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About myusername!

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  1. Does anyone know the rules for uploading DayZ Standalone gameplay footage to youtube; footage that will not be monetized? I saw the Bohemia Interactive games monetization thread, this one here: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?133522-User-Monetization-of-BI-s-games-Audio-amp-Video-content%28e-g-Youtube-Partnership-Program%29 But it is dated 2012 and seems to only pertain to monetizing (making money off of the game footage that is uploaded) Anyone know the rules for uploading unmonetized DayZ Standalone footage to YouTube? Thanks.
  2. It's quite sad and scarry the amount of people that believe and say they would shoot people in real life in these situations, even at the slightest doubt of the person becoming a threat down the line. A human life is special, a concept you wouldn't be able to derive from these threads. I understand self defense and also taking care of a real threat. But shooting someone that you just have doubts about, a random feeling about, someone you don't know anything about and therefore are afraid of. Good grief.
  3. myusername!

    Most unsuccessful would-be murderers?

    The mosin out performs the m4 at the moment. From personal experience and a weapon test thread that was posted, the m4 is very inaccurate.
  4. myusername!

    How to open a can of food without any tools

    I think you're right on, it doesn't add anything and given the videos, it doesn't make much sense. I never knew you could open cans by rubbing them upside down on concrete, pretty cool, easy and useful I must say.
  5. myusername!

    How to open a can of food without any tools

    Well said.
  6. Beans, food, water, anything you need to keep your character alive is pretty easy to come by in DayZ; the majority of killing in dayz is "just because I can" which then triggers "everyone is kos, if I dont kos I will lose everytime, lets all kos." As others have posted, people would not go around shooting everyone they see even if an apocalypse actually happened; in fact, killing every one you meet would more likely decrease your chances of survival than increase them (you would have no one to help you out, you would also be singled out and killed). And most people, if they went around killing everyone would definitely suffer some kind of emotional negative/sickness. Since DayZ is a "realistic" survival game, I see nothing wrong with implementing something along the lines of a realistic, emotional negative that effects your character in some way, whether that is grey screen, blurry screen, shaky hands or anything else that fits appropriately. As others have posted, DayZ is a "realistic", zombie apocalypse, survival game; implementing some sort of emotional negative for killing people (this does not have to include self defense) would comply with DayZ's realistic nature and continue to add realism to the game, all the while encouraging interaction and communication, making the game interactive as DayZ was intended. People would now have a realistic consequence for shooting someone, a reason to not shoot someone. You could try to interact/communicate, possibly team up with him. However, with the DayZ community being rabid and kos/griefing happy right now, you would be better off shooting him. This is the reason a consequence for shooting someone needs to be implemented. What are the 49 reasons you should pull the trigger? I've mentioned the first of the 50. http://thelifestream.net/forums/images/smilies/Not_sure_if_serious.jpg
  7. I agree with many points you mentioned in that opening statement. Here's a post along similar lines that I had posted elsewhere: DayZ is a realistic, zombie apocalypse, survival simulator. So even though player choice is the biggest aspect of the game; the game is confined some what to reality. Excessive kos/call of duty deathmatch/griefing is not something that would occur in reality as previous posts have explained and contrasts greatly with the aspects of dayz that are real like: one life, food, water, sickness, ect; so if DayZ is going to remain realistic the problem of excessive kos/call of duty deathmatch/griefing will have to be controlled/discouraged in some way, whichever way the development team decides to correct it, if they decide to correct it. I personally think they will implement something since DayZ is more than a pvp shooter set in a zombie apocalypse but instead a realistic, zombie apocalypse, survival simulator that has an in depth survival mechanic that will continue to gain depth as content is added to DayZ. If DayZ remains a pvp shooter in a zombie apocalypse setting the devs are wasting their time designing and implementing all of the interactive, survival game mechanics (like handcuffs, food, water, sickness) because these mechanics are hardly used when people spawn, run straight to an m4 and then shoot everyone they see until their character itself is shot and killed. And the people that play the game as intended, using the survival mechanics will eventually quit playing because they have no chance against the previously mentioned player that spawns, grabs an m4 and then shoots and kills until their character itself dies. The game needs a realistic consequence for shooting someone (this would not include self defense), a reason not to shoot someone; right now there is nothing like that so most shoot and kill whoever they see. If there is no consequence (which is unrealistic) people will shoot and kill on sight to avoid that risky player interaction that DayZ intended, it's taking the easy way out. As long as there is no consequence (an unrealistic aspect that clashes with the rest of DayZ that is real) excessive kos/call of duty deathmatch/griefing will continue to happen.
  8. myusername!

    How to open a can of food without any tools

    I agree with removing the canopener mechanic; it may be fairly realistic even though the videos above show you don't really need a canopener or any other tool. I understand what the devs were trying to do, adding the canopener mechanic to add realism. Using the canopener to open the cans is fairly realistic but it does not translate to the game well; it just ends up being frustrating or just extra "micro" that isn''t needed and that detracts from the game. Managing this small thing "get the can opener or some other tool and then open the beans" doesn't translate into good gameplay, just extra micro to manage. I do understand where the devs were coming from though and i really think the canopener mechanic is one of those things that had to be implemented to know if it was a good idea or not; one of those things that sounds good on paper but when put in the game and experienced just doesn't add much and kind of detracts from the game.
  9. myusername!

    Item ideas!

    It think a Driver's License would be a good Item to allow people to figure out the names of dead bodies they come across whether they killed the person or just found them dead. It would be a realistic item since a Driver's License is one of the most common, name printed items carried by a person. Here's the link to the driver's license thread if you want more information: http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156854-dayz-item-drivers-license/ Also, a "cool" looking gas mask would be nice like one of these. http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/gas-mask-19399889.jpg http://www.code3tactical.com/images/products/detail/images.2.jpg And some of the hoodies/jackets could be modeled with their hoods up so we can do this: http://webtaj.com/images/gas-mask-art-the-best-pictures-interesting_422961.jpg If people want something more practical, a fire man's gas mask and hat could spawn in the fire stations: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b2/US_Navy_080730-N-5277R-003_A_Commander,_Naval_Forces_Japan_firefighter_douses_a_fire_on_a_dummy_aircraft_during_the_annual_off-station_mishap_drill_at_Naval_Support_Facility_Kamiseya.jpg Then with the different spray paint that is going to be added we could paint them any color we want, to be more tactical or bright. Also, a gameplay idea that would complement the gas mask would be to have different zones with radiation or viruses so that players could only safely access certain places on the map with a gas mask; if they went to the radiation or virus zones with no gas mask they would get sick or if they stayed too long there they would die from radiation or the virus. And the players that had gas masks would need filters for the gas mask and the filters could have a use limit, having to be changed every so often as real filters need to be changed; this could add depth and a purpose to the gas mask and keep people from camping in the radiation/virus zones because they would be using their fairly rare filters. Also, if a player stayed a long period "camping" with a gas mask in the radiation or virus zone they would die of prolonged exposure; the zone would eventually kill them to keep them from camping. They would just be able to stay in the area longer than someone that has no gas mask because they have a gas mask but prolonged exposure will kill anyone forcing them to leave after a while if they want to stay alive.
  10. myusername!

    Kill on Sight - Complaining

    I second this.
  11. All debate aside, Merry Christmas! :) Hope you all are having a good one.
  12. No one is telling you how to live your life; you voluntarily viewed and posted in this thread. It's simply a discussion/debate.
  13. And I'm completely fine with that :) that's what makes the game fun. There are many other places to gather civilian loot from just as good if not better than cherno becuase those cities are not looted out like cherno is.If I want to get into a fight I go to cherno. And with the mosin out performing the m4 at the moment there is no reason to visit the military installations or airfields other than for the long range scope and hunter backpack. But I could see having a few zones with different security levels working fairly well; it would make the game more interactive and encourage communication, as the game was intended. I dont't hate kos, but excessive kos should be controlled to a reasonable extent as defined by the game developer.
  14. This thread is not about eliminating kos. It is about moderating kos to a reasonable extent; controlling the griefers to an extent. Eve online is the only game that has a good approach in allowing people to do whatever they want because there are set zones, high security to low security. Players are fairly safe in high security areas; if someone killes you in high sec the killer will be killed quickly by police. This controls pvp, creating secure, safe areas but at the same time allows pvp to take place in the uncontrolled, low sec areas.
  15. I was just sighting what someone that liked to kos all the time had already said. He said, them along with everyone else would leave. Kos will always be in the game but it wont be death match like it is now. If or when a penalty for excesive kos is implemented a lot of the death matchers will leave. I know for a fact that more people subscribe to kos than not; play dayz for a few hours, read the forums. No, I am not calling them liars. The idea is not to eliminate kos but to moderate/control kos to a reasonable extent.