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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Another new pistol...

    bump :>
  2. irishroy

    Crossbow as a primary

    I carry it, because I want a firearm, but don't want to look dangerous. Also, I've seen people killing others with 1-3 shots.
  3. irishroy

    Crossbow as a primary

    How do you dare to say this!? the B95 reloads pretty fast with a snaploader, and the dmg is the same as the Mosin, soo.... 3:]
  4. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    there should be people, who recognize, that Charnarus =/= 'murica and shit thatd be so cool, guys running around, wishing for the bekas, the baikal(8-shot semi auto) or the MTS :) or this here. special shotgun-shells(bigger). Spas is cool, too. But there are also lots of cool, and also weapons, which fit the setting a bit better^^
  5. irishroy

    Ghillie suit, rangefinder ?

    this has been suggested many many times already ;) => search-function^^
  6. irishroy

    Another new pistol...

    actually, we payed money to support the development of the game. and there was a poll, which weapons we/the community wants some time ago. You could vote for pump-action-shotgun, skorpion-SMG, etc.
  7. irishroy

    Another new pistol...

    DEVs said earlier, that they want way more pistols than rifles, so rifles become rare. This pistol would be a quite good rifle-compensation, if you can't find a rifle.
  8. irishroy

    Crossbow damage

    Nono. the "petition" was against the change. the DEVs thought, the Crossbow is too strong => nerf But actually the dmg was OK. In ~90% of all the other games, XBows are useless as shit and weak as fuck. DayZ had a quite balanced and strong XBow, but it was also made weaker.... Hm. the Bow's effective range could be ~0-100m And in this range, it should 1-2 hit kill everything to the chest, no matter if it's a wild boar, wolf, human or Zed
  9. irishroy

    Mosin and PSO Scope

    Damn. Mosin + PU(with real magnification of 3.4x) and B95 + LRS would be a good change, I could imagine xD If the PSO fits on the AKM, I'm not sure, how useful it is, since AKs and accuracy... :s (just a thought^^)
  10. irishroy

    Another new pistol...

    I can only hope, that the scope on this pistol is also for the B95. Otherwise....
  11. Thanks God, a new update! updates are good, they make things better, fix problems, and bring new items.
  12. irishroy

    So the MP5K is in the files, so...

    AFAIK, there was a supp. in the exp.-gamefiles. so a supp. is pretty sure then^^
  13. irishroy

    Remington 870

    we should be able to choose, what we want to saw off. only the barrel [1] or barrel+stock [2] or this (thx to the one, who showed this picture ;) )
  14. irishroy

    Tactical Mirror & Spraypaint warnings

    you mean hand-signals like this? :D I like the idea with spraypaint, but it wouldn't be good, I think. People would spray all the things, and certain situations would go out of hand I just say: Dickbutt :D
  15. irishroy

    Allow crossbow to be put in backpacks.

    Take it apart like this: warning, big white bright picture ;) Could then occupy 1x4 vertical
  16. irishroy

    shoe diversity

    And, as we call them in germany, "Jesuslatschen" (=Jesus-sandals)
  17. irishroy

    ultra rare katana

    Hm. I think, a sharpened Machete, Pickaxe, any Axe (to the head) or the sword should be OHK to the head/throat for a Zombie. 2-3 hits should cause unconsciousness + bleeding.
  18. irishroy

    Please Help! Low-end pc :<

    I would upgrade from 2GB to ~4-8GB RAM, since this is may be your biggest bottle neck. Also, have a look here: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/154330-possible-fps-enhancer/ ;)
  19. irishroy

    Riders jackets and friends lost

    Tracksuit-pants. from the exp-branch ;) We should be able to close the jacket, so the white shirt under it isn't so visible. like this
  20. irishroy

    EXP-found binoculars and quiver

    We should be able to carry the quiver like a vest. And then put a sawn off shotgun in it :>
  21. irishroy

    Animal Skins

    I'm wondering, because no-1 mentioned him yet:
  22. irishroy

    [Experimental 0.44] Zombies are fixed?

    I think both axes (Firefighter and Wood) and the Pickaxe should be OHK for Zeds to the head. The Machete, Heyfork and Hoe also maybe 1, but mostly 2 hits.
  23. irishroy

    Thermal sights. Yes or no?
