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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Hanging People and Zombies

    but don't let anyone else do your mask. Everybody should craft his own
  2. irishroy

    Hanging People and Zombies

    warum nicht? Warum denn so sarkastisch, mein froind? why not? why so sarcastric? Yiss. I don't see any reason not to. We can force people to jump off a building. We are able to let them drown. We have cannibalism now, too. Why not killing/executing players in a different way? first, let us hang people. and then let us try to shoot the rope and free the victim.
  3. irishroy

    Bear/Wolf pelts

    that's true, yes. But let's say the Apo happened ~1-3 years ago. During this time, wolves may have adapted to humans. the thing is: Most or many humans during this time were armed with either firearms OR melee-weapons, I believe. So wolves would learn: Human= not their usual prey. Let's try to hunt it down. Oh, they have "weapons" and can fight back better than wolves. => Humans are tough enemies/prey. Maybe leave them alone, not hunt them down, or only when the wolves are in quite a large number. (that's my way of thinking) but it could also be the other way around: Wolves get used to humans and collect them into their prey-group. but anyway ;) Doesn't matter if wolves would be dangerous or not, a howl in the distance with an answer would always be "bone-chilling".
  4. irishroy

    Trading Post

    again :p
  5. irishroy

    Bear/Wolf pelts

    Actually, wolves wouldn't be thaaat much of a problem, if they would be translated from reallife into DayZ as close as possible. Humans are not their "usual" prey, so not even almost starving wolves would attack humans, since the wolves were not taught that humans are "edible". Most attacks on humans (by wolves) were either caused by "rabies", or by simply showing aggressive behaviour and/or making the wolf feel he is trapped ;) Bears are something different´, tho xD
  6. irishroy

    Different Combat Magnum barrels.

    Ouuuyeah or: ;)
  7. irishroy

    Bear/Wolf pelts

    that's true. But I wonder, if vikings really wore animal-heads as trophies, etc.
  8. irishroy

    Bear/Wolf pelts

    No problemo ;) I was just exaggerating, because it's just the fact, that this Bear Man was brought in combination with Vikings *gnaargh*
  9. irishroy

    Different Combat Magnum barrels.

    and while we're @ it: there are also different barrels for the Blaser 95, which the Blaze 95 is inspired of ;) back2topic: Is it possible to change the Python's barrels "on the run" or do you need any tools for doing this?
  10. irishroy

    Bear/Wolf pelts

    MAN.. COUNT SOMEWHAT. Pump your brakes, kid! OK, so I'm calm again. I am just a Western fan, and when you say, that Vikings + bear-pelt = this picture... > :( Ok. ok. chill. chill. Story-time: this man is from the movie "true grit". The Coen brothers didn't really want to have him in the film, and when he managed to finally convince them, they didn't want to give him a lot of on-screen-time. what did Ed Corbin do? Get a bear-pelt, and ttaaaalkk veeerryy slooowwwllyyy :D If a bear-man would run @me in DayZ, I'd shoot his legs and then hang him high.
  11. irishroy

    Trading Post

    3pp/normal want: leather jacket and/or canteens (preferably pristine or worn) have: sadly nothing special ;) 3x bacon-cans sewing kit Saline-bag (p) IV-starter-kit (p) 3x Rice (p) oh, and a green rain-coat (p) in return, ofc, too. I'm in Cherno and I would like to stick around in this area^^
  12. irishroy

    Camo Tents

    Maybe also tarps :p http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/211270-tarps-shelters/
  13. irishroy


    and also add sandals please
  14. irishroy

    A single screenshot to describe the current 0.50 build.

    Nope, you're not. Might as well just post:
  15. irishroy

    Just sharing a pretty interesting hybrid/DIY gun

    Hm. Looks nice, but I'm a bit mixed. This somehow combines a long-range-focused weapon with a CQC-focused-shotgun. This combined weapon will be able to kill on long-med-range, and also wrecks people in CQC. This weapon would almost everywhere everytime one-two-hit-kill people, which indirectly encourages easy KillOnSight.
  16. irishroy

    New clothing, poncho

    has been suggested by me and many other already ;) But it would cause clipping-issues with the limbs, arms, etc, the DEVs said. However, once we get a better engine with a better hit-detection-system or so, they will do it, I'm sure ;) There should also be civilian ponchos (clint eastwood style)
  17. irishroy

    Make Drybags way less common

    almost EVERY new item has an increased spawn-rate at the beginning, so more people find these items. And the more people find them, the more people are able to report possible bugs/problems with that item. ;) I don't think drybags should spawn in mil. buildings only or at all. Not every "useful" should spawn in mil. buildings. There's already a military counterpart to the dryback, which is the SPOSN-tortilla-backpack or what it's called. This backpack may have less slots, but is also waterproof, has a better colour/camo, the model itself is smaller and let's you blend in with the environment much easier. Drybags spawn in yellow, red, blue, black and green. So ~60% of the time you will find a backpack, which is very easy to spot. These drybags are used for cano-ing or how it is called ;) They could still spawn in civil. spawns, but also somewhere on the coast, or in the big ship wreck "Rify", or these small boats:
  18. irishroy

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    that's so true xD
  19. irishroy

    Strap 2 main weapons on your backback with rope

    Not really :- / I think this makes DayZ "special" in some way. If you would be able to carry a Mosin+LRS+comp AND an M4 or AKM, you would be equipped for long-range and CQC-med-range. But for me, DayZ is made special by the "decisions" you have to make. Either take the Mosin and be good at med-long-range, or go for M4/AKM/AK101, etc. and be ready for CQC-med-range. OR Carry both guns, and be set for all ranges while having a disadvantage. If you would always be ready for everything... this would be too boring (from my point of view). However, the whole item-system should be tweaked for weight&stamina, so you are "rewarded" for carrying only the most needed things, and not running around with 2x 300-ammo-boxes, 2x med-kits with 6 blood-bags, etc. etc. BUT: IF weapons should only be able to be carried on the shoulder with a strap, Rope-spawns should drastically increased. You should be able to find 2-4m of rope in every third or fourth house. Or let us cut leather into stripes, and then into even smaller stripes. And then combine 2-4 small stripes and craft a strap/rope out of it.
  20. irishroy

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    the IP is and it is in and around Chernogorsk on the construction site, the green piano house near the woods and the sky-scraper-city and the school-building.
  21. irishroy

    0.51 Ammo Rarity

    TBH, I think it's good that "basic" ammo like Shotgun-shells, etc. are fairly "common".
  22. irishroy

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    Sorry I left the server and it doesn't display in the "History". It was an official german normal server, though
  23. irishroy

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    played for 30 minutes. Found a 30 rund and 10 round .22 magazine. A CR-75 mag and a M1911-mag :D
  24. irishroy

    The good and the bad of 50th patch

    and where's the Ugly? :D Btw: I can open a Can of Bacon with brass knuckles xD (Only gives 30%, but still)
  25. irishroy

    Storing items in backpacks?

    I think this is to balance weapon-hoarding, so you can't store hundreds of rifles there and equip a whole clan with it. sometimes realism must be screwed over to make the game balanced