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Everything posted by phoboss

  1. phoboss

    Why ARMA Engine?

    Because of reasons!
  2. First I'd like to thank you for your feedback and the time you invested. Usually these kind of suggestions get simple "No!" answer. But since you're new and like you said haven't read much about the topic, I'll do you a solid and explain why most dayz veterans will hate your idea. It's very simple actually, no matter the solution you come up with, you have to ask one question, "does it favor (or punish) a certain playstyle?". If you can even vaguely answer that with a "yes" then your idea will never get accepted by the community (or rocket for that matter). Here's why, neither rocket nor the community want to implement features into the game, that force you to play a certain way. What ever that may be, it doesn't matter. If you HAVE to stop killing people because you have such a strong debuff, that it is impossible to kill anyone, before they kill you, then that is something that won't work for this game. That's just the way it is. You will have to come to accept that. There will NEVER be any game mechanic to stop people from KoSing, or to make life easier for either party (meaning different skins or what ever gets suggested here in the forum). Its a sandbox, which means what ever your playstyle may be, it is encouraged. The game will get harder in the future, making certain playstyles less viable, but it will get harder for everyone equally, not just the players who choose to KoS a lot. Sometimes it's hard to understand why they would want that kind of behavior in a game, and the answer is: They don't (at least not in the magnitude it's currently happening). And they will address the issue later down the road. Just not with a feature/mechanic that punishes people that play this way, but rather by encouraging them to play differently.
  3. What I'm "suggesting" doesn't really restrict you. On the contrary, I want the game to be even harder. And once that is the case, people will be forced to seek help from other players. And that is a good thing, because like I said, KoS is not realistic at all.
  4. So yeah, basically every second thread is about banditry and KoSing and how it needs to be "fixed". I made a thread about that here and I encourage you to read that first in order to understand where I'm coming from with this, and that this is not supposed to be any kind of mechanic that gets implemented and then just tells us who's friendly and who's a bandit. This is a system the players will have to use in order to "report" banditry to other players. I got the idea through some inspiration from forum user 1s1k-airborne and zedsdeadbaby. The general idea behind all these hero/bandit system is that you get a visual queue if someone is one or the other. Maybe through a skin or a bandana or what ever. My problem with these solutions is, they have no tie to real life. You don't get a warning message if someone is about to rob you. So for me personally, those solutions are out of the question. But 1s1k-airbone said something about bandits in real life wearing masks of some sort to hide their identity. Well they do that to hide from the authorities, which obviously don't exist in chernarus. So it's more like the wild west. But back then, before the invention of photos or videos, they had something else, wanted posters. So here's my idea. Let's say you witness a bandit robbing or killing someone. You have a pen and paper, so you draw a picture of him, depending on your distance to him, it gets more detail. Then you could use charcoal to make "copies" of your drawing and start hanging them up around chernarus. if another player comes across said poster, he "memorizes" the wanted person and can also copy it with charcoal or a pen. and he can tell other survivors about him. if anybody who saw one of the posters or heard about the bandit, comes close to the wanted bandit, he could start recognizing him. not like in a yes or no kind scenario. but more subtle. like "he seems familiar" or "you don't feel right about this guy". and depending on the quality of the drawing or the description you got, and the disctance you have to the player when you spot him, you recognize him fairly good or only vaguely. You could also warn others over a public radio frequency or via walkie talkie. Of course this would also work the other way around. You can give descriptions or drawings of friendly people aswell and other could recognize them and ask them for help. Zedsdeadbaby dropped the idea of you being able to "mark" other players as bandits or heros, based on your experience with them. And I think this could be combined into one feature. So if you see a player kill another person, you can "mark" them as a bandit, make a drawing or tell others, and you would recognize them better the next time you saw them, because you saw them kill someone. (The "Mark" would of course only work for yourself, no one else could see it). But I think if I saw someone murder another person, I'd recognize them the next time I saw them. Yeah thats the general outline of the idea. It's not totally finished yet, but it could add some interesting dynamic in the feature I believe.
  5. phoboss

    Hero/Bandit system made by the players

    Yes but in contrary to real life, you can't really distinguish faces, stature and such in game.
  6. phoboss

    Horses, the almost perfect "vehicle"

    Yeah all that would be great. I think I read somewhere that Rocket actually said that he'd like to do horses very much and it is on their todo list. So we can still hope! :D
  7. phoboss

    Cheater, Cheater everywhere (IMHO)

    Thats exactly it! Cheating is WAAAAAAY down. But people expect it to go extinct... Cheating will ALWAYS happen! Even huge games like World of Warcraft have cheaters. You can't stop it, you can only contain it. I have 100+ hours played and also have never seen a cheater.
  8. phoboss

    NW Airfield military tents

    No worries, it's just funny to observe at times, how things like the tents being empty or the mosin now only loading one bullet at a time once it's spraypainted, come up every 10 minutes. You have to wonder if a lot of people are new to internet forums ;) Cause you know the search function has been around for a while now. :P And if you search for words like "tents" or "mosin" you get dozens of threads about it.
  9. phoboss

    NW Airfield military tents

    Thanks for letting us know. Haven't had a thread about this for at least 10 minutes.
  10. phoboss

    Mosin painting

    WOW REALLY?! Don't even know what to say to this anymore... You must be new to the internet and forums in particular...
  11. WOW! SORRY MAN! Totally my bad! I stopped paying attention to the actual user responding, because the OP stopped responding to his own (stupid) thread. So I confused you with him, because you kept answering. But I also wasn't hostile, I simply said that there is no need to start a thread like this, when you can't be certain it's actually an issue. Even though I totally directed my answer at the wrong guy. Again, I sincerely apologize!
  12. phoboss

    Mosin is horrible unless your accuracy is 100%

    See NOW, I actually understand. Long story short, the one bullet in the chamber is a bug that happens when you spray paint a weapon.
  13. Well then don't come on the forums, making a post where you complain about something, when you aren't even sure it's really an issue.
  14. Doesn't really answer my question though. Is it possible that since the server restarted (I'm guessing you don't know when that was), that someone else was at said tents and took the loot? And since I think you don't know when the last restart was, the answer is probably, yes, someone else might've taken the loot. You and some other dude being the only ones on the server now, doesn't mean that some server hopper wasn't there 5 hours ago.
  15. phoboss

    Mosin is horrible unless your accuracy is 100%

    Don't you get it?! NO ONE knows what you're trying to say! The term "One shot" usually means "one shot kill". Meaning it takes just one hit to kill someone. Do you want the damaged lowered? What does that have to do with the spawnrate?! And whats with the 5 shots?!
  16. Very little is not nothing. And could've someone else been there before you?
  17. Only the big ones with two entrances
  18. Wow there is a lot of weed "stuff" stuck in your keyboard ;)
  19. phoboss

    Mosin is horrible unless your accuracy is 100%

    You just wen't full retard, never go full retard ;) Nobody gets what you're saying.
  20. phoboss

    Spawning new/old character

    Came here for this comment. Wasn't disappointed :D
  21. phoboss

    Im doing something wrong....

    For now, just don't try to paint ANYTHING and you're all good.
  22. phoboss

    Character roll-back after new patch?

    No actually it shouldn't. Whats the big deal with everyone losing their shit? I don't get it. It's the biggest part of the game. You die all the time and lose everything anyway, so what's the problem. Besides character wipes are pretty common in other games during an alpha or beta test. So get over it, you lost your gear, it'll happen again. Jesus....
  23. Probably some Fuck up with the new patch. I wouldn't worry to much about it. It'll get fixed tomorrow or next week.
  24. That's why I call early access games An investment in the future.
  25. phoboss


    http://pastebin.com/NrNEbduu Full changelog