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Bad Company

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Everything posted by Bad Company

  1. Bad Company


    Oh, thats where I left it
  2. Bad Company

    Fire doesn't warm you up.

    This. I was playing on a near-empty server and had managed to dip myself into a pool of water, resulting in being completely soaked & shaking. Got a fire started and laid down near it, then went to bathroom. Two minutes later I hear the saying "Atle, why does it say that your face is melting?" Never before has a man wiped his own ass that quickly.
  3. Bad Company

    Post Your Gear So Far

    Mosin with compensator & long-range MP5K with a foregrip & 1 x 15 rnd. magazine Colt M1911, 1 x 7 rnd. magazine, which I'll only keep until I find another magazine for the MP5 TTsKO-set DPM-vest, as I haven't been able to find a khaki vest or olive high-cap in good shape Protector cases filled with varius goods; ammo, sewing kits, morphine, rags, flashbang, can opener, compass and a few more miscellaneous items
  4. Bad Company

    Safe or Fear? .49

    Novo, Berezino and Severograd are still good places to meet people due to how the spawns are laid out. And you won't often run into THAT many people in the looting-areas around Vybor/NWA on full servers due to people either afraid of getting killed or that all the looter is taken. I've gone onto 40/40 servers and found completely unlooted barracks and such.
  5. Bad Company

    "Other Player Near" messages suggestion

    No. You say that you know if someone would be near you, so why would there be a need for this system? This will just encourage people to play the game like a deathmatch.
  6. Bad Company

    Static Crash Sites Gone?

    It would appear that the word "static" eluded me...
  7. Bad Company

    Static Crash Sites Gone?

    Nah, I've found two crash sites
  8. Bad Company

    Coastal KOSers

    Wait, in a forum about a game where you wash up on a foreign shore, where you are also hunted by screaming russians, infected people who try to eat you and mass graves... swearing is not allowed?
  9. Bad Company

    Coastal KOSers

    Like I said, people rush too much and appear not to offer a single thought on when to take a shot, proper zeroing and so on. First video shows a retard who took three shots at me, only hitting me once in the leg, at a distance of around 50 meters I also made a mistake, going in head-on, but it all went well https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-9WAYrxNO-Y Second video shows an extremely skilled soldier taking on a wanted terrorist by placing a well-aimed shot to the chest of the terrorist https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ItYt6ShdVCY&feature=youtu.be
  10. Bad Company

    Coastal KOSers

    People dont care about learning a few combat tactics, or just any real game-mechanic at all. They want action, and they cannot be bothered to wait because they've been raised on games that give you instant action and gratification right away. Patience is a true virtue in this game
  11. Bad Company

    How do you bandit?

    Strike like silent tiger, armed with Colt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bDzAG6VivnM
  12. Bad Company

    Mistakes you see people do all the time in DayZ

    I'd call myself farily experienced and skilled as a player, but I often play together with friends who are... not * Walking really close to eachother * Not knowing how to navigate * Firing fully-automatic * Rushing in and ofcourse; never playing on 1st-person servers
  13. Bad Company

    Zombie view distance

    General survival tip; always pretend that you're being chased by T1000 terminators
  14. Bad Company

    How does everyone here break up the DayZ monotony?

    If I'm not fully kitted I'll often serverjump into popular locations like the NWAF fire station, police station in Berezino and so on, and start playing the national anthem of the USSR
  15. Bad Company

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    Well, people are morons
  16. Bad Company

    M4A1 Can i be added back to Genral Military?

    One SF-group uses it. If you're saying it should be in the game because a real SF-group uses it then we should add tanks, RPGs and so on
  17. This, and the ones with the meta-physical ten foot arms that can slap you through a building
  18. Bad Company

    NWAF + Heli Spawns

    You might have a point
  19. Hell no, just find a crash site and you'll have a few
  20. So you've got loads of magazines for the AK101 and the Makarov, two of the most commonly found magazines in the game, which are not rare at all in any sense of the word... well done Come back when you've found a magazine for an MP5
  21. Bad Company

    How was your Day(Z)?

    Did a run along the coast, shot a guy, found some beans. Good day
  22. Bad Company


    Maybe thats what the people who survived brought with them? They left behind canned goods, water, weapons, medical equipment and clothes, but they may have taken the beets... hmm Edit; for some reason I wrote "people who asked", and not survived... dont do kids, drugs
  23. Bad Company

    Is this the most annoying thing in the game?

    ... I didn't quite catch the question
  24. Bad Company

    you have applied disinfectant spray to composite arrow

    Nah, you're saving them the trouble of disinfecting the wound