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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. they're froggers, not hoppers. And I think the navmesh-exp-patch will come soon. This or next week probably.
  2. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Bullet-proof-helmet = bandit Motorbikehelmet is good for surviving zombie-one-hit-kills to the head. Also, I wear a motorbikehelmet. and I'm... "friendly"
  3. irishroy

    Tents has anyone found em

    Tents spawn in Castles, AFAIK (since someone found this hint in the gamefiles)
  4. irishroy

    Fedora's and Fedora Tipping

    My M1911 was a joke ;) But of course a Tommygun would be damn stylish (and pretty effective, too). I already suggested trenchcoats and coats overall. Sadly, the DEVs said "No", since coats would clip with the legs, etc. However I'm very sure that once the engine is replaced, or the object-detection-system works better, they'll implement coats :) You mean jacket, pants and vest?
  5. irishroy

    Fedora's and Fedora Tipping

    while I really like this idea, but... with the implementation of this, we should also be able to modify the 1911 like this ;) Against the opinions of people, who say "bah, this serves no real purpose" I can say: The DEVs also included Cowboy-hats and now bandit-cowboy-bandanas.
  6. irishroy


    ehmagerd. He comes, fully armored with tons of guns, asks for the "best" loadout, but only killed 3 guys out of defense xD there is no "perfect" loadout. But if you want to get killed more often, try to go for total TTsKO-clothing :P There is no "best" weapon in DayZ really. No "best" clothing. A player in a "Trapper"-role can kill you with the B95. A "bandit"-kiddo can kill you with a magnum, mosin or anything. I personally try to only have 10-20 shots for 1 weapon and normally I carry 1-2 weapons (B95, Crossbow + Revolver/Sawn off shotgun). The rest of my equipment is filled with cooking-tools, 6 canteens, 7 cans of beans and bacon and a med-pack with saline-bags and rags. This way I have 2-6 free slots to take some items whenever I want. xD
  7. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    Sorry, no :P Let's wait for the news and the surprises ;) http://www.reddit.com/r/dayz/comments/2bz5mx/728_047_experimental_unofficial_changelog/
  8. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    DAYUM. DAYUM. the B95 now has 0.001 spread, same as the Mosin. Not 0.04 anymore. Yay! (and the weapon-burlapsack-wraps are really for the Mosin)
  9. irishroy

    Should zombies fear fire?

    like your cat?
  10. irishroy


    just for the heck of it. Tents, man, tents!
  11. irishroy

    Raiders Leather Jacket vs Zombie

    I don't know anything about guns, but by cleaning a revolver the accuracy could be improved. Maybe also the chance for the ammo-drum to jam will be smaller, dunno ;)
  12. irishroy

    Raiders Leather Jacket vs Zombie

    When this happens, I will stick to the Python Magnum, Shotgun, B95 and the lever-action rifle (jam-free guns ;) )
  13. irishroy

    Should zombies fear fire?

    I would say they should be attracted to fire. if they can see the flame directly. But when they come close enough there coulb be a random chance of fear (like 25%-70%) Exp: a fire in a house will not attract Zeds, if the Zeds can't directly look at it. However, if they can see through a window the fire, they come closer. (but I dunno how hard this is to script)
  14. irishroy

    Raiders Leather Jacket vs Zombie

    Man we can't even fix the some items with the seweing kit, even though we could in reallife. Like fixing the Assault-vest, a backpack and also the Jacket. I understand, leather is hard to stitch with a needle. But for gameplay-"realism"! The Jacket gets damaged and from prisitne/worn down to badly-damaged/ruined in 1-2 strikes, but we can NOT fix it...
  15. irishroy

    Two new items

    And the Blaze 95 in your opinion? I think either the LRS or the Huntingscope, which is already in the gamefiles woulkd be good, too. But the B95 has a random dispersion of 0.04, which is the same as the SKS <_<
  16. irishroy

    Dogs , More Clothes

    random mood for a dog? and a dog woud have a 50% chance of sniffing out a Zombie, even though it's supposed to find a Human? So you want to tell me, that a HUMAN can differentiate between the "smell" of humans and dead flesh(that's dead for at least 3 months)? Some dogs have ~200 million smell-cells, while humans only have ~5 million. (Yay, wikipedia is your friend)
  17. irishroy

    More Horror and Gore Please!

    For me personally, DayZ is a: Survival-game in a world after the apocalypse caused by Zeds. It should be kept as "realistic" as possible. No "ghosts" in the woods or sewers in the dark. Every action in-game (screaking doors, birds flying away suddenly) should have a real cause behind it. If you want horror, go and play TheForest, Slenderman, etc.
  18. irishroy

    SMERSH. this is how it works

    Because in the apocalypse military equipement will be become really really rare, because it can not be re-produced as easily as survival-items such as leather-coats, -puches, -coats, -backpacks, -armor, etc. However, I could accept having mil. and civilain/survivalist-gear, if the ratio is like 1:5 or even less ;) thanks for the MadMax-pic, e47!
  19. irishroy

    Single Barreled Shotgun

    nahnah, i was just joking, don't take it too serious :p keep writing like that ;)
  20. irishroy

    Trading Post

    Dat avatar&name-combo
  21. irishroy

    Single Barreled Shotgun

    Who? The Blunderbusses or the players?
  22. irishroy

    Single Barreled Shotgun

    or a blunderbuss from looper xD
  23. irishroy

    Experimental Branch: 0.47 Discussion

    any attachments for the CZ?
  24. irishroy

    Grenade as a life preservation device - must read

    on the one hand I want this to be protected from bandits, but on the other hand I see the problem, because it makes KoS more rewardable and DANGERERS the true bandit's work. A true bandit waits and carefully traps the player. But all the work would be useless, if the trapped player could easily outmaneuver the bandit.