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Everything posted by Hinaru

  1. I.. I don't like to say that. Really not. But.. some people.. just need.. a real high five! .. .. with a chair. cmon. Stop QQing and go search a weapon. The time you're wasting in the forum is usefull to get a weapon haha
  2. Hinaru

    Do all head shots kill?

    It is. Of course, any headshot is a one shot kill. Don't matter if you shoot with an Makarov or an BF AS50. Really. (:
  3. Hinaru

    Do a lot of girls play dayz?

    Well. I'm the only girl in my clan (TBB) and we play often all together, and we're doing it pretty well so far. So I'm not a "normal" (idiotic) girl? o.o
  4. What the hell did I just read? No. Dudes. seriously? What did u smoke? o.o
  5. Hinaru

    Private Servers

    Ok. Dafuq did I just read? what do you want? o.O
  6. Hinaru

    Zombies slower

    Sometimes they're chasing at you like matrix jumpers. But not as often as in the previous updates I think so. And I like it more like it is now! :D
  7. Hinaru

    Do a lot of girls play dayz?

    Here I am. And what the fuck, you never saw one in the forum? you pm'd me? .. o:
  8. Hinaru

    Dead Bodies

    They said there's a despawn timer. Don't know about the actual version.. how it works here??
  9. Hinaru

    Butt hurt now :/

    A teleporting naked guy? sounds pretty fun, lol :D
  10. Hinaru

    Camo clothing

    It's already fixed. Check the announcements next time. (:
  11. Hinaru


    I smell some serious deathmatch.
  12. uhm. On the way you found 2 other cars. And after 10 mins you all had a car? Holy shit how many car wheels and jerry cans did he had in his truck? .. LIER!:o
  13. Hinaru

    Why did I respawn at the coast?

    First. Stop QQ'ing, or nobody is going to help you. But I do. Did you changed your skin or did you do anything unnormal? Normally you spawn back at the coast if somethings wrong with your char, like if you spawn one time in the debug forest and after the relog your at the coast. It's a "fix". :o
  14. that's exactly what I hope is getting fixed soon. This shit with the "ANTI" cheat Battleye. Once I got kicked while I was driving a car towards a tree, got kicked out, car with 3 mates exploded at the tree because no one could break. It's just bullshit like it is. :o
  15. Hinaru

    Weird moment!?

    a hackers nuke? Wtf are you talking. The big flames are a known Arma 2 bug, it hasn't anything to do with hackers or even DayZ. Sometimes if a car explodes, the fire is ubersized. No hackers. But the three-thingy could be a hackers work. Don't know tough.
  16. Hinaru

    skins and backpacks

    dies the bandit skin look like the KSK members? Just like in the old times?(: or could anyone post a pic here?
  17. Hinaru

    Death by Dehydration

    Like the other ones already said - carry some water bottles. For me, I have always 3 food and 3 bottles in my coyote. ALWAYS. And if I need one of them I'm going to stock it up within the next hour. I'm alive for 60 days now.
  18. Hinaru

    I have a horn in my inventory

    Oh well DayZ is definitly screwed up now haha
  19. Hinaru

    Hero Skin -- Taking Less Damage?

    Thats bullshit. For what do you need sidearms anymore, if any freakin skin is blocking the bullets? holy shit.. what is this. The camo - ok. But how is a ghilli suit able to block bullets? Its just grass and shit. oO
  20. Hinaru

    A basic analogy of the Updates

    You suck. What sort of commentary is that? Every update solves some problems and bring some new problems. That's normal in an -> ALPHAAA. (:
  21. Hinaru

    WTF just happend?

    That pretty much.. suck. Doesn't it? Haha. POOOOOOOOF and it's gone. Imagine how screwed your face was. :P
  22. Hinaru

    Tide and water stuff

    So you could run to the isle in a random time and the water comes up? And down.. And later it goes down again?? Thats a possibility to be safe without needing a chopper to go to an island, yea?
  23. Hinaru

    Coughing, now what?

    Dude! Go into Cherno. Infect all other guys there with coughing at them. So we can make a HUUUGE infection all over the world, just like in real life! :D
  24. Hinaru

    First encounter with a hacker

    Haha. You can't play anymore with that mass of hackers. Everywhere. Anytime. You just get teleported and killed. With my survived days of 60 I can't play right now, because.. I don't know. Maybe it's too risky? :P