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Everything posted by vlad_220

  1. vlad_220

    Should combat logging be ban-able?

    Here is the issue; with combat logging and server switching, the game is broken. It becomes not, who is a better survivor, but who can take advantage of the system the best. What happened to me was I was at an airfield, this one guy and I got into a firefight and he combat logged. He then hopped to a different server, flanked me, and reconnected with the server I was on and killed me. That is absolutely unacceptable. Here is my proposed solution. 1. A 30 sec log out timer (can't move or shoot while timer is counting down, doing so resets the timer). If alt+F4 or you game crashes, you body is still in the server for 30 sec. This will prevent some combat logging. 2. If someone logs out properly, but in a military zone, city, or an airfield, it spawns you at the fresh spawn spawn points, or just outside that zone, but still with all of your gear. 3. A 1 min combat timer. If recently you have been wounded, wounded another player, or if any gun was fired within 200m (either you or other players), a one minute combat timer starts. Much like the log out timer, a game crash or alt+F4 means that your body is still in the game for one minute. This should prevent most combat logging. 4. Switching servers does not spawn you where you logged out in the previous server, but will spawn you at a fresh spawn spawn point. 5. Have the option to have at least 3 characters, but each on a different server. That way, if one server is down, you can still play the game on an alternate character. Let me know what you guys think of this proposed solution for combat logging and server hopping.