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Everything posted by clever

  1. This idea is very frequently suggested, please use the search bar next time.
  2. clever

    I've never seen a sniper rifle.

    CZ's aren't exactly that amazing anyways, you have to be pretty close (For a sniper rifle) to actually be able to kill something.
  3. clever

    Do's and Dont's of D/Cing

    DCing is pretty lame, although it's definitely fun to get into a firefight with a group of bandits who don't DC. Pretty intense to engage them with a group of your own, DC'ing just really ruins part of the game.
  4. clever

    Inventory with two guns... how?

    Just transfer the weapon from your backpack to your primary slot, and it'll automatically move all ammo in the bag for it into your inventory.
  5. clever

    Game needs Standalone

    It's going stand-alone, but he's probably going to base to use the engine ArmA 3 will be using.
  6. Oh wait duh, I didn't type that correctly. I'm too damned tired. Let me clarify, anyone who is using a silenced SNIPER rifle is using a hacked gun.
  7. If I was a bandit, I'd be much much more likely to shoot someone using a female model. Either way, 95% of the time it's going to be a guy controlling the character.
  8. Nope, anyone who's using a silenced weapon is using a hacked gun.
  9. This entire thread is basically just people who get annoyed that they get shot by a sniper. Sorry, this game isn't suppose to have "Fair" or "Balanced" PvP. Rocket has stated himself this is more of an anti-game, and one of the descriptions of an anti-game is that the developer does not worry about balance. Once you get enough DayZ experience under your belt, you'll rarely get shot by snipers.
  10. The Lee would be my choice, one hit kills and plenty of ammo.
  11. Great post OP, looked professional and actually supported with common sense. See, the way I look at it is that the only way to promote more team-play and make it so people just don't shoot on sight is to make the game a hell of a lot tougher and providing more items like the bloodpack. By that I mean items that serve a benefit to a player, but another player must use it on that character. I honestly have no idea what that would be though honestly. I don't think giving penalties for killing people would be the way to go, since I think it could be justified that the people who go around killing people on sight or even "For Fun" are perhaps sociopaths or insane people. The only way that penalties for killing people would seem alright if it applied to both sides, since even if you know that the person you killed is a "Bad Guy" there will still be psychological problems knowing that you could a living person.
  12. clever

    crosshair off centre

    I've noticed this myself while using a Bizon SD. I always have to aim a bit to my left whenever shooting, it's pretty annoying.
  13. I don't think there should be more endgame stuff, Rocket should honestly just make the journey to the "endgame" much harder and longer.
  14. I fully understand what roleplaying entails, trust me. I'm just pointing out that sure you can play a psychotic killer in D&D, but in a game like DayZ it'd mean you're basically playing how every non-roleplayer plays.
  15. clever

    flare gun

    My thoughts are that you should use the search bar, instead of suggesting something that's been suggested before.
  16. I'm not sure if you understand what RPing is. Sure, you can play someone who kills everyone on sight, but you're not exactly going to be talking to other people that much now are you?
  17. As a long time roleplayer this would be pretty interesting to see in DayZ. Although unfortunately I doubt that many DayZ player's would be that interested in roleplaying.
  18. Stealth updates in general are always pretty cool, I'd love it if Rocket added in new items without telling anyone and we'd have to figure out what they do by ourselves.
  19. It all largely depends on your luck. "Pro" players will only live slightly longer than a relatively new player honestly. New players can get lucky and survive for an entire week, and pro players can get unlucky and survive for a few hours.
  20. clever

    RIP DayZ - Yogcast started a LP

    See, I don't want to sound like the stereotypical hipster but the popularity of DayZ is going to eventually be its downfall. For example, compare any earlier video playthroughs of DayZ before it became so popular to the one's today, very obvious key differences in how the player's act and how the game is played. DayZ is really only bound to get worse the more it get's popular honestly.
  21. clever

    Side effects of Murdering

    Holy shit, for the love of god use a search bar or something. I see this suggested every single day. It's a terrible idea to penalize different playstyles, so stop suggesting stuff like this. DayZ is a PvP with a few PvE elements, get used to it.
  22. Arma 2 uses a very shitty anti-cheat system, if you've played any normal Arma 2 server you'd know that. I doubt any major changes will be made to combat the hackers, they didn't do it for the base game and they won't do it for the mod.
  23. Rocket can't exactly do much by himself, it's just that the anti-cheat that is used for Arma is pretty shitty.
  24. Hard? If you don't know what you're doing, then yes. I've been playing on one character by myself for a good amount of time, and I can always find food and water after a good amount of searching.
  25. A flare gun would be very cool, and even though it's uncommon you could eventually find one. This would really help with communications between groups (And random survivors), different colored flares could be established as meaning different things by the community.