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Everything posted by dynamaik

  1. i prefer farming gear in daytime, but when i got gear i prefer playing nighttime(when u can see) - and just got my first pair of NVG, found on a tracktor with alot of guns on it and a storage of ammo :p so now im rly good geared :p
  2. dynamaik

    QQ Thread

    so yea, i logged out in a deer stand, than today when i logg in i spawn in it again no prob there, i run to another deer stand, picks up a bandage and plays 10 minutes and loggs out cuz of bad connection, i join another server, and i spawn in the previous deer stand, i run to the other deer stand, encaunter zombies, get hit once so i bleed, i look in my bagpack to discover that i have lost the bandage i picked up earlier this meeans i die and lost (1 mountain dew/dmr/tent/binoc/aks/ ect) i spawn at kamarovo and runs toward the place i died, on my way i encaunter zombies cuz of i run past a deer stand, but as dumb the dev is, i spawn with a flashligh/1 bandage/a bagpack/painkillers, the reason he removed the gun was to prevent gun fights at the beach from new spawners, and also because of it was more realistic to spawn without a gun ? who the fuck spawns with a flashlight and painkillers ? is everyone docters now adays ? so i left the game, and was thinking screw that, rocket just shot him self in the foot, this is gonna end just like World of warcraft.. i cant belive a game this amazing was gonna be this bad.. GG
  3. dynamaik

    QQ Thread

    the sentence means than "wow was one of the best games in the world, (in my opinion) but after cataclysm got released u have been "hand fed" the game has become too easy, and blizzard ruined a great game, i dont want that to happend with dayz
  4. so me and my friend went to NW airfield, and we found a M14 EP1, and than we went looting the firestation, we were using aprox 30 minutes after looting the sniper, then when i logged on later i had lost the sniper, and i got my m9 i dropped serverel hours before the sniper got looted :s but my luck turned, i looted the whole airfield and found a tractor with 3 m4a3 and 3 with scope - 1 m24 (that i looted and dropped in my backpack) 30 stanag mags plus 3 SD, and night vision goggles, some other scrap like tank kit and wireing fence thingy. so is there a reason i lost my M14 EP1 earlier or just a common bugg ?
  5. dynamaik

    Ping Problem

    so after this shit patch, i can only find servers with 350+ ping or "?", sometimes i can see normal pings, can someone help me ?
  6. dynamaik

    QQ Thread

    this has nothing to do with "L2P" its more the game programming that is lacking...
  7. dynamaik

    QQ Thread

    i shot at the zombies but a zombie hit me once - nice reading you got there
  8. dynamaik

    Debug monitor

    hey, so ive looked around on the forum and couldnt rly find a post bout this problen - when i join a server 1.7.1, and i try to go 3rd person view im just invisible, and i got no debug monitor, and i cannot see any zombies ? some guy told me it was cuz of i joined a server that wasnt 1.7.1 but ive joined alot of servers that say it is current patch. this is what ive done - downloaded 1.7.1 torrent, insertet and replaced the @dayz map with the one i alrdy had. have i done something wrong or is it just a bugg ?
  9. dynamaik

    Debug monitor

    LVG can u link me the latest beta ? ive found it now, how do i download it
  10. i leave when i cant see shit after turning my gamma/brightness/visibility up to maximum
  11. dynamaik

    Lucky Me

    so yea basickly i logged in, and ran to chern, i went for the firstation and shot this guy shooting at me first, i went up looting him and this is what i got -1 pic than i ran all the way to berenzino, found a camo suit -> i left and went offline, next day i joined a server and this is my luck-pic 2 im really happy atm
  12. dynamaik

    Lucky Me

    i made my account today on the forum, so havent rly gotten the chance to look, this has happend once before, with a skin aswell.. damn, thaught my char was fully decked, but guess the skin was a minus.. well thx now i know that