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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Shotgun Snap-Loaded Shells Bugged

    nono. when you load the shells with the snaploader, the velocity sinks. Just by loading with a tool, the velocity, compared to load manually, sinks. but of course, a pump-action-shotgun should do more dmg, that's clear.
  2. irishroy

    Guns - What Should Be Done?

    more shotguns ( ;)), but before that, fix the shotgun-snap-loader bug I would increase the bullets to kill from the M4 to 3-4. make magnum a bite more accurate. increase bullets to kill for fnx maybe by 1 leave mosin as it is, make it maybe a bit more accurate/higher velocity, so when the SKS comes out, that the mosin isn't useless. decrease the ammo spawning for the magnum and m4. but i think, that we already have civilianguns, like the SKS, Revolver Python, both shotguns, baseballbat, splitting axe later: crossbow and ruger (hunting rifle) will be added http://dayzintel.com/dayz-standalone/weapons-post-what-to-expect
  3. irishroy

    Shotgun Snap-Loaded Shells Bugged

    in the first 3 mins.... Edit: Hethwill was faster :<
  4. irishroy

    Shotgun Snap-Loaded Shells Bugged

    for a good use ;)
  5. irishroy

    Fireaxe Unfair?

    Sorry, but this is true. i think nobody can survive a heavy hit by a firefighter axe..
  6. irishroy

    A Good Old Fashioned Duel

    yupyibyibyib bump
  7. irishroy

    Magnum Speedloader

  8. irishroy

    Stay away from the shotgun(s), here is why.

    where did you find this info/how can people like me (total pc-n00bs) find it, too?
  9. irishroy

    Additional layers of clothing

    Yaay, raincoat, poncho, dusters. Would look cool, but also be very useful, yes.
  10. I like your avatar. I like it a low.
  11. irishroy

    shotguns are incredible....

    Just ignore them, and finished.
  12. You can build a tomahawk from a stick, (flint-)stone, some rope and maybe a saw ;) We got evrything in the game to build a tomahawk. we got stones, rope, saw and stix
  13. irishroy

    Gun case

    Cool. Sawn off shotgun on the hunting backpack (from the movie: "the book if Eli")
  14. irishroy

    Magnum revolver vs FNX45?

    No question. nope.
  15. irishroy

    shotguns are incredible....

    guys please stop peeing at each other. the one has fun "itching" around with "it's alpha", the other one wants to "complain" about things. In my opinion, you have to complain to improve the situation. but somemtimes, somebody sees a critic as just a useless whining, what it actually isn't, IMO ;)
  16. irishroy

    Gun case

    Guise guise guise! I got it! Once the PPSH/ "tommygun" is implemented, we need a gun case and hat like this: *\(^o^)/*
  17. irishroy

    Roleplay Server (Looking For Help)

    Hook me up, any TS for this? shotgunroy is o the woy - ehrm - way
  18. irishroy


    ouh yeah, as i#ve posted it earlier: roy the trapper got my double-barrel-shotgun with slugs, some leather-pants, a poncho and a green bandana/ushanka, splitting axe/tomahawk/hatchet, improvised backpack, magnum on my belt. and on top of that, a nice green poncho :>
  19. irishroy

    Gun case

    Thx :>
  20. irishroy

    Gun case

    nono. Like the gun-box takes 1x5/6 squares in the backpack, i think, would be good. then some building-time/re-asselbing-time, and good good
  21. irishroy

    Weapon Changes - Glitches, nerfs, and buffs.

    Hmm, don't hit me for my opinion, but i think the spread shouldn't be increased on any of the shotguns, that are currently in the game. the normal version is fairly "accurate", as it's supposed to be for a double and "long"-barreled shotgun. Also the spread on the sawn off is big enough, i think. Otherwise, i think it's good. P.S. I'm still wondering, because in the gamefiles it says, that the shells, that were loaded with the snap-loader, do ~70-71% less damage, then the normally loaded shells. Maybe this is the point in shotguns often resulting in NOT one hit killing in cqc..?
  22. irishroy

    shotguns are incredible....

    did you load the ammo with the clip/"speedloader"?
  23. irishroy

    12 gauge shotgun slugs

    some say, they're "disabled", some say, they have found one here and there. either they are very very rare, or not spawning.
  24. irishroy

    Suggest an Item Thread!

    Clothes: Bikerchaps :> leather jacket / or leather punk jacket (since we already have red punk-boots in DayZ... ;) ) Leg holster Poncho (the last layer of clothing, so above jacket/t-shirt, vest and backpack) Not only military, but also more common, civilian ponchos in green ( :> ), blue, red and brown.