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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. I prefer "realistic" guns. Also, if there would be "your" 50cal-sniper-rifle in-game, all other guns would be worth- and useless, because the game would turn into "Call of Sniper: Sniperfield Online" ;) However, if smth. like this is added, ammo should be even harder to find than the gun itself. ;)
  2. Hunting Jackets to match the Hunting Pants
  3. irishroy

    Trading Post

    Goat clothes? Can we craft clothes?
  4. irishroy

    Stable Branch: 0.45 Discussion

    Dayum, how does the leather-backpack look? Is it an upgrade from the leather courier-bag?
  5. irishroy

    The Ultimate Endgame Rifle

    from where is that spaceship?
  6. Some gloves: Leather glovesleather driving gloves and finger-cut-gloves #1 #2
  7. irishroy

    Trading Post

    big reward. 1 bullet 4 ur life. Sry, but trading can be very dangerous
  8. irishroy

    The Ultimate Endgame Rifle

    That's right. But when it hits, it hits. and how it hits... ;)
  9. irishroy

    The Ultimate Endgame Rifle

    Either this or this to kill 'dem Zeds from 50 miles away xD
  10. You never know :D If you delete this thread/stop doing this, the DEVs will surely never implement one of these weapons, ;)
  11. irishroy

    Sharpen your Axe (NEW)

    Would be too cool, if there would be an animation to it. Sitting on a rock, sharpening your axe, whistling a song...
  12. irishroy

    Randomly occurring illness

    You must be fun @ parties. ;) I think too much realism can destroy the fun. Overall, it's a game. DayZ is a "hard-core" game, which is already a lot more un-forgiving for mistakes than other games. And it will become harder. But do you really want to have to look for threats such as rusty ladders, brushing your teeth every hours, etc...? :D
  13. irishroy

    Freezer Bags

    You're right. Items should have more than 30min to keep it realistic xD Maybe ~45min-1hr? I know the trick with ice and saw-dust (pykrete, right? :D ). Maybe you could combine ice+sawdust to make pykrete. Then Pykrete would be a slightly worse cool-pack than an ice-pack. Ice could be found in refrigs, and saw-dust could be made with knife+stick/firewood/kindling
  14. irishroy

    Freezer Bags

    I think, these items could become warm. But after a certain time being warm (say 15-30minutes), they start to become bad. So people have time to pick up items from a dead body and transport them to a save location. "where are we getting power for these things" As "unreal" as it sounds, cold/frozen things could be found in refrigerators, I believe. Yes, a refri. doesn't keep things cool/frozen for 3 years without energy, but in DayZ we can make an exception, I hope ;) (There are still fresh fruits to be found, the Gas will be still pristine, even though it has been for more than 2 years in a rusty container, etc.)
  15. irishroy

    Freezer Bags

    has been already suggested with pictures, etc. Freezer-box with 15 slots and ice-packs, which take up 2 vertical slots to keep the things inside (raw meat, blood, etc. cool and fresh) Coolpacks could be found in refrigerators. Would be AWESOME, if it would come.
  16. irishroy

    Weapon accuracies

    Just as an info: these are the dispersions on the weapons(from the gamefiles): Rifles: Ruger 0.0019 Mosin: 0.0025 Blaze: 0.004 SKS: 0.005 AKM: 0.008 M4: 0.1 (with Bipod: 0.05) Bipod: -0.05 Pistols: Longhorn: 0.01 Amphibia S: 0.02 FNX-45: 0.03 CZ75: 0.03 Magnum: 0.03 1911: 0.03 P1: 0.03 But I don't know, what the dispersion actually means. Is it the % of the shots, which will spray totally random? Is it the deviation in inches per 100 yards?
  17. irishroy

    Concerned about the Sawn Off

    (begins at 0:43)the first 2 shots may have missed, but the other ones should have hit and killed...
  18. irishroy

    What are pelts for?

    Hermit? I prefer barbarian :p
  19. irishroy

    Customize our own skins face in DAYZ standalone ?

    Duckbutt-ing would get out of hand, tho xD EDIT: Dammit, u were 2 fast 4 me.
  20. irishroy

    Badly Damaged Bullets Jaming in Gun

    I like this idea. However, guns like the Shotgun, Revolver and Longhorn shouldn't jam at all, or have a very very very low chance of doing so, of course ;) They may have a low magazin-capacity of 1-2, but their advantage is no-jamming-danger The M4 should be jamming, however. I'm not a gun-nut @ all, but I heard, that the M4 tends to jam pretty often.
  21. irishroy

    Guns- Which ones do you prefer and why?

    The engraved one looks really really sweet. The B95, Longhorn(once it reaches stable) and sawn off Shotgun. B95 and Longhorn share the same ammo, and can deal a lot of damage. However, they don't look too dangerous and intimidating, so I hope, I won't be bandit-KoS-target-No#1 xD Shotgun in leather Jacket for being MadMax and stuff
  22. irishroy

    possible Raft ?

    Things like weight, etc. will come, 100%. Hunting is in the game, too, even though there is no real use for it, since food can be found commonly... :) there are things in the game, which don't have a clear purpose (yet). The raft wouldn't have one either. But once weight, bases and vehicles are implemented, it will has a clear role to fullfill.
  23. irishroy

    possible Raft ?

    But you loose your stuff on the way to them. (there is a chance to loose it). Also, why not adding a raft?
  24. I suggest some pictures: Leather pants / Chaps Poncho made out of cloth Dunno, maybe different holsters. Beltholster Revolver-belt (all pistols, Longhorn excluded) Leg-holster (for sawn off shotgun, Longhorn) Chest-holsters: