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About Radioactiv

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  1. Radioactiv

    Being killed by server hoppers ruining game

    Don't drop it, I still carry both, from town to town I run the Mosin, and once im looting I pick up my M4. My friend has lost a M4 through a floor becuase of this. Yessir, they love those servers with 3-4 players, if you shut the doors on them, it makes it alot more appealing.
  2. Radioactiv

    Being killed by server hoppers ruining game

    Thats the best fix I have found for server hoping so far. All that gear "they worked hard" for gone after one 7.62 to the dome.
  3. Radioactiv

    [OUTDATED] DayZ: The Ultimate Loot Route

    Could add in the tents below Bolota, they seem to spawn alot of attachments
  4. Radioactiv

    Lets post some screen shots (Standalone)

    Late night fix for server hoping
  5. Radioactiv

    sniping whit the mosin

    Ive used the Mosin in Balota once, but I was on the hill north of it, the shots were a bit harder at 400-600 yards
  6. My friend logged off in a nearby city, and I didnt want to quit playing, so I found a new game to play. It's pretty boring but a good game to play until it gets a fix.
  7. Radioactiv

    Does everyone prefer the Mosin?

    I perfer the mosin only If I can find a long range scope in good condition. Seems to me to be one of the rarest attachments in the game along with the Magpull stock for the M4
  8. Radioactiv

    Coming out to my clan

    When I'm not playing DayZ or BF4 it's usually WoW. We have a out of the closet raider with us, and he makes it completely clear, sometimes a bit to much. He usually talks to the girls in our group more, for a online gaming community, it doesnt bother us as long as everyone is performing there rolls correctly.
  9. Radioactiv

    Dayz Vet looking for a team.

    Me and my friend play here on GA servers, we are about a hour north of you and both 20. We have been useing Razer Comms for voice chat
  10. Radioactiv

    I'm a'scared.

    Im rather new myself, but Ive got my bearings quickly, if you ever want to get on Razer Comms with me and a friend send me a message. Also, I havent seen a shotgun in the game yet, just lots of M4s. Most ammo will be in Military spawns. .
  11. Radioactiv

    What Have YOU Found

    Me and my friend after leaving the NW airfield, it was a good time, had a guy that pinned my friend in one of the barracks with a Mosin with the 3.5x scope, I got the flank on him.