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About Shootter

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  1. we already know zombies can walk through the buildings, so fix it then.
  2. Shootter

    DayZ engine

    They already had arma 3 engine. why use the arma 2 engine?
  3. he needs to fix the god damn zombies before adding more
  4. Shootter

    Rare TANK in the game

    people has the choice to play as they want. forcing people to whatever u want is even worse, that is the main reason of why our world if fucked up with so many wars. if people want to play with 50000 vehicles fucking let them do it, if u don't want to see them just don't join those servers.
  5. Shootter

    What's up with all this KoS complains

    or maybe just make going north worth it.
  6. Shootter

    What's up with all this KoS complains

    sounds like fun!
  7. Shootter

    What's up with all this KoS complains

    let's be honest, most of the people who do it it's because it's funny and because there's nothing else to do, and im pretty sure they're not going to let them pick up the few items the server still have and of course not letting them pick up a gun because then they turn into a threat. seriously it's very easy to know why
  8. Shootter

    What's up with all this KoS complains

    i know the diference, bandit is someone who robs you or kills you for the stuff you have, and a murderer is someone who kills just for killing, like i already said banditry is useless right now for 2 reasons: A)you ruin the gear (that's stupid) B)the bodies disappear almost immediately. u can't rob someone who is full geared because he is going to shoot you, so you gonna have to kill him anyways but, hey surprise body disappear withint a minute, so you just murdered the guy for no reason, there's very few loot diverity and all i need i can get it within 15 minutes of server hopping. if things are like that then im going to murder anyone anyways.
  9. Shootter

    What's up with all this KoS complains

    I made this post because i wanted an answer, "People are complaining because KoSing has turned from the odd bandit shooting someone in some badass way, to groups from 5+ camping the coast shooting freshspawned, unarmed players." well that's dev's fault, very few player in the server, there's no reason to going up north when u can get full gear within 15 minutes at the coast, it doesn't matter if u kill full geared players of fresh spawns because the bodies disappear within a minute, also me and my friends find that kidnapping and forcing newbies to do something is really funny. i know it's alpha but hell, if you're going to release a game in the market atleast make it playable.
  10. i can't even look at this forum without seeing someone bitching about KoS, seriously... it's a survival horror game, so u people want us bandits to run around for hours looting, making friends and riding ponies? look at our world, people kill people for stupid reasons or no reason already, now think what would happen in a zombie apocalypse. Reasons of the KoS: 1.- Im not running around the damn map looting just for letting some idiot kill me and keep my items 2.- it's fun ruining the gear after getting shot and bringing a million zombies it's not going to stop me from shooting people, i even have a team of 6-7 bandits and we move from city to city cleaning up all the places. If u Take KoS out what's is this game going to be about? survive the zombies? if u want to do that just stay away from the cities or log out and never come back. once u get the loot u want what's next? that's right: kill people. Deal with it.
  11. Shootter

    New Update

    When is the new update coming out? i want to loot the bodies of the people i kill...
  12. Shootter

    New Clothing Item

    making your character look more pro
  13. Shootter

    New Clothing Item

    i know, but im talking about a belt as a new item not replacing any other item in the chest http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/z/police-officer-gun-holster-belt-19088144.jpg
  14. Shootter

    New Clothing Item

    They could add like a extra military belt with a holster for the pistol or something
  15. Shootter

    A Couple Questions/Ideas/bugs

    thanks, didn't knew that