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About MayhemMike

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  1. MayhemMike

    I've jet to find a playermade camp

    muhahahaha, a couple of days ago we found one. Around 10 tents full with everything the game has to offer. The camp belongs to a clan which is on the server most of the time and which enjoys hunting spawned players at the beach. Needless to say, that we emptied the whole thing, kept what looked right and threw the rest into the bushes. Best Payback, that I've ever had
  2. MayhemMike

    Stop fixing minor issues or call it 'BETA' !

    so why are you here wasting your and our time?
  3. MayhemMike

    Somebody come kill me please.

    my pal had a similar experience yesterday, but instead of falling down, the toilet-door of doom broke his legs.
  4. Just to throw in some personal experience: In the last 3 days I played with my buddy on around 4 maybe 5 servers we met in total 11 ppl. 1 was friendly - (south, we had no weapons) 2 didn't see us - (north, we had weapons) 1 tried to kill us - (south, we had no weapons) and 7 actually killed us - (south, we just spawned, had no weapons while they had all rare rifles) My personal favorite was one guy who made a suicide run to get a better spawn position, but decided that it would be more fun to drag some zombies on our position first. And tbh, I did that too after I died, because it is a waste of time that we have to do it since the respawn button got removed and the more it gets abused the more complaints will rise and the more likelier it is that we will get it back.
  5. MayhemMike

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    doesn't change anything mojo, ppl will run into towns for a suicide by zombie thingy, which still causes the mentioned mechanics to kick in and cause extra load in addition to the char creation lag. And you still can get broken legs without a weapon right in the middle of nowhere
  6. MayhemMike

    No Respawn button now? /sigh

    ahm, I don't see the point of it instead of -respawn - a character gets created - lag is caused- we now have to: -run into a town - load zombies into the map - load loot into the map, which then get handed over to the server after we suicided us, which causes also lag and a new character gets still created sounds like more lag to me. and besides what if I have broken legs because of a bush, a missed attack or something else in the middle of nowhere? I would have to wait until I starve to death.
  7. MayhemMike

    Pending Update: Build

    One problem I see is that without the respawn button coop play will get even more difficult. Until now you could (ab)use it to get a spawn closer to your team but now it will take ages to reunite. Considering that you can die because of a tree or bush or other environmental entities, makes alpha testing the mod even more of a pain. Basically it's a good idea but maybe it's a bit too early to implement that
  8. MayhemMike

    Zombies are too strong! (

    same here, their strength is ok but their sometimes unpredictable detection mechanics can be really annoying
  9. MayhemMike

    No Weapons?

    Hallo everyone, what happened to all the weapons? We were playing for a couple of hours on 3 different servers and we didn't find a single weapon. Lots of ammo and hatchets everywhere, but no weapons. Are the loot tables outdated or just bad luck?
  10. MayhemMike

    Let's have a debate on zombie AI...

    more of them, 10 times deadlier but slower would be awesome.
  11. MayhemMike


    lol, had the same problem, but all the time I didn't notice the green box on top. .....I'm getting old lol
  12. Yesish would be nicer if the bandit could hide it, like when it only shows up when he stands still for a set amount of time or does a special action like eating/drinking
  13. YES but only if we get additional spawn areas away from the coast otherwise ppl will just roam the beach for lols and tears
  14. MayhemMike

    It shall not punish gameplay styles

    The problem with freedom is that at some point you will have good number of ppl abusing that freedom when there are no consequences. For example, after you've spawned there is absolutely no reason (game-mechanicwise) why you shouldn't run into the closest town and kill the first guy you meet. If you succeed you might get some nice stuff to start your actual journey, but if you fail, nothing is lost.
  15. Well, it is an open world game with rules made by players, so why not. And every now and then I would also enjoy the company of strangers without the constant fear of getting killed for no reason