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About clever

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  1. clever

    The unrealistic request forum.

    Hey guess what, the suggestion forum is exactly what you're talking about. 90% of suggestions are stupid and unrealistic.
  2. clever

    Favorite DayZ youtubers

    A majority of them are terrible, the only person who I think pulled of a decent lets play was CHKilroy.
  3. Wish I had it, it seems to improve your capabilities in game by a lot. Someone using Track IR will definitely have a benefit over someone not using it.
  4. clever

    My bro got me banned [BAN APPEAL]

    I have seen this excuse so many times it's not even funny.
  5. clever

    What is DayZ now?

    DayZ is the new minecraft. It was awesome at the beginning, but as soon as it gained popularity it became a terrible community with a promising developer forgoing to make a genuinely unique game better, and instead wanting to make as much money as possible.
  6. clever

    Why are so many 'Bronies' into DayZ?

    You see, bronies are the new furries nowadays. Furries used to be a very vocal fandom, and would actively flaunt around and point out they are in fact a furry. After a long period of trolling and hate directed towards furries they eventually learned that people don't like it when you try to shove something down their throat, and that's why you don't see a lot of hate directed towards them anymore and they mainly stick around in their own communities. Although I have to admit, bronies are a whole lot worse than furries. I mean for one, they infest forums like crazy. I've been a longtime member of multiple forums that were eventually torn apart from all of the drama and bullshit caused by these guys. Hopefully they'll eventually get sick of people not taking them seriously, and retreat back to their own forums and communities. Seriously, no one likes you guys except yourselves. Don't pretend you're bridging the gap between gender stereotypes, you're not. Don't pretend you're promoting love and tolerance, you people will passive aggressively hate someone if they dislike your mediocre show. People don't hate you because they think you're "girly" or "gay", they hate you because you're genuinely annoying. No, it's not this magic "Vocal Minority" that's giving you all a bad reputation, most of the fandom is actively vocal about the show and their fandom.
  7. clever

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    All I'm saying is, people are going to actively try to fuck things up for you and since you're literally allowing anyone to know where you're meeting it's all going to go to hell eventually. (Which I sincerely hope it does.)
  8. clever

    Official US 1040 Colony Thread

    You do realize that no one is going to take "federal charges" seriously when it comes to DDoS'ing? Really, very few people ever get charged for DDoS'ing. Using it as a passive insult only makes people laugh.
  9. clever

    Official DayZ Brony Meetup 3.0

    Uh, when will you guys learn that these meetups will never work? Normal public meetups are already tough, you're just making it next to impossible by naming it a "Brony Meetup"
  10. A majority of clans are completely incapable of doing any of this communication, the only groups I've seen that are capable of this are groups that originally played ArmA 2 before DayZ came out. But really, you'll have a tough time finding a halfway decent clan.
  11. clever

    BattleEye Globalban

    "But I don't know why I was banned!" I highly doubt it, I assume you were messing around with some scripts you found and got caught. Either way, bring it up with the Battle eye staff, DayZ devs can't really do much about your ban.
  12. And this warranted a thread how? Seriously, no one gives a fuck.
  13. clever

    Huge problem with the graphics (fps)

    DayZ is pretty awfully optimized compared to the base ArmA game, it's really more of a problem that needs to be ironed out during the development and there's honestly not a whole lot you can do to goet it to run better.
  14. If you don't use a mic in DayZ, you better be prepared to get shot in the face for not responding fast enough. Seriously, get a mic. Even if it's a shitty mic from a dollar store, not playing with a mic is silly.