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About Miza

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  1. Miza

    Thanks, rocket. Really....

    Clearly no one in this thread played Ultima Online, since we started talking about threat and fear of loosing things... It's an old school full loot pvp game, probably still one of the best out there even though its 15 years old.
  2. Miza

    M4 still in the game??

    Spawn rate of m4 has been halved
  3. Miza

    The RV engine is the worst engine ever made.

    All I can say that arma 3 is a lot less laggy than dayz for me.
  4. Climb the smoke tower in electro, shoot at the noob chatting shit over voip, try changing weapon to axe as he climbs up the ladder and fall down due to bug, die, and go play some other game.
  5. Miza

    I did it again! Someone stop me :/

    You could have saved 52 African children by donating the money to charity, oh well...
  6. Miza

    safe zone

    I play DayZ because I was always a fan of full loot pvp games like Ultima Online, Darkfall and many many others. Safe zones are a NO NO! Freaking map is huge, surely there's plenty of places you can hide.
  7. Miza

    Game updated to 0.30.113925

    Translation * Magnum gun is now added to loot * Magnum ammo bug fixed .357 speedloader * Changed the way you switch from 3rd person to 1st person * Changes to server part * Changes to interface of browser servers bit * Decreased loot of gun modules * Decreased chance of m4 spawn by half * Player bodies should stay after player died and disconnected
  8. Miza

    DayZ Standalone: What I don't get

    Because for last 12 months of development of Standalone devs probably spent 6 months creating the stupid compass with fancy animation.
  9. I was running around cherno, two guys seen me run up to me said they're friendly and not going to kill me, then another two joined them, they told me to stop and then executed my 12 hour old character. Fuck DayZ, I'm going back to BF4
  10. Miza

    "dude calm down it's just an Alpha"

    I personally think that developers are long time gone somewhere on Bahamas spending money from alpha sales on booze and prostitutes, that's what I would have done.
  11. I use to be friendly to people too, but after few attempts at making friends I got killed for no reason, so now If I see anyone with the weapon in the hand I shoot first, and then ask questions.
  12. Another thing I do to entertain myself is camp somewhere on high ground and then, when I see n00b on horizon I would shoot the bullet next to his feet, it can be soo funny seeing them flee for cover not knowing where it's coming from hehe :rolleyes:
  13. So once you got the gear you want and need food/water/gun/ammo ect what do you do? I'm just running around the coast harassing n00bs telling them to give all their food and water to me or I kill them, what do you do?
  14. Miza

    3 Word Story ###DAYZ###

    DayZ is NightZ
  15. The only big fps drop I get is in Дубки (Dubki) as that's the new area, and it needs to be addressed.