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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. Well. too much realism... However i think: these decisions (should i take the mosin for long range, or the M4 for cqc and medium?) are the things, which make Dayz interesting. If you have FNX, Magnum, M4, mosin and firefighter-axe, you can go everywhere without avoiding anything (kinda god-mode) you are equipped for long range with the Mosin, deadly in medium-range and CQC with M4. Best melee-weapon..
  2. irishroy

    Holdout weapons

    the problem here is, that far more people kill on sight and overall kill to A) get the gear of a player and B)lower the chance of getting killed. Rarely people hold other ones up and handcuff, rob them and then let them go. They just kill, loot him and take what they want. Holding up some-1 bears enough risks right now and isn't as easy as just killing on sight, I think. So if you make the work and take the time and danger to hold some-1 up, it shouldn't be made even harder and more dangerous. there are 2 types of bandits: The ones, who kill for loot (and even if they dont need something: they kill just to be sure) And the other ones, who are "honorable" bandits, who take the risk to hold some-1 up "properly" So giving the players (who are held up properly) a weapon (invisible holster+weapon) against the honorable bandits isn't good, IMO. If a bandit takes the time and risk to rob you, he could have also KILLED you a long time ago. But he didn't. He waited and took the hard way, because it's "more friendly" and more role-playish. I hope you understand me ;)
  3. irishroy

    Holdout weapons

    So adding the holster will reward KoS and punish the true bandits/heroes? Sorry man, but this idea again: Realistic and good. But too much realism => destroy the fun in-game
  4. When clooecting guns to stash, you should only be able to carry 2 guns (1 on back, 1 in hands), so you have to run more often. And I hate the ability of stashing guns. Persistent backpacks are enough. You can store food, water, clothing and handguns in them That's enough. sry for dubblepost
  5. You can use slugs on shotguns.. and with slugs, they're deadly far beyond "close range" ;)
  6. irishroy

    Post your Preferred Loadout

    Green B95MagnumCowboyhat (brown one: badly damaged preferred)"flecktarn" Assault VestLeather jacketBrown hunterpantsLeatherslippersHunting BP
  7. i think it's fine as it is. However, carrying 2 "primary" weapons should have "massive" drawbacks, because you are prepared for every situation with very deadly weaponry. (Like M4 + Mosin for example. Excellent from long long range until CQC under 2m)
  8. irishroy

    The Kafu Tribe Event

    Gr8 idea! Can i keep ma leather jacket? What about sawn off shitguns? Yes, No, maybe? :>
  9. irishroy

    Visible Gear

    shotgun the backpack =>
  10. irishroy

    POLL: best/worst guns in the game

    IMO, the Blaze is the best gun. Effecitveness and statwise, it's the 2nd worst rifle, I think.
  11. irishroy

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    So you need to get 'dem in da faiz to deal good dmg then?
  12. irishroy

    The Gun of your Choice

    it's not even in the game yet xD just the recoil-numbers are in the gamefiles^^ And 8 gb ram ~60$ is pretty cool, yes
  13. irishroy

    The Gun of your Choice

    I would stick with 8 GB, got it myself. In DayZ, titanfall or Planetside2 when there's heavy action, etc. I mostly hang around 50-70% RAM. 80%+ are only reached while rendering videos etc. So 16 are a bit overkill, i think. However, if they're on sale, cheap and you have $ lying around ... ;) I know the problem with RAM-bars and Cpu-coolers xD Had to fumble and try around quite some time until they worked together and had their space xD Man, Blaze would be so cool, if you could attach a LRS to it... Wouldn't be too strong, because the B95 is more inaccurate than the Mosin and only holds 2 rounds.
  14. irishroy

    The Gun of your Choice

    i5 3570K is a good really tough one. I have mine cooled and its temp. is never over 35°C xD how much ram?
  15. irishroy

    The Gun of your Choice

    Man, I didn't know so many people support the Blaze xD Good to know. Please support the B95 then ;) Redditpage with suggestions of attachments for the Blaser B95 reddit suggestion thread maybe ask some DEVs via twitter/reddit, too, dunno^^
  16. irishroy

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    I'll still keep the sawn off in the leather jacket, just because why not. But that's really, stoopid. Totally stoopid they said they nerf it by 25%..... C'mon. Nobody was crying how "OP" the shotguns are... Now they're just Sh|†-guns, it seems. Nothing more. Shitguns. And when i think about it: The sawn off deals more dmg than the long one (and is less accurate)... so i the sawn off can't kill under 20/15m, the long one won't do it, either, I believe...
  17. irishroy

    Bipod alternatives

    was already suggested on reddit. I fully support this idea.
  18. irishroy

    Pistols too inaccurate as well as m4?!

    Magnum can be inaccurate as fuck sometimes...
  19. irishroy

    new to the dayz

    nah I'm not a grammarnazi @ all. but its hard to read if you type without , and. because then i dont know if the sentence is already finished and a new one begun, or if its still the same sentence ;)
  20. irishroy

    Music in the car

    the machete is also useless sickle is useless hard hats are useless, down jackets are useless canvaspants are also useless. tip: Don't always ask for the "use" and "what is it worth?" ;))
  21. irishroy

    Music in the car

    test test stoopid stoopid why am i writing in black? But a GOOD IDEA
  22. irishroy

    Weapons that should be added

    DAMN. NO. there are already lots of good weapon-suggestion-threads like this one here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/172276-the-communitys-list-of-suggested-weapons-for-dayz-standalone-important-announcement-read/ also, NO MORE military weapons, and not too much sniper rifles! More civilian and eastern weaponry! Sry that we may seem harsh and angry, but it's just the fact, that we dont want too much military and too much western(USA) guns
  23. irishroy

    Bags ruined? What happend then?

    Yes, good idea for realism. However, I wouldn't really like this, because well. Too much realism can destroy the fun. But overall, I would like to see, that for example: You get shot in the upper part of the backpack. And then 1-2 items in the 2 top lines get damaged/ruined. Because right now, dmg in backpacks is totally random, it seems
  24. irishroy

    new to the dayz

    Man, that#s nice and all, but please uses dots, comma(ta?)..
  25. Maybe a scope for the Crossbow, Ruger, or even the Blaze? :> We've seen a model of the SVD in one of the vids, probably. And the Bow/Crossbow are on the way and really close ;) so the recoil values for some LMGs and SMGs are already there, it seems anyway, good things to come. Found the bikerjacket 1 hour ago :>