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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Left handed weapons

    Lefthanders, yeee-haw. AFAIK, da Vinci, Vincent van gogh, genghis khan, Caesar and also Obama are left-handed. Why not? :D
  2. irishroy

    Street Sign Need English Name and Why

    yup, but does chernarus look like a big "international" region with the villages of 2-8 houses..? as much as i ALSO didn't like it in the beginning, NOW i don't want it to be changed, really. This, and many other things, give DayZ the special flair. and that's, what it needs. Flair. Just find some "english" names or name sin your own language. Chernogorsk, elektro, balota, green hill, zub, etc.
  3. irishroy

    Weapon selection

    the AK will come^^ (@ least there is a file named "ak-74" in the gamefiles)
  4. Ah, coo, thx for the answer. nono, "i trust" you^^ It looked like a python, but was named "magnum", so i went for magnum .44, because of Dirty Harry xD^^
  5. irishroy

    Idea for Classes

    a bit friendlier, pls :3
  6. irishroy

    Wrap items in clothes to prevent damaging

    yup, good idea. @ least, in the middle-ages they did it like you said, i think
  7. @Dave: Yup, he simply took a normal holster Hmm, then it's a hunting holster, OK xD They name the revolver Magnum44, i think :P but i know, it looks like a colt python. I'd like to see either the Single action army (for faster shooting), or the colt dragoon
  8. Thk u for the reply! While i don't want to run around with an ushanka as a feared pistol-slinger :D i DO think, that the hat somewhere fits in there. but you are right. Russia and Wild West doesn't really work together, yes. but the wide land with a lot of wilderness,... A bit of imagination... :) Concerning the "weird" look of the holster: El Indio wears some holster, that looks a bit similar: klick for only the pic Only click on the link, if you want to get spoilered or aleady have seen the movie "for a few dollars more" (The 2nd part of the "The man with no name"-trilogy ;) klick for the video and potential spoiler (i WARN, because i know, how bad spoilers (especially on westerns) are!) but in general, i think also think, that the holster looks rather uncomfortable and weird, also not very easy to draw the gun. But i DO know, that all these things are rather "unimportant" at the moment. This is for "later", when the game is optimized FPS-wisely, Zeds are better, more guns, more realistic drop-chances, etc.
  9. irishroy

    Suggestion: Rain Ponchos

    bump :)
  10. irishroy

    Post Your Gear So Far

    DAMN GUYS! When you have the Revolver, you need to have it in the chest holster. The Backpack, the Vest, the pants.. Any other place would be inappropriate! Dammit! xD
  11. irishroy

    A Good Old Fashioned Duel

    BUMP. I got lots of tests within the next 2 weeks, but after this, i'd like to duel a bit. What do u guise think: Would it be possible, just to "practice" the dueling a bit? So when some-1 dies, take his gun&ammo, and he comes back, and it begins again ;)
  12. irishroy

    A Good Old Fashioned Duel

    Like THIS DUEL? I am always up for duels :3
  13. irishroy


    and while we're at it: this hat and the obligatory poncho c'mon DEVs, make it happen. We already have the Model 29 and a western holster :3
  14. irishroy

    Video Editing Software, What Do You Use?

    Videopad Video-editor completely free, very small program. Seems to be a bit complicated in the beginning, but it becomes easier, and has lots of features. However, it can't handle big videos not very good (like over 15-20mins or 3-4GB-videos), so just cut them in "little" filmpieces ^^
  15. irishroy

    Need a Good PC Headset

    Turtle Beach X11 Comfortable, not very expensive and a really decent sound.
  16. irishroy

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    These guns are true beauties, yes. But i still prefer the Winchester 1866 yellowboy, the good old western gun and revolvers. We already have the magnum, which i really like, but maybe something that shoots faster, like fanning the Single Action Army. Thanks for the info! I, as a western-fan am also pretty (very very positively) surprised to find the magnum and already shotgun-shells so early in the alpha! But i don't know about the Rem. 870. Please don't misunderstand me, but it's just the fact, that it became a pump-action-shotgun, that is used often very often and here and there... ;) What about "rare" guns like the , which is also known as a rather heavily kicking gun. It has 2 tube-magazines with 10 shots all in all, i think. So you have a good RoF and huge mag-size, but the reload-time after shooting several times will be the trade-off.or the ;) maybe UTS-15 (but this shotty could be kinda similar to the NS 2k, tho)
  17. irishroy

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    guise, i need a lil bit of help, as mentioned above: i5 4x 3.4GHz, 8 GB-RAM, GTX560 with 1GB V-RAM So my "settings" would be: "-maxMem=8184 -maxVRAM=1023 cpuCount=4 -exThreads=4"? I tried this and that, but i didn't notice any difference... :|
  18. irishroy

    I Liek To Kidnap Bandits

    Make 'em eat old shoes and rotten kiwis 3:]
  19. irishroy

    5 Magnums

    5 Magnums and i'm like Now you only need 5 western holsters around your hip, so you can pull one maggy after the other, fire 30 deadly shots :rolleyes:
  20. irishroy

    [SA]WeaponZ Survey

    aka Sawn off double barrel shotgun Mad Max style Mad Max plays in a kinda apocalyptic world, and DayZ.... ^_^ or good old winchester lever-action. looks badass, is badass. Question: Are there any LMGs in the making? Like L86, MG4, etc. I know, may be a bit OP and stupid, just asking ;) But shotties and revolvers are plain cool. Oldschool rulez' B|
  21. irishroy

    Safest Hospital and Military camp?

    Hm. the military tent-camp in the south seems good, i think. From time to time players, but lots of tents and good chances of finding good attachements. it's in the south, any therefore, most of the time, freshly spawned people go there => they mostly only have axes/melee weapons, so they're not a "big" threat, normally.
  22. irishroy

    We Showed A Guy The Fastest Route To Cherno

    he just had a shovel, but you had a mosin with bajonet, pistol and a firefighteraxe....
  23. irishroy

    Possible FPS Enhancer

    Hmm, i am a pretty new,noob regarding PCs xD, i got: i5 4x 3.4GHz, 8 GB-RAM, GTX560 with 1GB V-RAM So my "settings" would be: "-maxMem=8184 -maxVRAM=1023 cpuCount=4 -exThreads=4"?
  24. hm, little offtopic, maybe not: I've seen a rabbit in a house yesterday xD he was sitting there and moving a bit, but not a lot.