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Everything posted by Euphe

  1. Euphe

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Oh man this is so incredibly awesome! Can I have a wallpaper size ver?
  2. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Fellow medic needs help. I got infected and I need antibiotics urgently. Location: Lopatino. please help! Nevermind, found out that I can only drop to 6k blood
  3. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am near Krasnostav. If anybody needs help - give me a call.
  4. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Oh damn I am too late. If anybody needs help arouind Berezino or close to it - give me a call.
  5. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can help you. Add me on steam steamid:www.steamcommunity.com/id/euphe
  6. Last day food and water items stopped spawning. Sounds totally awful? Strange enough it let me have the best time I have ever had in DayZ and find a lot of friends. The need to survive united people and made them fight the environment, not kill eachother pointlessly. So I came up with a suggestion -reduce spawnrate of food and water. Not remove it like it was, but reduce it permamently. Make people actually take care about the basic needs. Before 1.7 there were beans in every building and I never thought of hunger. Why do we need hunger and thrist if they are not even a problem? To understand how reducing the spawnrate of food and water will improve game experience read the story provided. I wanted to tell you the story of the best time I have ever had in dayz. It started when I, a day 0 survivor wearing a camo suit and armed with a M4A3 CCO, a G 17, wearing an alice backpack with a Winchester in it( all found a little time ago in a fire station), was laying in the church of Cherno, aiming at the doors. Suddenly the doors opened and a man walked in. He took 3 bullets and fell down, shot me with a Lee Enfield and passed out. I quickly bandaged my wounds, closed the door. I searched the guy and found the most wanted thing - matches. By that time I already had a hatchet and a knife. What's so special about matches? It is easily understood if we take a look around the servers at that time. And they are desperate wastelands. When food stopped spawning it all went mad - I was getting tonns of requests for help from friends. People around were starving and dehydrating. The ones who could hunt had a chance. And I gained the ability to hunt. As I found matches I told people that I will be feeding the starving ones. When I was leaving cherno, I spot a boar and quickly got meat. So I started heading for the nearest forest to get food cooked. A little barn was in my way. I started sneaking around, and soon heard a groan. By the time I pulled out my pistol I was already on the ground with broken bones. Just two zombies, but they damaged me bad. I made my way to the forest crawling. Asked people for help - I had no morphine - and a guy agreed to find me. I calmed down and made fire, cooked meat. Then I crawled for a few miles until I spot the guy who was willing to help. At first I thought that he will just shoot me for my gear, so the red dot of my M4A3 was on his head. But he was closing in without trying to aim and another guy who wanted to join me was coming from the other side. I was injected morphine and we went to a barn to make a plan. The guys were User and Pope. Both appeared to be nice. We discussed stuff and it all looked bad. We had some weaponry, but desperately low food and water supplies. Thanks to my matches we soon cooked some food. But the biggest problem was water. In desperate try to survive I gave the only drink I had - a mountain dew soda can - to Pope and logged out to slow my thrist. User had to go to. When I came back Pope still hasn't found water as we planned, and suddenly my thrist was magically reset. Pope was away to get some new guy. I looted two small villages only to find out that there's no water at all. When I met up with Pope, he introsuced a new guy. We all were running really low on water. Pope had to go away for another guy. I made a desicision - before we dehydrate we must try to find water. So we head out for a new village. On the way the new guy said that pope found a soda can. I was like: "How?! ". It was simple - he found it on a zombie. And I made a plan, a mad plan. "It's simple - we kill the zombies "-I said. I had 4 mags for my rifle. One of 120 zombies must have a canteen on it. Soon we all were in a long barn and I was shooting endless amounts of walking zombies. Me and pope were about to start dying from dehydration. After we killed around 70 zombies a guy yelled - "we've got it! ". The mad plan worked, we found a canteen. Soon we all were sitting at a dam drinking water. Meanwhile a ghillie suit guy starved to death, somebody was asking to exchange his m1911 for water, somebody was taking about killing people for food. So basically the need to survive made us unite. And we were not the only such group, there were others.
  7. Just got one of my friends into the game and he has the same bug. Gonna report
  8. Euphe

    Draw Distance tanking frame rate?

    Need to know too. Seems like it is always 1000 for me and I would like more It is set to 5kms to me in my settings and it works on non-dayz servers well. On dayz I can only see for 1km
  9. Euphe

    DayZ Stories

    This is a great story ! Also pm'ed
  10. Euphe

    Big red and white tower

    Green mountain. Has like 3 military loot spawns, not worth looting. 2 vehicle spawns on the other side.
  11. Shit thread. I am Russian. No black people in russia.
  12. There are a lot of cool weapons like G36 that are not implented. Although I see no reason why they are not in the game
  13. Euphe

    Rules to Survive By

    1. Always try to sruvive. Whatever it takes. 2. Does not matter which way you die, glorious or stupid, you still die. This is why you should always suirvive. 3. Greed kills. 4. There is no difference between a makarov and an AS50 if you stop being cautious. 5. Better safe then sorry. 6. Life has no matter.
  14. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am on it. Added you. Where are you?
  15. Euphe

    A Shout Out to the Ladies

    Whenever I choose female gender my character starts looking for kitchens and cooking raw meat.
  16. But who really wants the bicycle' date=' and 2 ATV's. Their useless. [/quote'] I do.
  17. That seems very pity that a potential nice player might quit due to finding no gun. What I suggest you do: - read some guides on finding loot - search places for food.and other really needed things mainly( you actually don't require a gun, your legs can do the job) - head north, deeper inland, avoid big cities. - search big barns and ambars mostly - google a deer stand map I don't think the mechanic of spawn is wrong. For a player with some experience it is not hard. And we are here to share our experience. p.s. also find a buddy
  18. Actually lee enfield is a widespread sniper rifle with common ammo. It can do 500m kills, it can kill players in one shot. I find It's noise reasonable taking in account how awesome it is
  19. Euphe

    The game isn't hardcore enough.

    I laughed. :-D
  20. Why do you people think banditism should be penalized? It is a major part of game, a playing style. This is a simulator and it is unfair, deal with it. Don't try to make it into a world where bad guys never win.
  21. I am fed up with these threads. zed are no problem if you are smart and actually play instead of moaning