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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Correcting SA ballistics

    Hm, okey. So less velocity, but same damage. I could deal with this ;) What about slugs then? Faster than buckshot, slower than buckshot?
  2. irishroy

    Items you'd like to see on DayZ

    little reminder and friendly bumpittybump :>
  3. irishroy

    Abandoned Olympics

    yep, here it is:
  4. irishroy

    Backpack spawns

    not only in deer-stands, but also the higher-seats with ladders. dunno, how it#s called in english. Where the hunter sits and shoots deer. If there was an apocalypse, i'd hide a backpack there, because Zeds can't climb ladders...
  5. irishroy

    Gameplay Mechanics Pt4 - The Weapons

    AFAIK, Dean already said, that he wants players to be able to put guns/rifles to the backpacks. Would look a bit like: (The handle belongs to a sawn off remington, i think. And the grip hanging down to the machete. I ALREady suggested legholsters, and Chris Torchia answered, that they're thinking about it, seeing, how difficult it will be to implement these. So i dare to say, that they're on the way. but when storing/hanging a weapon to the backpack, it should stick out of it/hang on the side (on mountain backpack, hang on the side. On Taloon/Hunting/improvised it should stick out a bit, IMO. I'll write more later ;)
  6. These rubber"slugs" are a good idea, but when doing "less" dmg, they should be more common than slugs, and also maybe a bit faster.
  7. irishroy

    Correcting SA ballistics

    the change with the shotgunthingy.. Will this nerf the shotgun's damage? ;) Because when lowering the velocity from 900 to 404, the dmg will drop by ~45% :s
  8. if possible, i want an XRail for the pump-action :> But the slug-rounds will come back, for sure. they are removed, because they are bugged^^
  9. irishroy


    Yep, gimme dat hat xD lots and lots of people r running around with gas mask, ballistic helmet, TTKSO pants and jacket.... but whoever kills me, gets lots of guns, ammo and food. shiet
  10. there's also a brown one i wonder how they look, when worn, damaged, badly damaged or ruined :>
  11. irishroy


    and bike helmet? ;)
  12. nope, not a shotgun, i think. spray is too high for this range. and also the "enemy" was firing multiple shots, while the shotty can only shoot twice. EDIT: or hacker, yes.
  13. irishroy

    Abandoned Olympics

    i think the last pic is from germany, olympics under hitler. Nvm, cool idea,
  14. irishroy

    Mosin vs. SKS?

    Sry or going off-topic :(
  15. irishroy


    i run like this good protected, but no villain-look-a-like
  16. cowboy hat is on the way Clicketty click on the spoilaaaa
  17. Hat conirmed from Chris torchia
  18. irishroy

    A couple of new finds.

    where's the machete? :>
  19. irishroy

    Character Specializations

    i dont like the idea, but i hate people. who just say "No, you motherf*. this is bad, and you are bad"
  20. irishroy


    improvised backpack. why not improvised weapons? Would be good, yes.
  21. irishroy

    Fix shoutgun ranges

    slugs were removed. and you can't load them in the shotguns right now.
  22. irishroy


    bump :> just for se lulz
  23. But they would have to make the guns/the player very very inaccurate, i think. Try to aim with two pythons, FNXs or even 2 sawn off shotties in each hand xD
  24. irishroy

    Got My First Down Jacket And SKS :p

    Found my first 16 downjackets and 3 SKSs
  25. irishroy


    kinda joe_mcentire was so nice to post me this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ_n_57pgcM TBh, it looks a bit odd. Just a sharp metal with green plastic handle.. dunno, expected something like this xD but still not bad. just want to see, how it looks on the back. i think i'll drop my fire-axe, i the machete is able to 1-2 kill a zombie and also hurt players badly. it's just the fact, that some people say, that you need 4-5 hits on a player. I think, it would be OK, if we could find a Machete, and then sharp it with a stone, so it 1-3 "shots" players. Both, the stone and machete are in the game.