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Everything posted by irishroy

  1. irishroy

    Craftable tent

    but your post still remains "unnecessary", according to the forum-rules :p
  2. irishroy

    New CDF Gear Confirmed?

    as far as I know, a SVD will 100% surely come. the MASKA-helmet has been confirmed on twitter and there is something in the gamefiles called "TacGoggles" So your assumptions are pretty much right ;)
  3. irishroy

    What should and shouldn't open cans

    Right now, the machete is not more than a butter-knife in my opinion (too short and "small"), so according to the game, opening a can with this machete should spill ~10-25% of the can, I believe. I mean, opening with a big axe should at least spill 30%, if not 50%+
  4. irishroy

    Craftable Tents

    bump. and also poorly advertising for my own thread :D http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/205718-ideas-concerning-tents/
  5. irishroy

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Oh yeah. We need to be able to wear animal-skins as some kind of trophy and useful clothing, too. and fur hats and vets and some kind of "overcoat" or vest, too
  6. irishroy

    More zombies? Only in certain areas.

    but with this, players should be able to the Zeds easier. Or make more "random" sounds in the area, where many Zeds are locked in. Like sqeaking doors, things falling down, etc. So if you don't watch out, you let Zeds free. But if you are careful and listen, you could hear, and therefore try to avoid them. But all in all: Yes. cities like Cherno, Elektro, Svetlo and Novo should have high amounts of Zeds (maybe 40, 60 and moreß), whereas smaller cities/villages (like Zelenogorsk, Kransnostav, etc. should have a maximum of 4-10) again: But all this will only work, if the Zed-respawn-timer works correctly. Right now, you kill a Zed, but 2-5s later there's a new one. And this chain doesn't stop. Yesterday I killed 1 Zed with an axe, and attracted 3 more (dunno why. Axe should be silent, I thought?). And 2 minutes later I already killed 7-8 and ~another 8-10 were following me, even though it was a small village with a maximum of 10-12 houses (the only "useful" buildings were a piano house and the one, where sometimes good food spawns)
  7. irishroy

    Potental sawed off-able weapon: M79

    These models are in the game since the release. DEVs have been asked many times already, but they said "Not yet", as far as I know. There are certain things in the gamefiles, which are not released, and may make it into the game (there's a sawn off Blaze 95, M249-LMG, MG4, I believe. The Ruger 10/22 can equip a LRS, according to the gamefiles somehow)
  8. irishroy

    What clothing set/weapons would you add if you could?

    Why a tacti"cool" Tomahawk? Why not a "simple" Hatchet ( #1 #2) or a stone Tomahawk (Stone, Rope and (Ashwood-) Stick). I understand the "need" for a Tomahawk. But I think, before there's any "specialized" military Item, there should be a civilian, more usual, counterpart. Or just let is saw off some part of the handle from the Splitting Axe.
  9. irishroy

    leather sack

    ^This^ Just look at the size of the backpacks
  10. irishroy

    New Weapon Problems

    pump your brakes, kid ;) If any weapon is in need of attachments, it's either the Ruger 10/22 or the Blaze 95, OK? But the B95 is more in need of an optic or smth. else, IMHO. It's in this game for soo long, and has gotten no love :(
  11. irishroy

    Looking for SMERSH Vest+pack Will trade

    Nope. Something like this
  12. A review about it. On the one hand I'm happy, and on the other hand I'm a little bit disappointed that the W1895 chambered in Mosin-ammo didn't make it :( But nevertheless, a lever-action-rifle is on the way :D Now I really hope: The .357-rounds from the Rifle will be more "deadly" than from the revolver, considering the fact, that the barrel increases the velocity and therefore also the impact-forceWe'll be able to mount a sight on itWe'll be able to saw it off 3:] a stock-pouch is a thing now
  13. And let us wear red baseball caps with the writing on it "5.W.4.G" ;)
  14. irishroy

    More Aspects of Wilderness Survival

    You can also eat birch-leaves (preferably "young" ones, since they become more bitter the older they are) and the "cambium" (the layer between the bark and the wood itself). Maybe tapping birch-trees. Once you can "only" get clean water from wells, why not add this option? (Move knive over tree: "Cut the bark", and then put rope on bottle and then somehow fix the bottle on the tree and wait maybe 3-10 minutes to gather 10-40% water maybe?)
  15. irishroy

    long range scope on colt python

    Yeahyeah, I fully understand that. And to be honest, a Colt Python with a 6" barrel, but a scope, which is longer than the revolver, just looks weird and a bit dumb xD
  16. irishroy

    Leather Sack

    Hm. I understand your logic and reasons behind your thinking. But I believe, in DayZ, this "logic" can be a bit "left behind" for realism&game-play-balance. Yes, sometimes realism must be screwed to maintain game-balance (that's what you are trying to say, I think?). But giving both backpacks 25 slots wouldn't hurt the game-balance, I think. Also look at the M4 & AKM: It "costs" "lots of time" to find the M4 on a random crashsite. 5.56-ammo is also not easy to obtain. the AKM however can be found in normal mil. barracks, can also attach a bipod, has 75 rounds and a far better scope and SKS/AK/CZ-ammo is easier to find, too. So the M4 is hard to find and "use" (=ammo, ACOG, M4-parts, etc.), whereas the AKM is easier to find, and is as good, if not a little bit better than the M4.
  17. irishroy

    Leather Sack

    According to your "gameplay-perspective"-logic, noone would use the Blaze 95, Crossbow, SKS, Ruger 10/22 or the Longhorn, because all these weapons are outshined by far by the AKM, AK101, M4, Mosin, FNX and Magnum. Look at the SKS&AKM: The AKM is the SKS with same accuracy in full-auto, with 75 rounds-magazine, bipod and PSO-1-scope. And still many many play people with these underpowered weapons, just because it's DayZ. Furthermore, many people crafted an improvised backpack with sticks, rope and burlap sack, even though a Hunting- and Mountain-backpack would be way more useful.
  18. irishroy

    Leather Sack

    thanks! but really... 20 slots for a big sack like this: and 25 slots for a "smaller" boarskin-backpack...
  19. irishroy

    long range scope on colt python

    Not really, the Maggy has now a dispersion of 0.006 :D
  20. irishroy

    Leather Sack

    So basically an improvised upgraded courier-backpackwith 25 slots? Dayum xD
  21. irishroy

    Dayz Dev Server reset cycle?

    Not at all. But normally they reset every 4 hours (some every 2, but 4 is more common). There are also some good-guy-server-hosters out there, who announce the server-restart-times (like: "Restart every 2 hours: 9:17, 11:17, 13:17, etc.) in server-wide-messages. But I am not sure, if the official servers have custom server-messages, too.
  22. irishroy

    Zombies should be silent.

    The DEVs already stated: The biggest threat in DayZ should be the other players (and survival overall). Sure, Zeds pose a threat here and there with quickly respawning and being in groups of 4 and more. But player-interaction is and will (hopefully) be the main "thing" in DayZ, which causes tension, etc. But TBH, silent Zeds would make this game much harder/"scarier", but all in all, DayZ SA isn't an apocalyptic horror-survival-game. If you want a more horror-survival, there's the game "forest". If you want more player<=>player-interaction, PvP and survival(with Zeds), play DayZ :P
  23. irishroy

    Persistent Storage

    I think "small" items, that lie "unprotected" on the server will survive a server-restart, but will disappear or degrade (get damaged) with the time, whereas items in tents will not get damaged and will not disappear.
  24. Legholster for Sawn off Shotgun and Obrez? ;)
  25. irishroy

    Looking through scopes with out the gun

    this has been suggested many many MANY times before ;) And it was always a good idea! But it would make the Binoculars "slightly" useless, I fear.