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About Euphe

  • Rank
    Woodland Warrior
  1. Euphe

    DayZ Fan Art Thread

    Oh man this is so incredibly awesome! Can I have a wallpaper size ver?
  2. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Fellow medic needs help. I got infected and I need antibiotics urgently. Location: Lopatino. please help! Nevermind, found out that I can only drop to 6k blood
  3. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I am near Krasnostav. If anybody needs help - give me a call.
  4. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    Oh damn I am too late. If anybody needs help arouind Berezino or close to it - give me a call.
  5. Euphe

    Need Medical Assistance? We can help.

    I can help you. Add me on steam steamid:www.steamcommunity.com/id/euphe
  6. Euphe

    Day Z Story Subforum. Anyone Interested?

    I am interested
  7. Just got one of my friends into the game and he has the same bug. Gonna report
  8. Euphe

    Draw Distance tanking frame rate?

    Need to know too. Seems like it is always 1000 for me and I would like more It is set to 5kms to me in my settings and it works on non-dayz servers well. On dayz I can only see for 1km
  9. Euphe

    DayZ Stories

    This is a great story ! Also pm'ed
  10. Euphe

    Big red and white tower

    Green mountain. Has like 3 military loot spawns, not worth looting. 2 vehicle spawns on the other side.
  11. Shit thread. I am Russian. No black people in russia.
  12. Euphe

    Moar Wepanz!

    There are a lot of cool weapons like G36 that are not implented. Although I see no reason why they are not in the game
  13. Euphe

    Rules to Survive By

    1. Always try to sruvive. Whatever it takes. 2. Does not matter which way you die, glorious or stupid, you still die. This is why you should always suirvive. 3. Greed kills. 4. There is no difference between a makarov and an AS50 if you stop being cautious. 5. Better safe then sorry. 6. Life has no matter.