and today/tomorrow we get a new exp. patch =
  7. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.49 Discussion

    well at least we know our chars will be wiped tomorrow for sure ;) (Then I start collecting survivally-items again. DAYUM Before the wipe (=now) I had a pot+camping-cooking-thing, a tent in my backpack (taking up 12 slots), lots of canned foods, 6 (SIX) canteens and 3 blood-bag-kits (2x pristine, 1x damaged) and a saline bag! All this stuff I wanted to store in a tent, but then the wipe was announced... :(
  8. irishroy

    Kiddy Bandits

    Only you and your lever-action-rifle against a horde of pesky peasants :D
  9. irishroy

    Trading Post

    Hey, tomorrow all chars will get wiped, soooo..... ;) But I would have loved to just take the Longhorn for free
  10. irishroy

    Prison Location?

    ah, OK my bad then ;) I think having a prison on an island (utes island for example) would really fit the setting and the game would profit from it. But: the DEVs probably already planned the prison to be in the upper left corner (north-west) of the map, because there are a lot of big empty places.
  11. irishroy

    Prison Location?

    that's the pic I meant, thanks. I think this prison will look pretty good. I mena right now there is only the front of it. and in the little sketch you can also see, that the prison is not entirely "castle-themed". why should the DEVs try to port the prison from WD into DayZ 1:1? IMO, it's better when they make their own. Sure, copying it would be a nice "easteregg", but...
  12. irishroy

    Winchester 1895

    of course...? chaps are as assless as the tomato is actually a fruit. Hard to believe, but it's true ;)
  13. irishroy

    Winchester 1895

    "rough skin leather vest" maybe even chaps or self-made "over-pants" like these for keeping yourself warm: You want to put it into only your boot? ;) why not like this? A bit un-realistic, but well... Who knows what the DEVs will implement :D Dayum, this game will be OSSUM!
  14. irishroy

    Winchester 1895

    Damn, how the DEVs are going, I think we will maybe even see chaps in the game :D Offering more protection vs. bladed and punctual melee-weapons and zombie-attacks (a leather- jacker&chaps should give some decent protection against some Zeds), while having the same (or 1-2 less) storage as the normal jeans. Hell, make chaps as a kind of "attachment" to pants like a hip- or leg-holster!
  15. irishroy


    As far as I know not, sadly... ;)
  16. irishroy

    Anti tank rifles

    Chris Torchia's indirect answer on that, too: I can see an As50 or an anti-material-rifle in DayZ work, but only with the right balance (only X amount per 10 servers, only Y ammo per server, etc. etc.)
  17. irishroy

    Kiddy Bandits

    But when meeting another geared player you don't kill him "for your fun", you kill him not be killed BY him, to be safe (and you also kill him for ressources, because obtaining ammo&weapons is hard)
  18. irishroy

    Prison Location?

    which island? Utes island was in a test-build of DayZ SA but got removed (and will most likely never return, not until wehave boats or so, I think)
  19. irishroy

    Kiddy Bandits

    It's not only about ammo, but by killing a player you maybe acquire food, water, medical-items, important tools or anything else. Sure, you may ruin some items, but overall the main-reason and main-goal for KillingOnsight is the "will" to keep your own items safe. You kill the other player to be safe. And when you maybe have even less items, and struggle to find bullets and weapons, you'd probably "just" kill other players to be "safe" (ofc you attract Zeds, but Zeds won't be as much as a problem as hostile players) We will probably not have 100 people servers, I think 50-80 is best. The DEVs already stated, that they will probably increase the Zeds overall, but Zeds will not be the biggest issue, but the DEVs want to keep other players as the most dangerous problem in DayZ. (They also want to "encourage" serverhopping, because once centalized loot-systems work, server-hopping won't be really rewarding anymore)
  20. irishroy

    Kiddy Bandits

    When ammo would be even harder to find, KoS would still be a problem. A player sees another (armed) player. "I only have 12 bullets. Should I interact with him, or just kill him, probably use 2-6 bullets? Maybe he has ammo, too, so it's worth it." When ammo gets way way rarer, people will KoS as they do now, or KoS even more eagerly to keep their precious small amount of ammo safe. (that's what I think. I do not blame BF or CoD for KoS, but overall KoS is a part of DayZ, with which we all have to deal)
  21. irishroy

    Prison Location?

    Yup. there are some models in the gamefiles and they look great already ( something like a gate between 2 towers, I think). It will be in the far upper left corner or the map possibly, because there's so much empty space.
  22. dayum... range-finders.... :huh: range-finders like the little small toys to make sniping in its current stats so easy even a 5 year old kid can do this...?
  23. irishroy

    No one want to play because of the reset...

    dat color tho I think the reset will be next wednesday when patch 0.49 comes to stable. Eugenharton said smth. about it somewhere, I think EDIT: Here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/209981-reddit-eugenharton-when-is-049-set-to-hit-stable/ "During the maintenance that I described above. We will wipe the stable database as already mentioned in our status report"
  24. irishroy

    Kiddy Bandits

    Good to know, probably these two are the people f*cked your mother last night ;) Nah, I think any "age-restriction" attracts "kiddos", just like it's in CoD (or BF4). Combine that with the massive "hype" DayZ had the last years and well... And the real "goal" of DayZ is a)Survival and b)Player-interaction (in my opinion). But some (not only kiddos, but also more mature players) don't understand this and think DayZ is a PvP-based shooter with very long respawn-times.
  25. irishroy

    Status Report - Week of 25 August 14

    I don't want to sound rude or selfish in any way (I have experienced dying dogs, too), but DayZ SA is made by Bohemia and has sold more than 2 million copies.. And a Status-report is held back, because "2 persons are not there"... On the one hand this is a bit, well, "bad" but on the other hand I am very very thankful for the fact, that also the "leaders" of DayZ write this report. This is a clear sign, that they really know what's going on, what is being worked on right now, etc. But also shows, that they haven't lost player-contact as much as EA- or Ubisoft-DEVs for example (and player/customer-interaction will become very very important in the future, because many more games will be made, but only the games, which interact with the Community, will have success in the long term. (my thoughts are mixed, but overall I understand the situation and I'm happy about it) ;)