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Everything posted by lumo1234

  1. lumo1234

    Dear Dean....

    I still laugh at the people who don't realize steam takes 10% of all sale profit. @OP If its too buggy for you to play atm, go play something else till a later revision is on stable. Although i have seen some tweets from rocket saying the latest nivida drivers could be the cause of crashes, however i have been getting them alot recently and im on AMD.
  2. lumo1234

    zombies like in arma 3 breaking point

    Posting a poll with a video of when zombies where glitched is not a good idea. (notice how more than half of them dont aggro? thats cause it was a visual bug that has been fixed now) Also BP zombies arent a threat... theres just alot of em the fire stations on thirsk kill more people in that game than zombies do :P Just wait until development of the dayz zombies is comeplete.
  3. lumo1234

    DayZ Anims need fixing

    Its sad that this is now how skin heads are perceived... Original skins however, such good ska music :( Either way as much as i hate people who simply reply to threads with "alpha" that is the only response i can simply give to this :/ New animations need testing before they can be tweaked. Shut your fucking whining and come back in a year or 2 when the game is closer to final release - also take any of your complaining friends with you while your at it im growing bored of posts/videos of different things that are broken that will obviously be fixed at some point down the road.
  4. Oh look another one of these threads. @OP i do agree certain skills/ability's such as increased stamina the more you run etc... is a good idea. Having said that prepare to be shot down in flames by the 98% of the forum who don't want to see any sort of skill/advancement system at all. The responses will more than likely be along the lines of "Your character surviving is your reward for surviving"
  5. lumo1234

    A list of questions :)

    Why is everyone saying saline bags are better than blood bags? That was fixed/changed a few patches ago...
  6. Still so many people don't understand that we wont be having heart attacks while running randomly and it is just another state of unconsciousness. Why does no mother fucker read anymore? @OP No i think the way SA is going it better than the mod in all honesty, if you want to play how the mod is either play the mod or play arma 3 wasteland OR wait for a year or 2 and then when mod tools are out and see what people come up with. Survival sim for the win.
  7. lumo1234

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    This could also work, but have an accurate(ish) crosshair for 3rd person mode.
  8. lumo1234

    Arma3 Third person fix mod...thoughts?

    I was just about to post the last time this was posted it was shot down in flames of people who claim they dont use 3pp to safely peak round corners etc... but provide 3rd person with this no one wants it. Either way makes no difference to me, i play both reg and hardcore i just find i seem to care less about my regular characters and i honestly recommend hardcore over regular, just turn head bob all the way off and its fine and the game feels a lot more tense. Also you know in a firefight you can safely watch a corner without someone being able to magically see you around it :P
  9. lumo1234

    Rare night time encounter

    Earned yourself a new sub man! :) Look forward to more vids from you :)
  10. lumo1234

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    You completely missed the point to my post, i have now fully decided you are in fact a child so i wont argue with you to a great extent. That loot i got the other day could of been someone else's yes but what i feel makes the whole situation fairer is the fact i have been on the same server(s) (1 for hardcore and 1 for regular) since i started playing in December, if i loot a military base its because i have walked there from where ever i have been on the map to said base, not found a few different servers taken loot from each one by logging out/in different bases. Also from your post about being able to hit escape to see if doors are open or not i also feel you most likely glitch into the walls as a safe way to server hop. Just throwing that into the mix. Good job :) I also could not care less if YOU want to server hop, your robbing yourself of more than half of the experience of dayz by doing so. it is YOU who is losing out - not ME. Thank you for the "congratzzszs" Do i not get a mass of smiley faces and xoxoxoxox's to go with it? awwww no #dissapointed! (did i do it right?) I also note you ignored my comment about moving yourself to Arma 3 and playing wasteland, why is this? Its basically the way you want to play dayz without the inconvenience of having to server hop for you :)
  11. lumo1234

    Suggestion from a server hopper

    At the moment with no hunting/more survival in the game there isn't aside from the fact ur a douche and will be frowned upon by the entire community. I mean you do realize all that sick loot ur taking from a server u hop on is stopping people who don't hop getting it, doesn't seem fair does it? Then again the human race is a mass of cunts so there's no surprise this shit goes on. If your still hopping when more features get implemented however, may i suggest to you move to arma 3, there is a mission on there called wasteland this would probably be more up your alley :)
  12. lumo1234

    Dealing with zombies unarmed?

    Dont worry so much about zombies at the moment. In the current state of the game get an axe and use it, if you cant get an axe your better off with fists. Go first person and just punch them in the face, you knock them down with one face punch and batter them while they stand up > rinse and repeat till they dont get up anymore.
  13. Sorry to burst your bubble but the hero/bandit (morality system) is not being implemented in SA afaik. Too the OP i do agree it would be good to give incentives to be good/evil but the only way this thread is going to end up is someone suggesting player skills, and then the people who played since the start of the mod circle jerking each other on why its a bad idea because they have played the mod since release so their word and opinions mean more than any other. (sorry to generalize if you have played since the mods release and you aren't like this)
  14. lumo1234

    when I log out?

    Yes a current anti server hopper feature is a "ghost" of your char is left in game for 30 seconds after logging out, this "ghost" is kill-able and if its killed you wont have a char when you next log in.
  15. Honestly it is more than likely due to the new skins they added for the ballistic helm, the new ones have chin straps if im correct? Gas mask would stop you doing said chin straps up possibly? Either that or a use for the gas masks will be added soon and having the protection from the ballistic helm and the gas mask function could be considered over powered? Who knows?
  16. You quoted me to repeat what i wrote? Thanks... i guess?
  17. lumo1234

    Dragging Comrades

    Nearly voted nay so i could be the only no vote on the forums for this ;) Actually i thought this was already planned, well i imagined it was going to be added further down the line. If it isn't already in the plans i hope it does get added. The idea of dragging/carrying your crippled/unconscious friend to safety is too good to not include! :P If not for safety then at least to the top of some stairs so you can see how many they roll down (once physics/rag doll's have been implemented) :D
  18. lumo1234

    looting your own body / or any body

    you can loot people with tab when you see the little image of a rifle while looking at a body also bare in mind someone could of "hidden" the body stopping you from looting said body. Just aim your dot at a body until the dot changes to a rifle image and then press tab. Hope this helps.
  19. Would have wanted? He still does want it. Enough of this "rockets leaving he sold us out, hes fucking off with 30 million dollars!" BULLSHIT! Please! Rocket isnt leaving until the game is in beta, calm your tits and see what the dev team come up with for zombies in the coming months.
  20. lumo1234

    Will there be more performance updates?

    I hope so! ;) Performance optimizations is WIP obviously. Things will also more than likely get worse before they get better with the addition of new features etc... With any luck a year from now when they game is in beta it will be a hell of a lot better.
  21. The zombie system is a work in progress, they are already respawning on experimental in a very early stage of the feature. Hope fully this is added to stable tomorrow as well. From what i have seen they respawn out of your line of sight so far mostly, sometimes they respawn invisible too which is fun :D
  22. lumo1234

    How to fix server hopping and combat logging!

    IMO not a good idea. Tbh i feel the best way of dealing with it is a combat mode, Think WoW only takes a bit longer to get out of combat. Cant logout during combat and alt f4ing during combat state kills your char - simple. Also leave the spawn timer for when u swap servers in as that is actually good :) as it does stop server hopping. Leaving a ghost of your char behind for no matter how much time however just serves to penalize non combat loggers.
  23. lumo1234

    decision decision

    you actually argue with your friends about guns? :/ but they are so common lol... i do however like the idea of having a coin you can toss for making decisions :P
  24. Sick of reading shit like this now. He is not leaving until the end of the year (longer if needed) when the game is in beta I.E the only things left to do are bug fixes which he is not needed for.
  25. lumo1234

    I'm Done

    So you died at a military base and your complaining? Should of been more alert dude.