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Bad Company

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Everything posted by Bad Company

  1. Bad Company

    Beer/wine/spirits in Dayz

    Rasputin Kvass is a beer
  2. Bad Company

    dragging dead bodies with the v3s

    ... christ
  3. Bad Company

    How did this not kill this player?

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q9vMhh7ieWQ Never use shotgun for PvP...
  4. Bad Company

    What is CCG? And how is it different? o_O

    A damned big community http://customcombatgaming.com/forums/index.php?/page/index.html
  5. Bad Company

    Christmas in cherno

    I know this will sound grumpy, but I hope that the developers either have much more important things to do than christmas trees, or that they are taking a well-deserved holiday rest
  6. Bad Company

    Another food item (bread)

    Support. I would like a nice piece of baguette to go with my Filet'O'Robert in .51
  7. Bad Company

    Where'd the hopper go?

    Understandable, as he was quite prone to being able to hit you while you were running in a circle around him
  8. Bad Company

    Status Report - Week of 10 Nov 14

    Then it makes more sense - its the Dean Hall-character, been in the game for a few months now ;)
  9. Bad Company

    Status Report - Week of 10 Nov 14

    Where did it say a new character?
  10. Bad Company

    Experimental Branch: 0.51 Discussion

    Cannibalism, skinning people... and still, my friends ask me why I'm always the guy who stays on the hillside and never goes into the cities
  11. Bad Company

    Bear/Wolf pelts

    I was not aware that vikings wore furs or headdresses into battle... But hey, anything that might lead to the establishment of barbaric tribes that raid the local towns for worthy sacrifices to Odin I'll support
  12. Bad Company

    My dream " House " location in Dayz

    Until they find out that someone has a base there, as well as being a very "guessable" position
  13. Bad Company

    Possible fireplace / clothes / temperature bug?

    ... not to sound like a jerk, but did you not consider that perhaps a raincoat isn't the kind of clothing that breathes the most? Raincoats are good in the rain, but in the sun you'll quickly overheat.
  14. Bad Company

    The BIGGEST suggestion ever.

    I can make that work
  15. Bad Company

    welding mask

    The EXACT movie I was thinking about :beans:
  16. Bad Company

    welding mask

    You guys see welding, I see a torture device
  17. Bad Company

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    It seems weirdly fluctuating. Right now I've ran from Novo to Elektro and the hydration was still light green. Also, the boots; found myself a new pair of pristine military boots, played for a couple of hours with some friends where we just ran around visiting the new locations and finding people, and they haven't gone from pristine to worn yet.
  18. Bad Company

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Yeah, you need some water as you'll be thirsty, but you probably wouldn't be on the verge of being medically dehydrated with the risk of death, which is what seems to happen here.
  19. Bad Company

    Stable Branch - 0.50 Discussion

    Not sure how much I like just how fast boots degrade, as my pristine military boots became damaged after a run from Balota to Novo. The rate of which the hydration decreases while running would be ok if we had vehicles and such properly integrated, but right now its a bit silly that I lose my Hydrated-status after running about four kilometers.
  20. Bad Company

    Improvised Vehicles

    It would be cool, but seeing as how just about everyone is dead or infected there would be fucktons of vehicles standing around, and a modern mid-size car would use less fuel, be less noisy and more reliable than all three vehicles over. I'd prefer having a well-working system for customizing vehicles instead of building them from scrap, but I still like the idea
  21. Bad Company

    Locking doors in experimental.

    Because alpha is more about adding all the systems and have them working at a very rough stage and then adjusting them when they are all implemented so that stuff won't get fucked up every time you add something new?
  22. Bad Company

    dev making the wrong game

    Once again, I ask the same question I ask to quite a few other people; you do realise that they way that things are working now are nowhere near the way they will be when the game is finished? Every implemented system will have been radically changed and improved on massively by then. It sounds like you're thinking that DayZ as it stands now is in its final build.
  23. Bad Company

    One moisin shot to body kill?

    This happens, and to be honest; I've seen lesser ammunition bring down moose. The 7.62x54mmR (51mm in the game for some reason) is typically known as the chiropractors dream for a reason
  24. Bad Company

    Killed by zombies while waiting to connect

    As they say, your body doesn't appear until the very moment your "eyes" open, unless you have a computer built by the Aztecs 700 years ago and your computer cannot handle the opening-load process