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Everything posted by Hinaru

  1. Every 2th thread is "trading NVG, Ghillie" and on and on.. Why isn't there a seperate part in the forum for trading? Or if there is already one, why are do you make threads in NEW or GENERAL? Holy.. o.O
  2. Hinaru

    Killed at my own camp site

    So. That's nice for you. But who actualy cares about your desire to make a firefight and not hording stuff? .. o:
  3. Hinaru

    Im done for now

    I don't get your problems with doors. I'm alive for 54 days now and I had to pass many of them, never had problems. Are you just too stupid to walk trough them or whats going on? Are u closing the doors before you're out of the building? Do you like to get pressed like oranges to orange juice? Please. Think before do. Seriously, it sucks if everyone is qqing about doors killing you. It's just.. dumb. o.O
  4. Hinaru

    11th recruiting

    Agreed. (: Exactly what I tought.
  5. Hinaru

    How is thirst/hunger calculated?

    I knew that. Mathematics.. Mathematics everywhere! :D
  6. Hinaru

    Just another day (z)

    Didn't you ment "Welcome to DayZ?" :3
  7. Hinaru


    One per server. Holy crap, that's not many of them. The clan or the guy who has the only chopper on a server is probably a BOOOSS :D
  8. Hinaru

    So I found a gps....

    No, hes talking about the ultimate survivor "pathfinding" tool, the GPS. Pretty rare tough, but it's worth it.
  9. Blocking doorways with wire is just stupid and trolls all players. I hate this! :D
  10. Hinaru

    Found Soldier Clothing

    Fag. It's not incredible rare, it's hacked.
  11. Hinaru

    a normal day in churno

    Sorry. I had to do that.
  12. Hinaru

    Tents - little faq please?

    Yea. Actual there are some bugs that the tents don't save your equip, don't matter how many times u hit save old camping tent. So better wait with them for a new patch. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. :P
  13. Hinaru

    Dayz endgame ideas.

    Oh, of course. Like "kill the yeti in the mountains" or "fuck up some zeds 0/100".. And at the end, .. Why don't we implent a store where u can buy stuff with zed-heads. Dudes, just no no no and no!
  14. Hinaru

    Stupidest Ways to Die in DayZ

    I had to lol pretty hard. :D
  15. Hinaru

    Dayz endgame ideas.

    Sandbox is sandbox. Get the fuck out with missions dude.
  16. Hinaru

    Ghillie for ????

    We would like to trade a pair of rangefinder for a NVG. Contact our leader on steam, so you can organize a meeting and trade the stuff. (:
  17. Standalone.. I don't think rocket is thinking of a DLC if he says its goint to be a standalone. Jeez.. -.-
  18. Hinaru

    Re-implement side chat?

    Like this idea. I'm playing sometimes on servers with side-channel too. I like to communicate with the other guys. :3
  19. Hinaru Ghillie suits

    It's working fine. Never heard of duplicating backpacks until now. Strange ghillies o.O
  20. Hinaru

    Roflmao Angry Players

    Why the fack is someone running that far north with just an axe?! What do you except, if your running around with an axe?? He should probably get some gear first, thats just silly n dumb! >:]
  21. Hinaru

    Dear Rooster...

    That's what I'm saying if I kill someone in a accident. "I'm new here. Didn't know that if i pull the trigger a deadly bullet comes out. So sorry man, soo sorry! ):"
  22. Hinaru


    You could start an infection which would spread out. Run to cherno and cough at as many people as you can haha :P
  23. Hinaru

    Save gear in chopper?

    Exactly. Just crouch walk around the chopper and u will find the save (: