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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. *bump* because awesome gun is awesome and to spread the word.
  2. Yeah. I can't see the problem in a lever-action rifle being more powerful than a M4 or SKS :huh: Keep in mind, the Mosin doesn't always one-hit-kill within 100m. Often 1-3 shots are needed due to lag, body-armor, limb-shots, etc.
  3. I know :P because ammunition does always the same dmg and has the same speed (same speed&dmg for the Amphibia and Ruger 10/22)
  4. irishroy

    Make server restart warning compulsory

    dropped my Mosin+LRS+Bipod some days ago (haven't played for quite some weeks) to re-arrange my crossbow&Mosin. "No connection for X seconds" http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/
  5. the DEV-Team is working on a pump-action shotgun for quite a while now since it was leaked in twitter. (they work on the eastern mp-155). And the "reload-system" is the same on lever- and pump-action-rifles/guns. You manually load each shell, and after firing you need to make a movement (lever or pump). So I could imagine, the MP155 will come a bit earlier than the R92
  6. that's what I meant ;) But now that I look at the pic again: the mag is as long as the barrel :s Yeah, my bad. I got too carried away in the hype of a lever-action-rifleee
  7. Both options would be cool. Only saw off stock, or sawing off stock+barrel(+lowering mag-capacity) in german it's "Karabiner", so that could be the reason ;)
  8. ChrisTorchia twittered some time ago that when a lever-action-rifle is implemented, it will be one, which can sare ammo with current guns. and when the Marlin was suggested, he answered something like "if a lever-gun, than this" so it's pretty sure ;) EDIT: WOOTWOOT Twitter says that CTorchia is working on a Rossi Leveraction Rifle
  9. irishroy

    Trading Post

    just for your info: water-purification-tablets are not needed right now, because right now, you can not get sick by drinking water from ponds/lakes.
  10. irishroy

    Trading Post

    green mountain and safe ;)
  11. irishroy

    Server hopping

    Yup. I know, DayZ is meant to be a "hard" and "unforgiving" game. But not everybody has the time to search and search and search for 1 thing. Server-hopping is for the people who want to skip the effort and want to have time experimenting/having fun with things. However, dead-serious hard-core-pro-gamers can still live by the "server-hopping is a sin!"-rule. and if the Pro-gamers are angry, because some newbie with a super-rare-item killed them, they can just go and play on hard-core-servers, TBH, I don't see the problem, but I can understand it. Some people want DayZ to be unforgiving, etc. with respawn-timers of 7 weeks, etc. ( ;)). But quite a big part of the players isn't into the whole hard-core-thing. They want to have fun, etc. (including me)
  12. irishroy

    Were Gorka camo jackets ever implemented?

    Damaged/ruined autumn/summer hunter pants look better, IMO.
  13. irishroy

    Crafting the ghillie!

    I think it could be made, but with different parts, like pants and top. For pants 1 burlap-sack is needed, for the top 2 sacks. Sewing kit + burlap sack = raw Ghillie-suit And then paper-sheets+back/green spraypaint+sewing kit or leaves+ducttape/glue could be made to "glued leaves" or "painted sheets" in stacks of 5-6 pieces. Then 1 stack + raw G.-suit = Top-ghillie or ghillie-pants Maybe the Ghillie Suit could also degrade over time, so there's the need to "repair" it with leaves+glue, and/or black/green colour. Also Zombie-guts, etc. could be hung(?) over the suit, so Zed's are less likely to attack and follow you.
  14. irishroy

    LRS/Hunting scope for the blaze?

    Wonderful! and damn, that really looks like a Zeiss-optic :>
  15. irishroy

    Modifications for the longhorn

    What should I say? Have mah beans! A whole bowl and some bacon with it, too! But srsly: It's hard to say for me, but... The longhorn should stay 7.62-ammo. Different stocks, barrels, etc. would be cool to have. (Like different barrels for the B95 with 1x shotgun & 1x rifle, or 2x, rifle)
  16. irishroy

    LRS/Hunting scope for the blaze?

    Could you find the pic of the models somwhere? Please? :D Thank a lot ;)
  17. irishroy

    LRS/Hunting scope for the blaze?

    ????? WAAAAAAA MAAH SIIIGGG :D :D :D :D I also really hope the new scope will be for the B95, too. ;) Hunting scope for a hunting rifle. I mean. why not? Suuure, "realism and such". Over-under-barrel aka not accurate @ range, blablabla. It could be made, that the first shot always hits the target, but the 2nd shot goes off a bit more inaccurate or smth. like that (if you want to have it "realistic") However, this is a game. So why not making both shots accurate? The B95 has a dispersion of 0.04, like the SKS! So if both shots would hit, would that be a big drama or mess up the in-game weapon-ballistic-balance? ==> Nope
  18. irishroy

    First Line Gear

    Hmmmm :> Belt-holster
  19. irishroy


    Oh shit, he found my secret! But I have to admit, I'd prefer a revolution like this much more ;) I must run, run and find another disguise ;) This sounds like I would explode or smth. like that, if I would touch a beard :3
  20. irishroy


    ;) Beards are cool, dude. Beards are not really considered by the DEVs, so the Community needs to bump and be active about this topic. However, Zeds WILL 100% be reworked. The DEVs already stated this. So suggesting this isn't reaaaaly necessary ;) (But HOW the updated Zeds will work can still be influenced by the Comm.)
  21. irishroy

    Remove magical weapon slots

    but increase rope-spawns or let us make "ropes" by cutting leather-strips or clothes (rags)
  22. irishroy

    Gun Bags and Holsters

    has already been suggested many many times ;) Leg-holsters won't happen anytime soon, since holsters would clip somehow with the legs/pants. However, I've found 2 Holsters in the Gamefiles. One is the normal leather-chest-holerts, and there is another one (seems to be a vest+holster)