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Posts posted by Slugfoot1

  1. Then why are you here crying about it.

    Who's crying?

    I come by every now and then to see what progress is being made with the game and to see if issues like the one in the OP are being addressed.

    The game seems to be maturing nicely...Pity the same can't be said about the playerbase.

    The way things look at the moment, I doubt I'll be buying it.


    On the other hand, it may be worth buying just to combat log all the time. That might be worth it just to piss people off...That's rewarding in itself...right?

  2. Maybe some skills could be acquired through interaction / learning from other players, like in RL?

    For example, watching someone fix a vehicle or make a fire without matches will increase the players ability to perform that task successfully.

    Might this not encourage team play / coop?


    Just a thought...

    • Like 1

  3. I think we should be able to harvest infected blood from zombies and inject it into other players to kill them slowly. 


    having many effects on the player, like blurred vision, fever, vomiting, and loss of motor skills.  that would be great... 


    now go rocket!!! gogogogo. Merry Christmas guys.


    -blur  BlurGaming.com

    ...Or turn the player into a zed for a certain amount of time until their immune system cures it?

  4. So there has been a lot of talking about KoS being a big issue right now in Standalone. Some say it wasn't like this when the mod came up, cod kids and such, bla bla bla.

    But I want to give you my honest reason to KoS: I love it. Been doing it since my first day on the mod (June 2012). Never had a friend in this game, always been a loner bandit who kills everything that moves. And really I think thats the best way to get satisfaction in this game, thats why 90% players do it. I Always play stealthy, moving very slowly and doing a lot of camping. I literally kill on sight, don't wait a second, don't even take my chances with unarmed characters specially in military loot areas. I enjoy killing freshspawns and make them respawn again, because I know they hate it. I love sniping, got very good at it, landing 1km headshots in the mod. And right now on SA its just beautiful. If I get to kill a full geared survivor, I know he rages. Yesterday I killed this guy he had an m4 and full gear, he even had that press vest that is pretty rare. I bet you I could feel his anger. I could hear him whining. And its his fault, all of you that rage when kosed, you just get mad because of a game, Its a videogame! you will lose your gear eventually! get over it!

    Haven't tried the handcuffs yet, probably never will.

    Please don't hate me because of my honest opinion, thats the way I enjoy the game.


    So the real reason is because you enjoy being an annoying moron. Fair enough.

    • Like 2

  5. It's probably been suggested, but I thought it might be cool to have evidence of unsuccessful attempts to flee or evacuate. For example, a moored ferry (food+water) or hospital ship (medical supplies?)that had been overrun before it could leave and various cars etc. at the coast that had been abandoned (giving the posibility of fixing, syphoning fuel or swapping batteries, or whatever).

    It also occurs that it might be cool if new spawns spawned together (possibly in pairs or small groups - why always singly?). This might encourage co-op a bit, particularly if some kind of skills system ever gets implemented.


    Just a thought... :)
