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Everything posted by lumo1234

  1. lumo1234

    whats your rule of engagement on DayZ

    lol OPs squad must of been wiped by one of these "no skill" snipers shortly before this post. In terms of my friends and myself our R.O.E are simple, we dont kill new spawns unless they dont listen to commands(90% of new spawns go for the yoloknockoutswag attitude) we KoS at airfields/high loot yielding places. Tried the whole lets be friend thing and got bored of being killed over and over. One of my fondest firefights to date has been on in the first few weeks of playing while in stary sober, house to house firefight with some mixed into the streets was so much fun.
  2. lumo1234

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    I stated a fact. I did not whine. I also didnt say all console users are children, i personally own a PS3 and plan on owning a PS4 when more titles release for it but you cannot deny a fast number of console users are children. You yourself for example just told me you're a child :) I will also have a nice day thank you very much :) You too
  3. lumo1234

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    No i can only hope that the weapon dispersion was an approach towards trying to simulate that people are civilians and that the devs have realized this is stupid and will change it later down the line. Honestly though even if they dont... MOD tools for the win i suppose ay? :P
  4. lumo1234

    Would you like DayZ on Console?

    No. Dayz on console would result in a watered down experience for PC players... Look at the battlefield series. Also the amount of whiners this forum has already is enough thanks, adding in the children from xbox1/PS4 is not an idea that tickles my fancy.
  5. lumo1234

    New village

    There is a pond just on the outside of the town, with no side effects to drinking unclean/purified water in the game yet just use that :P
  6. lumo1234

    Horrible starts after update.

    Lmao at all the complaints about zombies... My tactic for dealing with them has not changed since december... go first person and aim for their heads. With fists you knock them out in 1 hit u batter them on the floor they stand up you rinse and repeat... I honestly cant wait till the zombies get even harder and more vast in numbers... (although it would be nice if we could actually sneak past them but im sure that will come in due time)
  7. lumo1234

    New village

    It exists yes and if im going to be honest it is broken as shit in terms of loot... 4 nans houses 4 piano houses 4 red brick houses 2 of the new "inn" buildings (the storage part of this spawns so much loot) 1 fire station. 6(ish) garages. 1 market/shop Dont think i missed anything.
  8. While i would love to hear of new features in the works i doubt we will, honestly due to the bugs that held the update we got from stable i dont think we will see the survival aspect finished this month either =( Still there are a couple of days left for me to be very pleasantly surprised :P Will still watch but possibly not live.
  9. lumo1234

    New village

    no its North of the NEAF and west of Svetlojarsk
  10. lumo1234

    New village

    That yellow house is already in a town in dayz SA too mate. I want to say its in kozlovka but im not 100% certain also the makings of a new town you have found are not new (in this patch) either. http://dayzdb.com/map/chernarusplus#7.072.084 Been there since i started playing in December i think. Still a nice little place to hold up and meet friends etc...
  11. lumo1234

    What has the standalone become ?

    Im guessing you never teleported around whilst laughing and taunting people down direct chat. If your response was directed at me i in no way stated i expect a finished product yet etc.. i understand the game is in alpha. I was simply stating that as of late i have begun to experience hackers whereas i didnt before. @Monkfish - Suppose your input showed a tad more intelligence than the usual "Alpha" reply.
  12. lumo1234

    What has the standalone become ?

    I must admit in the past 3 days ive been on 5 different servers (usually only play on 2 but moved due to hackers on them) and ive seen a hacker on every single one of them. Hardcore and regular. Im not saying the problem has been blown up as i could have quite easily been just unlucky but thats still more hackers in 3 days then id seen since i started playing in December.
  13. Since the last update the gameplay does feel smoother on the whole, however i still get the odd dysnc spike. Noticed a slight bit of rubber banding but compared to a few months ago its a big improvement. Far from unplayable.
  14. lumo1234

    Private Hives?

    Oh for fuck sake another thread that will get derailed about rocket leaving... Go to rokcets reddit page and look through his posts and you will see rocket isnt leaving until the game is steadily into beta. @ OP i would imagine so, last night the only experimental servers i could find where listed as "private" under the hive header.
  15. lumo1234

    Bought the game yesterday

    thats it, if u look when you ADS in the SA it auto zooms you in. so your still zooming just not as much and u have no control over it (unless you use the FoV trick which is basically abuse imo...), and in terms of the binding im not sure i honestly cant remember ive done several night shifts since finding this out, il let u know later if i get a chance to play.
  16. lumo1234

    Bought the game yesterday

    In answer to the prone statement. There are 2 binds for prone, prone and go prone... sucks i know right? One of them makes you dive to the ground when running without a weapon out, the other makes you do it when running with a weapon on. cant remember which is which i just know i have one bound to CTRL so i have to remember to press that if i want to dive while i have a weapon out.
  17. lumo1234

    .42 New Weapons: Good or Bad?

    If you've managed to kill someone with the ruger(sporter) 22 then il give you a medal... My friends and i shoot each other with them for shit and giggles and its only made me bleed once...
  18. lumo1234

    Arma 3 like grouping system

    I remember rocket saying on a steam that they where going to leave the grouping system down to modders. Any feature that the devs dont implement will more than likely become a mod if enough people want it.
  19. Thats the point at the moment. It makes life harder, its good - well i happen to like it anyway. Besides at the moment the system in place is very basic and at the early stages of development, so it will change over time.
  20. Zombies who are re spawned due to being killed with a loud automatically have aggro on the player. Killing them with an axe or whatever is better. Thought id say this first as i dont know if u played experimental before this last update. But in terms of line of sight etc... i do agree but as you said it is alpha hopefully the team who will be responsible for zombie AI after they have finished the hunting part of the game will do a decent job.
  21. lumo1234


    why you felt the need to post another thread for this i dont fucking know...
  22. If you read the dev tracker and read quotes people have put here in this very thread then you know why it hasnt been implemented to stable yet. If you dont want to go to the dev tracker update to experimental and you can see first hand why it hasnt been pushed to stable yet. If you dont know, its because the current experimental build has some very game breaking bugs... pushing it to stable would result in the same thing as when they pushed the last fully untested update to stable massive cluster fuck on the forums with new threads within mins of each other complaining about it. Typical attitude of the human race however... push something before its ready and its broke - it isnt good enough omg fuck the devs fuck dean hall fuck them wah wah wah. Wait before pushing an update through to stable to test and fix it properly - it isnt good enough fuck the devs fuck dean hall wah wah wah.
  23. Can you blame them? Look at this thread for an example... 107 pages of quite literally constant fucking crying and moaning... You dont need twitter to read the devs posts on there and each one is posted on the dev tracker section of the forums here, which is why i dont think the ways we are updated will change.
  24. lumo1234

    zombies like in arma 3 breaking point

    I do still believe. Was stated in the last dev blog that a whole new team (which high experience in the hunting game genre) has been hired to work on the hunting mechanics and the zombie AI. So in terms of numbers, do i care if we don't get thousands of zombies per server? No not really. What i am looking forward to is the possibility of very smart zombie AI.
  25. I have noticed a slight performance bump on experimental but at the same time it has been laggy slow response with inventory etc... One thing i did notice that pleased me, is the tip of grass in fields is no longer loads of tiny little squares :P looks nice and smooth!