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Everything posted by Hystrix

  1. Hystrix

    Why do I keep spawning in the same place?

    Its new damn respawn system. Hate dat sh*t.
  2. Hystrix

    Electro Murder Fun Time! [Video]

    Author u are pathetic.
  3. Hystrix

    What Items are rare?

  4. Hystrix


    "My wounds feel better" that means that everything gonna be ok. Just eat and drink a lot.
  5. Hystrix

    Get shot while waiting on host

    Stop abuse server jumping / log out in Balota.
  6. Hystrix

    Mosin 9130

    Hello guys. I am trying to find Mosin 9130 rifle since release. Can someone give me some info about its location? Ty 4 help.
  7. Hystrix

    Mosin 9130

    Man, thats absolutely right building. Ty very much!
  8. Hystrix

    Mosin 9130

    Ty guys! Ty everyone. Starting my search :) Can someone tell me in what part of electro i can find a school? Havent seen it. il be very thankful for exact point http://dayzdb.com/map#6.100.134
  9. Hystrix

    Mosin VS M4

    http://forums.dayzgame.com/index.php?/topic/156439-mosin-9130/ Same story man.