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Everything posted by phoboss

  1. phoboss

    Thoughts and suggestions (WOT) ;)

    Night: well kinda my point. In real life you can't avoid the night either. So instead of telling people to play on a day server, why not make the nights playable for everyone. Reviving: I don't think that's true, most people of have a drivers license know cpr and could (to a very limited degree revive another person after let's say a heart attack. Also nowadays every subway station has a defibrillator with instructions that even the dumbest person would understand. Maybe bring a defi into the game then. Or let players only die from heashots instantly, every other hit would send your body into shock for 30 or so seconds. And during this time other players who have the necessary equipment can revive you. Wiping: of course people won't like it, but like I said, very common in alpha/beta tests and often considered necessary
  2. dont get your hopes up. its alpha, which means you have to live with those kinda bugs. I just was on a night server, crawling around in cherno and after crawling into a little house 3 zeds "saw" me and came hitting through the walls. so I'd say seeing and hitting through walls still isnt fixed. but I also noticed that zeds dont immediately know where you are when they heard shots and come running. was in the cherno hospital and shot a zed, and about 5 came looking, but didnt see me. (could be bug though)
  3. phoboss

    Thoughts On More Than One Character

    looking for a private hive server is your best bet at the moment
  4. phoboss

    New Player Issues

    known bug since
  5. phoboss

    New player thoughts

    welcome to the apocalypse! :D for the zombies, try to avoid running in towns as much as possible. and yes swimming is still bugged. as are zombie and loot spawns. just hang in there, it will get better soon. and yes, most players shot on site, as soon as they have something to lose (gun,backpack, etc.) but there are friendly ones, i know, cause i'm usually one of them. try using side chat voip for communication. its considered hostile to not answer if someones talking to you. i usuall give 2 warnings, if the other player still doesnt answer, i'll shot him. but beware, a lot of people like to backstab you as soon as they got your trust!
  6. same here, havent found a single coke or beans for hours... had to kill a lot of players to stay alive. :D
  7. phoboss

    Hardcore fanboys Vs General gamers

    /signed. I mean, aside from the bugs that are still there after 1.7.1 I like the patch, but the attitude of most fanboys in this forum is just horrible ...
  8. phoboss

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    wtf, almost every server is telling me they are running 1.7 and i have 1.7.1. but in the description it says it is running 1.7.1...
  9. phoboss

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    it think the zombie changes should've come in two steps. first fix the seeing and hitting through walls, and once that was fixed, increase range and dmg. now we have zeds who do much more dmg and can still hit through walls...
  10. phoboss

    Build 1.7.1 Rolling Update

    hmm. changes good in theory, but in the end a little extreme imho.
  11. phoboss

    Client-Side Modifications

    in real life you could lower you're weapon just for a split second to walk into a doorway sideways, you cant to that in arma 2, so removing this behavior is totally legit to me. but until rocket implements something like that into dayz i wouldn't use the mod.
  12. NO, most definitely NO! you're weak enough as it is when you spawn. and the argument "who has a handgun at home" also applies to "how has morphine auto injector at home?". but taking away everything "unrealistic" is just to much.
  13. phoboss

    Question on two copies / cd key

    how does that give him a second cd key? or help him with HDD space problems? he will need even more space than he would for a second installation.
  14. phoboss

    Tents are NOT crashed helicopters

    i usually leave my stuff behind when i find a tent with better gear. why should i keep my winchester when there is a m4sd in the tent?
  15. phoboss

    Broken bone in Chernarus

    that i am indeed ;) no ofc i always carry at least 3 bandages, sometimes more, if i dont have that much sidearm ammo. M9SD mags are just to fucking rare! ;)
  16. phoboss

    Anyone get this working for a Mac?

    god please dont start a PC vs. Mac discussion ... ppl who buy macs have their reasons, why some people have to comment on that is just beyond me. if i want to pay 30% more for a desktop or notebook, its my choice. why do you care? it doesnt affect you! but be that as it may, back to topic. @BARONVONBULLSHIT like others have stated before you will need bootcamp to run arma2/dayz. but let me say this, be sure what you're getting yourself into when you buy arma2 to play dayz! dont get me wrong i love this game! and i enjoy playing it more than i enjoyed playing any other AAA title in the last couple of years. but its a very particular type of game and its not for everyone. arma 2 by itself is a rather hard to learn game with all its controls and behavior. and dayz is without a doubt the most unforgiving game i have played since ultima online ;). you dont get a second chance or a do over. if you're dead, you're dead. all progress from the last 2 hours - 4 days is just gone in a heartbeat. you get shot from 600m away by a sniper, without even having a chance to defend yourself. its just part of the game. but like i said, i Fing love it! :D
  17. phoboss

    Broken bone in Chernarus

    2xmorphine, 2x painkillers, 2xblood, 2xepi, 1xantibiotics, 4-6 mags is my usual setup. as soon as i use a medical supply i restock somewhere.
  18. phoboss

    Question on two copies / cd key

    what i do is, that when i'm playing without my buddys i just look for a private hive server like EU-BIGBO. its not quite the same but its cheaper than having 2 copies of the game. this way i can have my main char i use only when playing with my friends, and a second char on a private hive server, which i use when i'm alone and want to go all rambo in cherno :D
  19. phoboss

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    Not to troll you' date=' dude. But I disagree. Have you ever been in the middle of nowhere when its dark with no light pollution, no street lights or moon, surrounded by trees? Not seeing your hand in front of your face is quite realistic. Dark nights are daaaaaark. [/quote'] hehe no trolling taken ;) but in fact i was, just 2 weeks ago i was camping in the woods with a couple of friends, and once we put out our fire and my eyes adjusted to the darkness i could at least see 5-10m far. where in dayz i had server the other day, where there was a clear sky and a lot of stars, but the rest was completely black, like totally black. but wrong place for this. and i dont even mind that much, as long as you cant "cheat" by increasing gamma. when its black for everyone, its fine with me.
  20. phoboss

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    I dont mind buffing the zeds per se, cause right now I consider them no threat at all... well besides the fact that you HAVE to shot them thus alerting other players to your position. but combined with their speed and jittery movement more damage might actually be a bit much. but like you said, we'll see. I enjoyed every minute i spend in the world of DayZ so far, and i will continue to do so. its just the best game/mod in AGES! so keep it up guys!
  21. phoboss

    Pending Update 1.7.1 Details

    am I the only one who's a little concerned about the Zeds doing more damage and having better vision, when the pathfinding is still so jittery ? and how does the hiding from infected work? can we have some more info on that? at what point do you lose hoppers or crawlers? how do you hide from zeds that run as fast as you? oh and any word on helo crashsite loot? my experience is that its still not respawning. and just to keep the spirit of the thread going, sorry but the darkness in the night is nowhere near realistic... even in the middle of the night you can at least see your own hands infront of you...
  22. phoboss

    Message to the Sounddesigner!

    some people sometimes just need a high five... in the face... with a chair! :D