I just bought Dayz on steam for $30 I downloaded it and it runs fine but I cant actually play the game. I have no frame-rate issues at all the game seems to run smooth its just that there are no servers. I mean ZERO SERVERS (btw I know I should be posting on the bug report forum but it said I was blocked from there for whatever reason) I get the game is in alpha but I would like to be at least able to play it. Maybe I'm being an idiot and I have to go to some site and enter a IP or something but other than that it doesnt work. PLEASE HELP ME I really want to play Dayz but I cant no servers show up when I hit play and there is no option to host your own PLEASE FOR GODS SAKE HELP ME! Seriously though if someone has an answer to this problem please PLEASE PLEASE TELL ME. Thank you and have a nice day, or should I say... DayZ?