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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Skinning Animals in .47

    only military boots can have knives attached to them (doesnt matter which knife, just mil.-boots)
  2. irishroy

    Items that are as rare as hens teeth

    Rope Rare as fuck, even though there should be at least 1-5m of rope in every second, if not EVERY, house or appartment available. (Packet cord, clothes line, etc.)
  3. Yeah, but what about the sawn off version? TBH, I care more about the sawn off, than the long barreled shotgun ;)
  4. irishroy

    tent and backpack

    Like above, under, or on the side of a backpack? Hell yeah! On the side, it could either take up a primary- or melee-slot. So players are forced to give up the melee-slot and pack the axe/whatever in the backpack. The tent would still "take up indirect" space, but smaller melee-weapons, such as a hammer or machete are encouraged to use. We also need to be able to do this: Hang all kinds of stuff to the backpack with a rope, as much as you can :D
  5. Then I'll go full "Eli-style" ;)
  6. irishroy

    The Most Dangerous Game

    Bandits are careful. They spot their "victims" before they can see them. Then they hold them up, handcuff/whatever, rob them and only take what they need (take their pants) and maybe even give something back (rotten fruits anyone?) Then they leave. You're a "bandit". You waited for your victim to even put their melee-weapon away, and then you just killed him. :D You could have moved up to him, tell him to stand still, drop his backpack/handcuff him, force-feed rotten fruit, etc. But not, just shot him from behind. I personally don't hate server-hoppers. DayZ is not an easy game and it can take veeery long to get the item you want. Some people don't have the time for this (job, family,...) and server-hopping is a good solution, IMO. (and some just can't wait or don't have the patience. But those are not a big problem killing-wise, since a big part of them are CoD-kiddos, who either snipe very badly or just spray'n pray) Server-hoppers don't put me in any danger, they don't narrow my fun in this game in any way. To everybody his own.
  7. irishroy

    Building damage

    Ah, OK. Having already destroyed models would make things much easier!
  8. irishroy

    Found my first AK-101

    Best answer I've read in a loong time :D
  9. irishroy

    Building damage

    Shoot a house with the Crossbow? House explodes Opening a can of bacon? Explosion! But I understand: You want players to be able to damage buildings (like smahing in doors, etc. and also brunign down a house, making it explode) But I think we won't be able to destroy (most) fixed building, when DayZ SA is finally released. However, we will be able to damage player-made-bases, as far as I know. So when players barricade houses or make new bases (say, with wooden logs, wire, etc.) we will be able to damage this. (Being able to damage everything and every building in the whole DayZ-map would be very very hard to craft, in my opinion)
  10. irishroy

    Anyone else hear moaning in-game?

    Yeah, I was running through the woods, and suddenly a "bwaaRAAA"-scream from an aggroed Zombie close to my ears. I stood there with my Axe for 5 minutes and was waiting for an invisible Zombie or smth. :lol: Even though this is "cool" and gives players the short 1s-OH-SHIT-moments, this souldn't be in the game, in my opinion. Every action/happening in DayZ should have a real cause/reason behind it. Birds suddenly flying away? ==> Something was there (Zed, Player, Animal) etc. etc.
  11. irishroy

    Ideas concerning tents

    there won't be real "snowstorms" or seasons, because this would involve modding the whole map for winter&snow, fall, etc. However, in a few months I think, clothes protect against cold weather and rain and prevent getting sick. (the DEVs already made a few steps in this direction: Player becomes wet ==> cold&wet. Maybe if you are wet&cold for X time, you become cath a cold and become sick)
  12. irishroy

    Ideas concerning tents

    since our character doesn't sleep (in the tent), this is not really important, I think ;) I really hope we never are forced to sleep. Sleep/resting should give a bonus (running-speed, etc.), but not-sleeping should never bring disadvantages. This is overall a game, and games are supposed to be fun (of course, some think it's fun, if DayZ forced you to brush your teeth regularly, otherwise you'll get toothache and can't eat anymore, etc.etc., but that's the minority <_< )
  13. irishroy

    What is the ACTUAL tent location?

    barnes spawn tents, too (2 friends of mine say they found one there) as far as I know, they spawn with a chance of 2-5% ;)
  14. irishroy

    Trading Post

    Not really. Hardcore servers have first-person-only, normal servers have 3rd person&first person. Also HC and Normal are on different "hives", so there are 2 different accounts (and you can not bring 1 item from a normal account to a hard-core-account, too, sadly ;) )
  15. irishroy

    Ideas concerning tents

  16. irishroy

    Dayz tent locations

    Reddit says smth. different: "I really need to drink" Seriously: Try to pitch the tent in the highest floor in the high house. Maybe it will "glitch" to the roof.
  17. "Oh, thanks for the information. I got shot by 2 M4-magazines, but I wouldn't have thought I'd be dead because of this." (Sry, but this sounds like you need an info when you're dead that you are dead ;))
  18. irishroy

    Ideas concerning tents

    Sorry for reposting your idea then ;) and spraypainting tents is just an awesome idea!
  19. http://dayz.com/blog/status-report-week-of-28-july-2014 I really like this kind of new/communication. But I want to ask: Will we receive such DEV-blogs periodically or will they be sent "randomly" ? The Rossi R93 and MP-133 are mentioned. But the Rossi 92 was confirmed. Typo? And while these weapons are being made or already finished, I want to suggest the following things: Being able to saw off both guns, while being able to choose freely which part to saw off. (Only the stock, barrel or both. (not the barrel on the Rossi, since the mag causes trouble)Stock-pouch for the Rossi (just for holding ammo) And while they are not sure, what the next weapons will be: What about the Winchester 1895( ;)), a pocket-knife, hunting-knife (which excels at skinning and gutting animals)? Alexei's thread Also another thought about the persistent-storage-tent-thingy: Why not bind the Tent to the character-account? So it would spawn and de-spawn when the player logs on and off. (Limit it to 1-4 tents, otherwise a clan of 5-20 people and 6 tents each could decrease the server's performance severely when logging on (~125 tents being loaded simultaineously)
  20. Now as you say it: Brighter letters/text would be easier for reading, too
  21. irishroy

    we need more distinctive characters!

    We need something like Tallahassee ;)
  22. irishroy

    Stable - 0.47 Discussion

    Yeah, but what does that mean? every persistent storage is disabled until the next hotfix? Items are not saved, but the tent and items in the tent are persistent?
  23. irishroy

    DayZ Camping Tent Showcase 0.47.124641

    nope ;) you can put it in a backpack, but just mountain and hunting backpack, since the Tent is 2x6 big (horizontal 2, vertical 6)
  24. irishroy

    DayZ Camping Tent Showcase 0.47.124641

    this is alpha and the FIRST tent-model. I bet they'll bring different models and textures/camos for this edit: Antykain was 1 minute faster, because I wanted to add a GIF :(
  25. irishroy


    Dude, please try to structure your texts a bit :P (Walls of text are hard to read and understand ;) )