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About RobV3

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  1. Read the fake FAQ thing there. IDK About you but I laughed so hard at the broken English. "Q: What is a beta patch? Why did it to me? We are here, well fed!" DAFUQ
  2. Bored, waiting for some friends, googling dayz out of boredom to see if anything interesting comes up. http://flmsdown.net/games/1252740-day-z-v1711-arma-2-mod-2012multi2.html WITH FEATURES LIKE - Realistic "Zombies" with its own animation - former human beings who have hearing and smell, but the visually impaired. They use motion captured animations for walking and eating breakfast your wounded body. - New weapons and vehicles! - Its system of medicine. - Constant server - spent many hours working towards the goal, or looking for materials and server crashes, losing all your progress? Well with all the stats server Dayz is stored in our external database. - Tons of new objects - We just added ouzhie, we are proud that we can find things such as water, canned food, garbage and spare parts, etc. - Hunting and Survival - Food and drink is an essential part of gameplay. I lold @ the broken English. Now, don't quote me on this, but I think this might be fake!
  3. Taking out side/global chat was essential. Not only did people ruin the mood of the game (isolation, paranoia, always being unsure) but also opened up a tool for trolls to troll whilst they trolled. I'm all for removing the mood-breaking, telepathic, country-wide chat system.
  4. Once upon a time, James from Accounting and Rob from Human Resources were sniping from atop a large building in Chernogorsk. Suddenly, Rob (who had the sniper m107) was struck and instantly killed by an unknown assailant. James, who was armed with a shotgun, valiantly retrieved Rob's rifle (while being shot at), located the assailant, and took him out with a clean shot from 800 meters. He was a man in a ghillie suit camped on an antenna. Just as we thought our troubles were through, the man respawns and is found trying to locate his belongings. James quickly deals with him as Rob makes his journey back. Suddenly, James screams. The man he had killed twice has server hopped and spawned behind him. Heroically, James is able to take down his assailant before he dies alongside him. Now you may be thinking, "holy shitballs batman, that's terrible!" You're wrong, though! As James says his final words and bleeds out next to his fallen attacker, Rob ascends the ladder to salvage what he can. As Rob approaches James' lifeless corpse, another man appears! A friend of the server hopper is hopping alongside him to help steal Rob and James' belongings! Rob sees the man as he is gains consciousness and promptly teabags his forehead as he delivers a lethal dose of lead into the would-be thief's anus. Rob recovers the Anti Material rifle, coyote pack, and tools and propmtly leaves the area. Now you may think, that isn't such a happy ending! James lost what gear he had! WRONG AGAIN, SLUTBISCUIT! James makes his way back to the building and retrieves a Coyote Pack, a DMR, a silenced pistol, and a whole new set of tools! Oh glorious day! Rob and James, after this terrible encounter, make a profit of 1 DMR, 1 M9SD, 1 Coyote pack, a multitude of items, and 3 kills on the original server hopper plus 1 on his DMR-wielding friend! It should also be noted that Rob is awesome. In the words of the mighty Julius Caesar, G.G., no re. Only this mod can spike adrenaline like this and really make memorable adventures. I hope others are making memories in Chernarus, too. Between the zombies and the other people out for their own good Chernarus is a dangerous and often exciting place.
  5. The patch isn't even bad. Run in a building and you can lose zombies. Adapt and stop crying lol. The only problem I have is that someone was exploiting the feature to hide from zombies to shoot me in a town without giving away his location. He would step out to shoot and go back in so he didnt pull a single zombie and was basically impossible to locate. Such a sucky way to die. Starting with the flashlight and stuff is good though. Especially if you find another person in your same situation. Almost guaranteed to team up.
  6. RISE, THREAD, RISE! We need more typical pedal bicycles. They are very popular in both eastern and western Europe and, from the couple of times I had one in game, fast and fun to ride (yet fragile, so you still have to be careful; also you can be shot).
  7. RobV3

    An open letter to the silent majority

    Most people seem to think that this is a just a game for the funs and don't realize its meant to simulate the situation. They are asking for equality for all 'playstyles' and shit. Because they only consider what they want, they consider themselves correct in all logic. The game is fine how it is. Team up with your good friends as you would in a real disaster. Friends can assist you and can see/hear things you can't sometimes. Bandits make noise and risk their lives constantly to take other people's items for themselves (I like to think of them as what looters would become in an apocalyptic situation) but they still have to work for their kills and loot. If people would start playing more cautiously and stop walking into empty fields saying "Friendly" and getting shot maybe they would realize how great this is. Not to mention its the fucking ALPHA. THIS IS AMAZING FOR AN ALPHA BUILD. BE GRATEFUL AND STOP TRYING TO TWIST THIS INTO SOMETHING ITS NOT. Also, what the FUCK is with all the arrogance on these forums? It feels like everyone looks down upon one another and almost everyone is incapable of discussing something effectively. Thank god people don't put up with that kind of shit in the outside world.
  8. I thought the whole idea of the gender was to reflect your actual gender into the game. Unless you're a lesbian couple I think you're gonna be stuck male.
  9. RobV3


    I'm new to these forums! Just wanted to say hi. I've been on DayZ for a couple weeks now so I figured I might as well join the game forums. CAUTION: Do not continue reading if you do not care about others' opinions. I love the idea behind the game by the way. It reminds me of a game mode in Garry's Mod called Experiment. In Experiment it was kind of the same system as DayZ, minus the zombies and plus a sort of economy. Instead of random loot spawning you had to buy items by buying items that make money and defending them (actually pretty fun). People were essentially anonymous aside from a description they could type of themselves that would be seen when they were aimed at (for example, Tall, dark hair, small mustache). DayZ seems to create and amplify alot of the feelings of Experiment such as isolation, the constant threat of attack, and the need to survive among others. Also, I've noticed many people complaining about there not being enough incentive to work together. I don't think I am the only one who sees the flaw in this logic though. In experiment, people could back stab you as well, just like this. People could kill you and take your items for their own gain. Because of this, you would tend to group with only people you trust. In DayZ, which appears to want to simulate the social interactions of a hypothetical zombie apocalypse, I don't see why you would think any differently. Any stranger you see wandering around a world where survival is rare and supplies are limited should be treated with extreme caution. Most people seem to prioritize themselves and those close to them more than strangers, and as such, it is not safe to expect friendliness in such a tough environment. In Experiment and DayZ, I tend to think of people as more animalistic. They want to survive and prosper above all. Even still, the benefits of having friends in the apocalypse are great. I have learned from experience that having another gun, pair of eyes, and backpack is great. Sometimes your friends will hear or see things you missed. They can save your life and can make your group a force to be reckoned with. Also, probably most importantly, they get rid of the feelings of isolation and paranoia; you can relax a little bit with someone else watching your back. The only things I would add to this mod would be: Remove the humanity system altogether (We know what we do) Give the murder counter a delay or remove it(Magically confirming kills with a number? Ew. Takes some of the caution away.) Perhaps you could have the kill added when you check the body? Make bicycles more common DO NOT FIX Zombies walking inside until they can be made more stable/less teleporty. Force all servers into first person only as Arma was intended to be played to give the prone stance its inherent flaw (low visibility), immerse the user more, and to eliminate people that camp behind a wall while seeing the world around them still. Honestly, even in this game's current state, I could see myself playing DayZ for quite a long time. It brings feelings stronger than experiment with its massive map and constant need for supplies. If this mod continues into Arma 3 I will probably have a minor heart attack from the excitement. Just sayin'. As this is only the alpha build, I love the potential this mod presents. TL : DR Hi. I like DayZ and the social interactions it brings. I think teamwork and trust already have enough benefits and that people should stop trying to find friends among strangers in a disaster-ridden world. I love this idea and intend to follow it as long as it lasts. Come at me, apocalypse.