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Everything posted by R3D B4RON

  1. R3D B4RON

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    EU servers are the same as American servers, just don't bring your beans from American servers. The exchange rate is awful.
  2. R3D B4RON

    I need friends!

    I would be your friend, but I will likely murder you with an axe. It seems to happen more often than not. But if you are a gambling man, I'll be around.
  3. R3D B4RON

    <<<< [How to] Improve random player killing. >>>>

    But, But then what will my axe be good for? I really hate chopping wood. If you want to avoid KOS go play on a Canadian server. Apparently there dayz is a trash collection simulator where people team up to increase land value in Chenarus. Whatever you do avoid Russian servers, pretty sure there is a zombie apocalypse going on there IRL and they tend to be a bloodthirsty bunch. American servers seem to be more eclectic, we have both the sociopaths and those wanting to experience a post apocalyptic running simulator. Variety is the spice of life after all.
  4. R3D B4RON


    I must admit I have a bit of a character flaw...I seem to murder everyone I meet with an axe. I try to make friends, always with the best of intentions, but somehow my friends always meet a grisly death at the end of my axe. I don't think my parents hugged me enough as a child. Today as I stood over the butchered body of one of my "friends", I couldn't help but feel that my favorite hobby was a bit wasteful. I mean I never really kill for the loot, it's really just compulsion. Then it hit me, what if my murderous streak actually could render some use from the bodies of my poor victims? What if I could collect meat from their body's like wild game from the mod? Why then my friends could serve some other purpose than being wasteland litter. What do you think? With the shortage of supplies that all the coast-huggers complain about, would this be a way to alleviate some of the strain? Worked for survivors in The Road after all =p Hope to see you all for dinner soon =)
  5. R3D B4RON

    Swaping server calls gear lose

    You joined a private hive or a sever that isn't whitelisted yet. Stick with servers with a higher population, usually they are legit servers.
  6. R3D B4RON

    Rinse repeat

    Don't go to NWAF, they have added military installations to several other locations around the map. I have yet to see anyone at the NEAF or at Zelen. You don't have to fall into the trap of thinking obtaining as much military grade gear is the only end game. There is plenty to do in Chenarus without going the deathwatch route.