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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy


    yeah, write in this colour. doesn't give eye-cancer @ all. I, personally, don't like tents/big stashes. I think, backpacks as hide-outs would be totally fine, since no serious big guns could be stored(No Mosin, M4, SKS, etc.) This would encourage to "hoard" food & clothes, med-tools, (maybe also ammo and small firearms), i.e. "real" survival gear. However, I see the need to store guns, etc. for bigger clans. For guns, safes could do the job. Take up a lot of space in the backpack, slow you down, but can hold guns. (Could be opened with explosives and damage the contains, or opened with a blowtorch and not damaging the items inside)
  2. irishroy

    electric fence (base building)

    Yeah, I understand ;) But in the apocalypse I'd use gas to power vehicles, and not generators :p
  3. irishroy

    What's the gun you like the most?

    For me, style, looks and "feeling" are wayyy more important than pure stats. =>B95 & Longhorn Go cool, or Shiet, I forgot the sawn off shotgun, which needs to be carried in my leather-jacket ;)
  4. irishroy

    DayZ is to Clean

    Ehrm.... In a few houses, there are blood-trails on the floor leading to a closed door... I don't want to know, what's behind that door xD
  5. irishroy

    Ultralight Aircraft

    then we need clothing like this :D
  6. irishroy

    Few Items I Believe Should Be Added

    I think it would be possible to do this with ponchos in a certain way. "Just" make models for nobackpack&novest, back&novest, vest&nobackpack and for backpack&vest. That were 4 models for 1 item. But I think, a Poncho or Coat would look much better, if the collisions with the legs, arms, etc. would be generated according to the player's movements. Because when the Poncho would be static and didn't move at all, it would look a bit weird ;)
  7. irishroy

    Few Items I Believe Should Be Added

    To keep it short: Torches, Traps, Ponchos, Weather, throwable Weapons, a box/safe have already been suggested. I made a thread for ponchos, etc. The DEVs said, that coats can't be made, because coats would clip with the legs. Once the engine is improved, they will add coats. The same goes for Ponchos, I could imagine. Because a Poncho on a player without backpack&vest looks different than a poncho on a player with backpack&vest.
  8. irishroy

    electric fence (base building)

    Yeah, I understand. But would you really use the gas for powering a fence, instead of driving/powering vehicles? I mean, gas is very rare, since it isn't produced anymore... So being mobile and having a vehicle is much better than securing a fence in an apocalypse, IMO. (But that's just ma opinion, your argument still stands ;) )
  9. irishroy

    Roleplay outfits

    Yiss 3:] 20. The Dude - Canvas Pants - brown hoodie Nothing else 21. Walter - short (canvas) pants - check shirt - khaki assault vest - Sunglasses Additional advise: When talking to a person, always somehow bring vietnam into the conversation. Hmyeah, no real "roles", though... Medic would be cool, I hope the clothes will be implemented soon xD
  10. irishroy

    electric fence (base building)

    How should it be powered? With 9V batteries? Carbatteries? And if I had a powerful battery in an apocalypse, I'd had more important things to use it for (WalkieTalkie, GPS, etc.) than powering an electrical fence. I could see this later on, but I'm not fully convinced.
  11. irishroy

    burying loot! make the shovel useful :)

    has been suggested more than 4 times already, I bet. But a very good idea. However, things like backpacks, improvised courier-bags, etc. should be bury-able, too. (Just the animation, etc. needs to be longer, since burying a whole mountain-packpack takes some time...)
  12. Nope. Let's say, you set up a base, barricade it very well, you have lots of valuable things stored there, like food/drinks, medic-stuff, etc. And then the server just "crashes" or hangs up, etc. => evrything is lost. Not just your stuff, but everyone else's stuff, who was on the server. I would prefer, if the stuff would be Character-hive-locked. So things spawn and de-spawn with you. There needs to be a cool-down-timer, however, since a whole fortress, which appears and disappears at any given time is somewhat overpowered xD
  13. irishroy

    Trading Post

  14. irishroy

    The Mosin Problem

    Yup. And if the PU-scope would use the real magnification, it would also be more suited for longer ranges.
  15. irishroy

    The Mosin Problem

    the funny thing is: Since the last stable-patch, there is an optic in the gamefiles called "optic_hunting_scope_12x". But no answer from official side xD
  16. irishroy

    The Mosin Problem

    PU for the Mosin and a LRS-like-optic for the B95 :>
  17. ehrm... some days ago exp. was updated. hunting, animals, zeds chase animals, mining stones, chopping down trees, 3 new guns... ;)
  18. irishroy

    Combination Safes for Storage

    I have to admit, the more I think about this, the better it becomes. Things like fireplaces can be "deployed" and carried in the backpack. => like a Safe Objects in the environment like refrigerators will contain loot. So could a Safe. The mechanic to put items in certain things (Ammoboxes, yellow containers) already exists. Blowtorch? We have flares. A blowtorch could use the same flame, just smaller and in white&blue, like the camping-stove. The only really "new" thing to code would be the option to open the safe, and possibly damage the things inside. (Opening with brute force (pickaxe, firefighteraxe) damages by X%, opening safely (blowtorch) almost nothing. However, it should be able to open it with a Pickaxe, too. => Beans ;) (But also beans, because of Walter Sobchak) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7-jkWvp0nLQ Note, what the Dude drops @1:25
  19. - dried fish - dried steak/meat
  20. irishroy

    Combination Safes for Storage

    I don't think it makes death meaningless. It takes time and patience and lot of dangerous lootruns to build up a good hide-spot. Why shouldn't the risk be rewarded for having storage? Ok. You die. Then you head back to your hide-spot and gear up. Now what? Either go and have fun(and probably get killed again), or fill up the hide-spot again, so you have another backup? :D The hide-spot doesn't re-fill itself. You need to do it.
  21. irishroy

    Combination Safes for Storage

    this has been suggested before :p And the fact, that it should be so rare, scares me a bit off. I think everybody should have the opportunity to set up at least 1 hide-spot with supplies, etc. I think, persistent storage in form of persistent and character-bound backpacks are a great solution. Mountain backpacks offer lots of storage, but are bright and more easy to see. Small backpacks like courier-bags can hold a smaller amount, but are nearly invisible in the environment. No guns like M4, Mosins, SKS, etc. could be stored. But more important things like food, water and medicinal tolls would be hoarded.
  22. irishroy

    Winchester 1895

    Reddit-thread: http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/26apop/winchester_1895_a_leveraction_rifle_for_dayz/
  23. So. Where do i start? First text, first pix and videos? I think i go for the 15/08-setup: Dchil suggested the Winchester 1895 to DayZ: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/171985-winchester-1895/?hl=%2Bwinchester+%2B1895 The Winchester would fit really good into the DayZ environment. It can use the same ammo as the Mosin, as far as i know. (IRL, Mosin uses 7.62x54. But in-game it's 7.62x51) There were lots of Rifles produced for Russia in the early 1900s, so it could be found "fairly common". I think the logical problems should be pretty much solved right now ;) So my idea would be a side-grade to his weapon-suggestion. And i stumbled across this one: The Mare's Leg: (2:28 Dat Sherrif-feeling; Walking through Elektro, Svetlo and Cherno in a group, clearing up the town) So i sat down with a cup of tea and started thinking. We are able to saw of the shotgun. We will be able to saw off the Blaser K95, probably. (But who would saw off a 3000$ hunting rifle anyway..? ;) ) So why not sawing off the Winchester 1895? You may ask: What about the magazine? "Normal" Winchesters have it like this: The 1895 models loads like this: => Sawing off would not result in lowering the magazine capacity (which is 5) Where to carry? #1 In the backpack like the sawn off Shotgun, taking up 1x4 slots. Or, because there could be still the stock left over, 1x5 slots. #2 In a bigger Chest- or Leg-holster (Like in the picture or the video), which is made for the Shotgun, the Blaser or the Winchester It would be sawn off on the green lines: (the green sprayed area is the "magazine", where the bullets are in) Finished, it could look like this: And what's worth an invention, without naming it? What could it be called? Winchleg, Wleg, jumping Shorty...? I hope you like the idea and support this! Comment, criticize and bump the shit outta this thread. Share it, bring your friends here to like it, let's attract the attention of the DEVs! P.S. When already being in the "Wild West"-territory, i, again, suggest leg-holsters, ponchos and biker-pants And i gotta say, i wished for a western Hat and leather jacket. And not 2 months later, they arrived. Great Job! Well done! In the end, i will leave you with these songs: Enjoy them and have a nice day, evening, whatever! P.S. The Ruger 10/22 will be able to equip the LRS!