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7 Neutral

About shotright

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    Found two with that name. Hopefully got to the right one. If not, just add me. Gamertag is shot right
  2. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    I sent you a friend invite Could not find the username bud. You can send one to me at shot right Sent you a friend request bud
  3. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    always looking for some new players
  4. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    I tried adding you, couldnt find your ID. Add me shot right
  5. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    I added you bud
  6. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    I sent you a friend request
  7. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    Invite sent fellas
  8. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    Hit me up on Steam. Shot Right
  9. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    added you on steam bud
  10. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    Added both of you guys on steam. Look forward to grabbing a game with you
  11. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    I sent you a friend request on steam brother
  12. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    Just add me on steam shotright
  13. shotright

    looking for people to game with

    Sent you a friend invite through steam. I just started playing, I'm 36 and play in EST (Michigan)
  14. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    add me on Steam shotright
  15. shotright

    Looking for some older gamers.

    added you on stream brother