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    South Central, PA

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    I have been with GSNGaming.com for over 3 Years and I have loved every minute.
  1. Yes what he says is right but you also need to be in first person view and spam F till it says your full and you should be good for an hour or longer.
  2. You start Private servers now they won't get the info they need to fix the issues. This is Alpha not the Full game.
  3. pager

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    Lol dude post this is the correct area This is about what they fixed or changed in the 0.30.113860 Patch Not bug or Hack Reporting unless it's something on the list that they say got fixed.
  4. pager

    The #1 priority fix (my opinion)

    Hacks would never be #1 you can spend all that time and money and 30 seconds later a hacker broke your patch and off hacking again. Zeds Are low on my list. Tents I don't think we will see tents till the end of the Alpha with Cars and Helis
  5. pager

    Rolling Update Rev. 0.30.113860

    I'm sure they will read this but this is about the update not bugs.
  6. pager

    Dayz Coast Spawning Only: Yes or No

    The loot needs to be on a respawner. If the loot table was Respawning this wouldn't be an issue.
  7. pager

    Dayz Coast Spawning Only: Yes or No

    If you been around the map or look at the map on DayZdb there are new Military Locations which I think is the reason for the tents at Stary are missing. Novy is the Rare inland Spawn location and always has been.
  8. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    You can see the code that you DL with the game is almost the same code as the old A2 Mod only codes we can't see is the server side which would be spawning locations % of loot spawning in building ect ect.
  9. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    Oh I don't know generating and image maybe lol joke. Do I think they could come up with a better spawning system sure.. Maybe have loot spawning for a player but what if you do that and there are several players in the same town how will that affect things?
  10. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    This Game is base off what ppl are calling Arma 2.5 a mix or A2 and A3 if you look it still using the PBO file system and this is still the Alpha give it time I sure they will look at all these complaints and come out with something better in the Beta and not 6 days into the Alpha. ~Pager
  11. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    The houses have bigger texture cars not some much so yes they look kinda sloppy and this is still ALPHA not the full release. ~Pager
  12. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    What is there to misunderstand you want better frame rates in cities but you don't want all the stuff to spawn in houses and you show on your pic that you updated since the starting of this cars that are on the map (Wrecks) these are good cover and hiding spots. What did I miss? All this stuff make this game what DayZ is to be ~Pager
  13. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    I don't care iggy me thats fine. You all are compair this to Battlefield much smaller maps and just faster pace game type. You all play this game for the survivalness of the game and bigger maps to hide tents and stuff on. With the size and rendering distance of the map the game it's going to come with some FPS lost there will be no way to stop that. ~Pager p.s. All the Vehicles haven't been add in yet which is going to make it even more of a challenge for them because that will down FPS as well also Tents and other stuff that are saved to the map. Just more fun for them to come.
  14. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    OMG yes when you come to a town you have to render everything in it OK. this isn't a BATTLEFIELD TYPE GAME if you want a custom loadout all the time on RESPAWN and have no loot or enterable buildings then play Battlefield This game was made to have all these buildings the loot and everything else I'm sure down the road it will get better but maybe getting back 20 to 30 frames not all of it.
  15. pager

    Reduce triangle counts in cities

    I do know you don't render the whole I'm not that stupid but you still do render anywhere from 2000-3000 meter and thats more then most Battlefield maps are in size.