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Posts posted by dynamaik

  1. Well, actually... I don't think that's immaturity, I think that is called a smart move - interrupting communications between everybody.

    Secondly, I think you are mad. Quite mad, in fact... you are still taking the time to respond to what I am saying.

    Thirdly, I have been giving shit from our clan to bandits all along. When vehicles went missing, do you honestly think that it was always some random hacker, or "random" bandit? I am responsible for some of the vehicles going missing. I am responsible for most of what went on (in terms of vehicles being jacked), actually... but you never had the slightest clue. None of you did. I was probably the least suspected in the clan to do something.

    I hope you have fun while your camps will be constantly raided by onslaughts of bandits. I have posted the coords in other forums, as well. I think you guys bit off a little more than you could chew when you let me go.


    lol, ofc they didnt suspect u why should they ? u where a part of their clan and they thrusted u... and all their items/camps/tents etc. will be back after a restart -.- dont think u have started armageddon, cuz this is nothing near a problem -.-

  2. so me and my squad decided to go to skalisty island to check out the place, i get out there after spending 30 minutes in a "small boat", i get out there finds a chopper, but its to damaged, so i join another server, i spawn at otmel with all my gear, find a new boat just a couple of meters away from my spawn, i get in, its stuck, i change server and im spawning in Kamenka.. wtf - anyone aware if this bug ?

    EDIT 1: i just spawned in Balota. seems like i keep getting moved to different spawn points

  3. Hello my name is Davaii.

    im your savior, im currently running around with -80k humanity.Im here to save you, im willing to go everywhere on the map to come help u out.

    im trying to get my humanity to + ill only be running around with an AKM and medic supplies.

    My skype is: Moarbooltz im almost online 24/7 so you can get contact with me asap.

    EDIT1: a hacker just pranked me big time, killed me a couple of times - had jason custom skin, and played some crazy music spawned choppers and shit, so i dont have med supplies but i will get them as soon as i can

  4. So i was thinking that the humanity should be reset - ppl that used to be bandit maybe wanna change because of the new hero skin, but they cant because they got like -100k humanity. Like me i have -82k humanity, but i would love to get the new hero skin, im trying to play friendly but it hard since the system isnt 100% working, like shooting in self defence and such. i just want it to be fair for everyone - everyone deserves a second chance :3

  5. so i was just checking the forum for some cool suggestions, and i got this idea -wouldnt it be cool if there was spawning wrecked ships near the ocean, a little like crashed helicopters, they just spawns at random locations. i know it would be hard to insert this to the game, and i havent really thaught much about the idea, but i just wanted to share it with you fellow players :)

    EDIT 1: they should only spawn like food/tools etc. so the new players would have a chance to survive instead of heading straight for elektro/chern

    • Like 4

  6. so yea me and a friend decided to go look for heli crash sites, because my friend found this bike, so he just started at stary and he found 1 with descent gear - bizon fn fal and a m14, he goes west and finds another one but he gets killed by a group of 3 with as50 and other shit, they take off, i run over there to take his bike and to finish the route, when im near vybor i see a chopper in the air i knew it was a hacker but i dont know why i didnt leave the server or take a screen shot and report, i just drove to the NW, and i saw him flying in some kind of jet, when i got to the devils castle me and the whole server got teleportet in the air and i logged off, i joined another server and spawn in debug forest, i rejoin and i spawn at solnichy, i meet 2 guys and i open fire, i hit the guy a couple of times, and the server goes down, (prolly was the admin i shot at) i find another server and run the whole route from behind, i meet up with my friend near stary he just found another crashed heli but with no items, we meet up to find out that he has gotten sick , so he runs to a "safe" place to put down the tent, on his way he finds another frkn chopper but also looted but there was a ammo create with SVD Mags and DMR mags, he runs to the location and respawns, i run towards green mountain and to mogilevka - here is my route, sry for the long post, i just wanted to share with u guys how hard it actually is to find a crashed heli.


  7. so me and my friends were running around in elektro, i proned on top of the hospital, and got shot at by a m107, (a real bad shooter) he shot multiple times with no luck, and i didnt even moved, but than he hit me and killed me, i spawned right next to elektro again, so i ran up on the hill where he was - but before i got there my friend ran over there checking, but he got shot by a silenced gun - when i got there i saw the guy i said on direct "hey man wassup im friendly" he didnt answer and i lost him, i thaught he logged off, so i stood up than i saw him again and i ran over to him and looted his coyote backpack, i took his M4A1 cco sd with 12 sd mags, without him noticing me, i shot him looted him - he had m107 coyote PDW SD all tools and the m4a1 cc sd pretty good gear to get, i logged off to find a more populated server, when i got in i had lost all my shit.. but that dosnt matter cuz i got this crazy story out of it :P

  8. Screenies or It didn't happen.

    Custom Animations cannot happen if you don't have them on your System.

    i dunno how to take screenshots since im playing the gamer via the beta patcher - i saw a livestream once where the guy got transformed into a dog and a a cowboy looking figure :s

  9. so i was chilling on the sniper hill near electro(with my makarov) trying to make some friends, i joined a server and suddently i hear music, i started talking on direct to see if there is anyone, but i get no response, suddently my char starts to dance... and im laughing my ass off, im laughing for a bit, but tells the "hacker" to stop - he stops, i look around if anyones near but none to see.

    sorry for posting in gallery.. didnt notice after my friend told me...

  10. i just wanted to tell you about me and my friends luck, so we ran from NE Airstrip down to Stary, i made sure that we ran over open fields in case we found some crashed helicopters, 500 meters before destination we found one, with a bison sd with 2 mags, i felt kinda lucky, 100 meters away from the military camp in stary, there was another one, so heres what happend.

    we ran over to the heli my friend found a BAF with 2 mags, i was like aaw cool, than i found an M107, i was like wow fuck yea, so now i emptied my coyote so i only had, bizon sd and the m107, plus i had equipped my M4A3 SD, so now i was pumped, than we ran over dealing out the loot, than we ran back to get some items we had dropped - THAN my friend found another gun -> the L85A2 AWS. i was amazed of how lucky we were. Now we are waiting for our 3rd guy to pick up a tent so we can go have some sexy time with our guns :3

  11. I recommend if you suspect a hacker on the server you are playing on to leave that server immediately and join one of the other 500+ servers that are up and running.

    how do u want ppl to know if there is a hacker on the server ?

    the database should notice it and rollback the item data to like 5 mins before the death..

    pretty nice idea

    Did you get nuked?

    That's a hacker.

    yea i got nuked

  12. I recommend if you suspect a hacker on the server you are playing on to leave that server immediately and join one of the other 500+ servers that are up and running.

    how do u want ppl to know if there is a hacker on the server ?

    the database should notice it and rollback the item data to like 5 mins before the death..

    pretty nice idea

  13. so yea, i was joining my clan server "CQF" to get some morphine, cuz of a broken leg, i meat up with a couple of friends and get my leg fixed, i was a click away from leaving, and a modafuking hacker kills everyone.. this means i loose m4a3 cco plus mags, g17 plus mags,mountain dew,cooked meat,NVG,M24 plus mags, coyate pack... this is so dumb, how can things like this even happend...and the worst thing is that, im not able to get the things refunded or anything, ill have to go find it again. GG
