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Everything posted by Patient101

  1. Whenever playing DayZ I find that it keeps on just freezing, sometimes for not very long and sometimes for up to 5 minutes which means that the whole experience of playing the game is ruined. While the game is actually working I have no problems with lag or juddering however it sometimes just freezes and I don't know what to do about it. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. I might be a bit late but I'll still try and help anyone else asking this question. I didn't have the mod as I was waiting for standalone since last year, and therefore when it was released I immediately bought it and to be honest other than a few glitches I have not experienced particularly bad gameplay however if you are quite impatient currently it is quite easy to die and a bit buggy but if you are patient and want to support the devs then I definitely recommend getting it
  3. Whenever I go to play DayZ there are no servers, checked my filters and am on Internet also whenever I go on the server list and then try and exit my game freezes anyone have any idea? - I managed to fix this problem by updating all my software and uninstalling, then re installing DayZ I don't know what did it but if you're having the same problem I reccomend doing both if you can.
  4. Patient101

    Server list is empty HELP! [FIXED]

    Has anyone got any ideas?