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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Maxim M1910

    Didn't read everything, already gave beans! :D I'll now read through it.
  2. irishroy

    add campgrounds as a location

    Maybe also with a usable fireplace with more space (than a portable fireplace-kit) to cook more items on it?
  3. irishroy

    [Suggestion] Add 'disabled' state.

    Sorry, man ;) I must have missed the "respawn-option" in the second suggestion (neck down, etc.) I just wanted to emphasize, that "respawn" should be posible at any given time for players, who don't want to "play" this out.
  4. irishroy

    [Suggestion] Add 'disabled' state.

    I personally would like this idea, if there would be the option to respawn at (nearly) any given time. Why? Well, DayZ is also played a lot by casual-gamers. And they want to experience "action", and don't want to lie on the ground, or just rob around and "beg" other players. I, personally, wouldn't like to experience all this stuff ;) (very exhausted is OK, but everything worse than that: ) If you give players the option to get off this "truck-to-hell", it would be good. The ones, who want to play the game very serious and accurate can go all through these states, but those, who want to focus on other things (gearing up, hunting, PVP-ing, building a base, etc.)
  5. irishroy

    New Mosin gunshot sound

    Blaze and the Revolver should sound a lot different than they currently do. The Blaze more deeper. And the Revolver, well.. "better" ;) But as someone already said somewhere: Arma (and with it maybe Bohemia) is known for having "small" gun-sounds.
  6. irishroy

    Add weapon slings and get rid of weapon slots

    Only, if rope-spawns are increased drastically :D Leather-strings should also work (gutting an animal, then cutting the deer-skin into small stripes)
  7. irishroy

    Add Flags

    Yeah, custom flags are as dangerous as being able to spraypaint walls with what you like. Dickbutt-ing (and maybe racist insults, etc.) would get out of hand But I am all for simple coloured flags, maybe also with several stripes (both, vertical and horizontal), dots, circles, etc. And if you give people even a limited range of signes&colours, some will always find a way to do something funny ;) (So fully preventing dick-butting is not really possible, but limiting insults, etc. can be done)
  8. irishroy

    In-game Currency

    this reminds me of Mad Max. Oil and the refinery ;) and while it would be cool to have ammo as some sort of currency (like in MadMax, 3 shotgunshells are worth a LOT), I don't think it would make the game "better", if we would have to search for 1-2 bullets for ~1 hour (don't forget, we have many different ammo-types, too. Shotgun, 5.56, Mosin- and SKS-ammo, .357, .22, 9mm, 45-ACP, .308) Finding at least 6 bullets for the right weapon would take ages and wouldn't benefit the game in good way, IMO. However, ^this^could be done, if there's enough meta-game around" firearms&ammo, like craftable weapons, harvesting, hunting, building and to fortify a base.
  9. I bet you could also damage or ruin a gun with a Hammer/Boltcutter. (Sqeezing the barrel, for example). But now that I think about it: There are a lot other items, with which we could ruin firearms (Hacksaw, Fireaxe,...) Maybe it's not a great idea, maybe it's good, What do you think?
  10. irishroy

    Let us paint more things

    let us paint tents :D
  11. irishroy

    When do we get Tents

    right now, rain doesn't do anything. it doesn't damage items, and it doesnt make you sick ;) Thanks, Cheyenne ;)
  12. I wanna bathrobe & Poncho Wandering through Chernarus with just a bathrobe and short canvas pants :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHr4AIiHVyY or walking around and gunning down bandits with a Revolver & Lever-action rifle
  13. irishroy

    More revolvers!

    but if we're talking serious business: S&W 460 (XVR) Nah, srsly. a mag 500 etc. are far too unrealistic. A M1895 + suppressor would be nice, indeed. (It's the only well known revolver out there, which can equip a suppressor, which actually suppresses the sound a bit, because the barrel and the ammo-drum are pushed together when fired, so no gas comes outside of the drum, but all gas goes through the barrel.)
  14. irishroy

    Craftable spears!

    Both, rope&duct tape, are way harder to find than it should be. I mean, at least each 2nd civilian-house should have 2-6m of rope and maybe 1-2m of duct-tape. Hell, in industrial areas 80-90% of the garages and halls should have 1-2m of D-tape.
  15. irishroy

    Saving animals using medic supplies?

    so true ;) but some dogs notice the pills and somehow manage to eat only the ham and spit out the pill
  16. irishroy

    When do we get Tents

    Later on, tents will stay on the server after a server-restart. That means: You can put down a tent and put items inside of it (guns, ammo, everything). And the tent will stay there "for ever", because it is "persistent" (=it survives server-restarts). (Right now, when you put items on the ground, they will disappear and get deleted with a server-restart. Persistent objects will "survive" this restart and stay there, until the whole server is down/broken, or someone else takes it away) So when you die and respawn, you can run to your tent and pick up the items inside to gear up fast. But you can not sleep in tents, they just function as some kind of big "container" to put items inside. Fires are "only" there for cooking meat. They do nothing else (they do not scare Zombies and Animals away, etc.) If you eat raw meat, you can become sick and food-poisened (like from rotten fruits).
  17. irishroy

    Craftable Ghillie Suit

    That's way too easy to craft, IMO. Also, I would use burlap sack + sewing kit as starting-garment (pants and top). Then adding leaves and kindling with sewing kit/duct tape, or coloured/painted rope (or rags&spraypaint, as you said). The Ghillie-suit should degrade over time (loose "colour" and leaves), so you need to "fix" it from time to time.
  18. irishroy

    Saving animals using medic supplies?

    I'm very sure that later, when also companion-animals like Dogs, Horses (and maybe scouting birds) are implemented, we'll be able to patch them up with rags, etc.
  19. irishroy

    What items would you kill someone for? An MP5K?

    I would kill for a pristine leather jacket. But since even 1 shot to the chest ruins everything and all items on the players, it's not worth it ;) And kill for a Chest holster with a banana in it. Chest-holster with a banana.... :rolleyes:
  20. irishroy

    Pardy in DayZ

    2:50 "He had a grenade, I saved everybody" Wait, he had no nade... :D
  21. irishroy

    Don't trust anyone- even mutual friends

    This is the internet, everything's possible. What did you say? and IMO a "wall of text" = many words
  22. irishroy

    Don't trust anyone- even mutual friends

    Long wall of text, but clearly structured and good to read. I'm happy that you got the engraved M1911 and killed this little kid ;) (I don't have anything against kiddos, but kids can be a pain in the ass in a game like DayZ, where the maingoal is NOT "kill kill kill") I met a guy myself some months ago and we played quite some time together. But then I got shot and was dead, so I told my "friend" to take all my stuff, since he was a freshspawn and had nothing important. So I respawned and made my way back to him. On this way I found quite good stuff, like shotgun and .45-ammo, a chest holster, hunting backpack, etc. Then we met he gave me my stuff back. And because I was so thankful, I have him also some of my items (it was like 2 canteens, can openener and what not), then we logged off. The next day I see: I miss my ammo-box full of .357 and shotgun-ammo.... I asked him, but he replied "There was no ammo-box in your inventory" Well, guess how it ended... (but it was not only the hat I shot ;)) and I looted him and he had 2 ammoboxes full of 5.56-M4-stacks and 3 60-rounds-magazines for the M4....
  23. irishroy

    Items that are as rare as hens teeth

    Seems like the server thinks I always need a rope :D The last time I found a rope was like 1 week ago. But when I find one, I keep in my backpack, no matter what.