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About Harba

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  1. Harba

    Melee weapon player damage isn't right.

    I've noticed that you actually need some momentum with bigger melee weapons such as the fire axe. You can even try this with zombies. If you just stand still next to your target and swing your axe you need to hit like 5 or more times, but if you run at your target and time the swing well you can 1 hit zombies with ease, same goes for players.
  2. I think that such inaccuracy at 550m is acceptable, wait for better rifles to be added for sniping.
  3. That is due to the fact that it is an alpha.. Too early to moan about all this.
  4. I think its too early to say how the game is going to develop, at the moment zombies are the same as they were in the mod, a nuisance. Maybe once their numbers increase and they make them harder to kill people will team up to get to that precious loot inside towns.
  5. Harba

    Must say this one really annoyed me..

    How can you say unarmed when you just said you had a M4A1? Is the other person supposed to magically see into your invetory to notice you dont have ammo for it? If you are looting military item spawns you are fair game for anyone to shoot, that is my opinion. It is shoot or be shot in those areas with the gear that is laying around. Maybe in the future they raise the difficulty of zombies high enough to promote teamwork to get rid of them to reach that precious loot.
  6. Forget the blood bags, get some saline.
  7. Harba

    please remove the barracks at balota

    All the epic encounters in Stary Sobor will be but a distant memory :(
  8. Harba

    Any way to hear from rocket?

  9. Harba

    Food and drink

    You start hungry and dehydrated, but once you've stocked up on food and drinks you can go for 45mins without having to eat again. I do agree though that I think you should start with a bit more food and drink in your system so that you are not relying on finding food and drink in the first 5minutes, then again all that would change if loot would respawn, meaning easier access to food and drink. Once you find a water bottle or a canteen its easy to stay hydrated by getting water from wells and ponds, only problem is food, but then again animals are not yet in so that forces you to loot buildings which don't respawn loot. So I'm just gonna say "its alpha its going to have problems"
  10. The more I read these forums the more I think they should just shut the forum down and let rocket do his thing and we just enjoy the ride. I think he has this figured out and those who doubt him should just check back in 3 to 6 months and see what has happened.
  11. Harba

    please remove the barracks at balota

    I somewhat agree, too much military stuff spawning in balotta. Also why were the military tents in Stary sobor and Berezino removed? We need something in the east side of the map worth fighting over.
  12. What part of my comment did you not get? I replied to the dude who said that zombies dont come running at you when you fire your gun at innocents by saying its an early alpha aka there are not many zombies in. I also replied earlier to this topic saying no to all the magical hallucination stuff..
  13. What part of early alpha dont you get?
  14. Harba

    Too many veterans

    I thought the cruel and unforgiving gameplay was the main attraction in dayz?
  15. No No and No. I don't even understand your title, how would something like this make pvp more interesting? Would someone want to have hallucinations on their screen, or would that make people shoot others less because they know magical hallucinations will then appear. The game aims to be a survival simulator and certainly does not need made up stuff like hallucinations