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About dynamaik

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior

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    Having a bbq on Skalisty island
  1. dynamaik


    Hey i just got crazy gear in namalsk, and now im rebooting, does this mean ive lost my gear?
  2. dynamaik

    Coordinates... for various camps...

    lol, ofc they didnt suspect u why should they ? u where a part of their clan and they thrusted u... and all their items/camps/tents etc. will be back after a restart -.- dont think u have started armageddon, cuz this is nothing near a problem -.-
  3. dynamaik


    so me and my squad decided to go to skalisty island to check out the place, i get out there after spending 30 minutes in a "small boat", i get out there finds a chopper, but its to damaged, so i join another server, i spawn at otmel with all my gear, find a new boat just a couple of meters away from my spawn, i get in, its stuck, i change server and im spawning in Kamenka.. wtf - anyone aware if this bug ? EDIT 1: i just spawned in Balota. seems like i keep getting moved to different spawn points
  4. dynamaik

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    Hunter is your website down ?
  5. dynamaik

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    do anyone know where the new location is by any chance ?
  6. dynamaik


    i dont really understand what you want a screenshot of ?
  7. dynamaik


    im a PV2 CQF member, you can thrust me.
  8. dynamaik


    i used to be a bandit /:
  9. dynamaik


    Hello my name is Davaii. im your savior, im currently running around with -80k humanity.Im here to save you, im willing to go everywhere on the map to come help u out. im trying to get my humanity to + ill only be running around with an AKM and medic supplies. My skype is: Moarbooltz im almost online 24/7 so you can get contact with me asap. EDIT1: a hacker just pranked me big time, killed me a couple of times - had jason custom skin, and played some crazy music spawned choppers and shit, so i dont have med supplies but i will get them as soon as i can
  10. dynamaik


    So i was thinking that the humanity should be reset - ppl that used to be bandit maybe wanna change because of the new hero skin, but they cant because they got like -100k humanity. Like me i have -82k humanity, but i would love to get the new hero skin, im trying to play friendly but it hard since the system isnt 100% working, like shooting in self defence and such. i just want it to be fair for everyone - everyone deserves a second chance :3
  11. dynamaik

    Bug or Hack, not sure. please dont ban us.

    hey man sorry to hear bout that - i think the only solution is to eather respawn, or just play with the things u got now until u die.
  12. dynamaik

    Container ships.

    so i was just checking the forum for some cool suggestions, and i got this idea -wouldnt it be cool if there was spawning wrecked ships near the ocean, a little like crashed helicopters, they just spawns at random locations. i know it would be hard to insert this to the game, and i havent really thaught much about the idea, but i just wanted to share it with you fellow players :) EDIT 1: they should only spawn like food/tools etc. so the new players would have a chance to survive instead of heading straight for elektro/chern
  13. yea they are random on each and every server. but these are some of the places they spawn.
  14. so yea me and a friend decided to go look for heli crash sites, because my friend found this bike, so he just started at stary and he found 1 with descent gear - bizon fn fal and a m14, he goes west and finds another one but he gets killed by a group of 3 with as50 and other shit, they take off, i run over there to take his bike and to finish the route, when im near vybor i see a chopper in the air i knew it was a hacker but i dont know why i didnt leave the server or take a screen shot and report, i just drove to the NW, and i saw him flying in some kind of jet, when i got to the devils castle me and the whole server got teleportet in the air and i logged off, i joined another server and spawn in debug forest, i rejoin and i spawn at solnichy, i meet 2 guys and i open fire, i hit the guy a couple of times, and the server goes down, (prolly was the admin i shot at) i find another server and run the whole route from behind, i meet up with my friend near stary he just found another crashed heli but with no items, we meet up to find out that he has gotten sick , so he runs to a "safe" place to put down the tent, on his way he finds another frkn chopper but also looted but there was a ammo create with SVD Mags and DMR mags, he runs to the location and respawns, i run towards green mountain and to mogilevka - here is my route, sry for the long post, i just wanted to share with u guys how hard it actually is to find a crashed heli. http://imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img405/8871/myjourne2y.jpg
  15. so me and my friends were running around in elektro, i proned on top of the hospital, and got shot at by a m107, (a real bad shooter) he shot multiple times with no luck, and i didnt even moved, but than he hit me and killed me, i spawned right next to elektro again, so i ran up on the hill where he was - but before i got there my friend ran over there checking, but he got shot by a silenced gun - when i got there i saw the guy i said on direct "hey man wassup im friendly" he didnt answer and i lost him, i thaught he logged off, so i stood up than i saw him again and i ran over to him and looted his coyote backpack, i took his M4A1 cco sd with 12 sd mags, without him noticing me, i shot him looted him - he had m107 coyote PDW SD all tools and the m4a1 cc sd pretty good gear to get, i logged off to find a more populated server, when i got in i had lost all my shit.. but that dosnt matter cuz i got this crazy story out of it :P