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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    New SMG Announced... Any guesses?

    Bizon. Also, the magazine can be used as a soup can
  2. "You want FPS-problems and FPS-drops? Say YES to wild fires and setting houses on fire!" ;) TBH, I like molotov. But not setting houses and the woods on fire. Imagine 8 people and each one throwing 4 molotovs in the forest. That would end up pretty much with an area of 800 m² of fire... Then a "whole clan" (of ~15+ players) could bring down the NASA-PCs to under 5 FPS, I bet ;) (What I want to say: The wild- and house-fires are too easy to be "exploited") Also: For me, it seems, that most people suggest things, but they only imagine, that they have the advantage of this. Imagine: You are sitting in a house and people surround you. They only need 1-2 bottles and you are dead. No "honorable" fight with guns, aiming, patience and skill. Just 1 bottle and the job is done. Is this, what you want? IMO, the "smoking someone out" will make DayZ "unreal", but it will add more fairness. Lemme guess, you surrounded a player and he killed 1-2 of your buddies..? ;)
  3. irishroy

    ultra rare katana

    of course. But removing the mil. base under the NWAF (for example) wouldn't be bad, I think. ;)
  4. irishroy

    ultra rare katana

    once cities can be made larger (without sacrificing so much FPS), a nuclear powerplant like this would work. Also: On such a small area there are 3 military airports, 2-3 mill. camps, and do not forget the fortified mil. base near balota. that also isn't logical 100% (according to my brains), but it is OK, since they were in the Mod and it's needed. but when I'm thinking about it: removing 1 mil. base wouldn't be such a problem, would it?
  5. irishroy

    Colored Hunter backpacks

    I would SO go for this look! but I would have to give up the leather jacket for it... :S Decisions, decisions...
  6. irishroy

    ultra rare katana

    katana..? Just... The setting, man. the setting!
  7. the cargo pants we have right now remind me a lot of "bushcraft-pants" (But you don't need these special "bushcraft-pants". any pants with lots of pockets will do the job, too.
  8. What do you mean with high end civilian loot? :D Hunting vests and hunting jackets like this? The only military high end clothing, which gives the most storage, is the TTsKO-jacket. TTsKO-pants = Hunter pants Everything else can be countered somehow. Ballistic helmet = Bike helmet TTsKO-Pants = hunter pants = cargo pants hunter backpack = mountain backpack etc. for me, high-end civilian clothing is: Leather jacket, Cowboy Hat, (ruined) brown hunter pants, simple olive assault vest, canteen But to be honest: Chernarus is supposed to be a eastern state with lots of agriculture.
  9. irishroy

    Where do I find leather jacket?

    3 Door Garages
  10. irishroy

    weapon suggestion "Desert eagle"

    my opinion on this one then: Just doesn't fit it.
  11. irishroy

    Layers of clothing

    I now this has been suggested before, but my thread has awesome pix! Well, I think they speak for themselves: The items could only take damage, when the layer above is badly damaged and/or ruined. Per Zombie/-Melee-hit the "layer" (=Jacket, Vest, T-Shirt) could degrade by 1-2 (pristine => worn => damaged => badly damaged => ruined) The "deeper" one item is, the longer could be the "readytime"/draw time. Like for each layer +0.75/1s And along with layers, I want suggest (again) The Poncho :D As well as civilian but also "military" ones (with and without the thing over the head ;) ) This would protect the player "effectively" from water and cold, but also increase the drawtime from anything below the vest by 1-1.5s. Could be found in barns, deer stands and military barracks, maybe EDIT: Also, there are screenshots of this baby: :> just have a look here: http://insidedayz.de/ This idea just came to my mind. Made a thread to remind the DEVs, even though I know, that this might never come ;)
  12. irishroy

    More sprays and the option to spray everything with it

    Yes, I dunno why they have it like this. But as far as player made decals go, things would get out of hand... Like: Dickbutt Vermin Supreme
  13. irishroy

    weapon suggestion "Desert eagle"

    orlok why you hide my GIF? Yyyy? the DEagle just doesn't fit this setting @ all... It's cool and I like it. Big, clunky. You don't tickle some-1 with it, like you do with the ruger 10/22 ;) And "just" writing "massive recoil, only found in the north" isn't very detailed and through-thought, either, sorry. Before suggesting something you should have a rough plan and some infos ;)
  14. irishroy

    Shoe sizes and clothing sizes

    Man... who necro's all the time these threads..? :D Too much realism =/= destroys the fun
  15. irishroy

    Hunting Scope on M4

    LRS on the Blaze! Sry, but this had to be. Even if we could fit the LRS on the M4, it wouldn't be really useful, I think. B95 and Ruger are hunting rifles. IMO, they should be able to equip the LRS. As far as I know, the mosin's rail must be modified to use the LTS, actually.
  16. irishroy

    Ghetto Blaster / Radio ingame

    you can do this already. (it's NOT hacking) and you don't just play music in the mic. this will give a very very poor music-quality ;) You work around via soundcard, stereo etc. So everything you hear on your PC will go through the "mic" in DayZ. then: => activate voice-chat ==> listen to a song on your PC ===> profit
  17. irishroy

    More sprays and the option to spray everything with it

    as I've posted on reddit: for every new colour there needs to be a new model. So when you add "red", you will have 6 objects (green mosin, black mosin, greenblack/camo-mosin, red mosin, greenredmosin, blackred mosin). So for 1 more colour the number of models gets nearly twice as big. => adding more colours increases the amount of models on the server ==> more lag for you, more server-side lag But once the item-lag etc. gets fixed and better, this would be totally needed^^
  18. irishroy

    sleeping pills

    Definitively a cool idea for "clearing out" rooms. Also then a gas-mask would be needed xD
  19. "buttstocking" some-1 unconscious/melee with buttstock, or "pömpfen" as we call it in german LARP will come for sure ;) But this idea is not really good at all. They should just implement non-lethal ammo/ - guns shooting hard rubber slugs/bullets. But I ask: Why should I knock some-1 unconscious with a non-lethal-weapon for some minutes, when I could've killed and therefore removed the danger "for ever". I see no real point in using non-lethal weapon (aside from being "hero" ;) ) Though I don't really see the big use, I'd love to have these, since "variety is the spice of life" ;) EDIT: Me "F" button is kinda broken and doesn't want to work from time to time xD So don't wonder when a "for" becomes an "or"
  20. irishroy

    A few small suggestions

  21. irishroy

    What are your thoughts on the FNX 45?

    suppressor doesn't work right now. Not for the fnx, not for the M4.
  22. irishroy

    A few small suggestions

    thanks for the suggestions ;) But the DEVs are already working on some of them
  23. irishroy

